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BadAsh (DayZ)

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Everything posted by BadAsh (DayZ)

  1. BadAsh (DayZ)


    I have got a copy of Sun Tzus Art of War as well as an extra copy of Call of Cthulhu for anyone interested.
  2. BadAsh (DayZ)


    I think someone else mentioned that it is not the actual Magna Carta but some collection of poems or something like that with the same title.
  3. It is rather amusing how many "veterans" defend 3PP with tooth and nail, even though in the history of FPS gaming 3PP is a universal signifier of the more arcady side of that genre.
  4. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Zeds killing Zeds

    Make them follow you downhill and you can even get them to commit suicide.
  5. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Have yet to find a shotgun?

    I'm thinking that like me the OP is just curious and wants to try out the new gun for the first time. I have kept my Mosin as well, and just carry the shotgun in my hands, ready to drop when I am out of ammo. It doesn't help that atm you seemingly can't load slugs (the green ones), but only pellets (the red ones), which considerably minimises the ammo pool for this gun.
  6. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Anybody wish the SA was never released?

    No, the first words were the title of this thread.
  7. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Have yet to find a shotgun?

    The house with the piano. It seems they have increased the weapon spawns on the shelf there (but decreased the food and soda spawning in the top room, though that is of little relevance to this thread). I just found my first shotgun there today in Svetloyarsk (which has several of that kind of houses. Found a speedloader for it in the second house).
  8. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Hive Working For Everyone?

    Yes, seems to be stable for me too. I ended up with one of my older characters after many random switches between newspawns and old characters. By chance it was the one carrying a copy of Lovecrafts Call of Cthulhu. By even stranger luck, as I was visiting Svetloyarsk for the first time today, I found another copy of that exact same book.
  9. BadAsh (DayZ)

    New Player Here

    You all just got trolled by OP.
  10. I would think the greatest chance of finding one would be in the remaining military loot spawns: barracks, MP facility, hangars, firestations and air control towers. While there may be a slight chance of finding a long range scope in those other civilian places, it would be a longshot compared to the the military spawns.
  11. BadAsh (DayZ)

    *THIS* is why I KOS.

    Why would the army helmet protect the face from punches?
  12. BadAsh (DayZ)

    *THIS* is why I KOS.

    Yeah. I haven't seen the video, but since the OP is basically a copy-paste of a lot of similar posts I can easily guess what happened: OP was careless and got killed. Now, rather than remedy that carelessness and learn from the experience, they have grown a fear of all interaction and try to escape it by mindlessly killing.
  13. BadAsh (DayZ)

    *THIS* is why I KOS.

    The true logic of a noob newspawn killer. Btw have you removed your video? It says it is not available (no biggie, I am certain nothing of value was lost).
  14. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Those panic killers.

    Try to get a peak about what is inside rooms before entering them. That way if you find somebody like those two again, instead of walking inside, just stay outside out of sight and and announce on the mike that "your group" has the house surrounded, and that they should lay down their arms and come out with their hands over their heads. If they stay true to form they will "combat" log in a second.
  15. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Mythical 'Healthy' Status

    Yes, sorry it was badly worded. I know it triggers some messages, in that way you can say it is active (as are antibiotics), but it has zero effect on your player.
  16. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Maybe nerf the healing a little?

    Cereal is hopeless, it hardly provides any energy. I think you will need to go through at least 10 boxes or so to get the healthy status from that.
  17. BadAsh (DayZ)

    My axe vs. guys m4. i win.

    Yeah, it was the slope bug. He would have killed you in the first burst if it wasn't for that catching all his shots.
  18. BadAsh (DayZ)

    I have a complaint.

    Yes, you gamma exploited. I think we got that.
  19. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Are you happy with the current loot drop

    Huh? I asked you why you linked to a random mod post, while youi expected everybody to automatically understand that that link was really a link to the OP in that thread. I haven't read the OP in that thread so I can't really answer the question if it has offended me (I'm guessing probably not).
  20. BadAsh (DayZ)

    I just think the blood system needs to go...

    Yeah, sorry, but you just made an "You do know this is an alpha, right?" post.
  21. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Are you happy with the current loot drop

    I see. Why didn't you link to the OP then? It is quite simple, and your point will come across with no mind reading required.
  22. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Stuck inside jail balota airport.

    Server hopping, eh?
  23. BadAsh (DayZ)

    I have a complaint.

    Well you gamma exploited, so what is your problem?
  24. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Are you happy with the current loot drop

    That link leads to a mods merged thread notification. What is your point?
  25. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Are you happy with the current loot drop

    That's your problem right there. As it is now you can sprint and lose any zombie. Stop to loot and you may have problems. So why not sprint to a location away from the coast, that hasn't been looted already, find a nice suitable melee weapon, take care of your zombie problems and generally have a nice time? Your alternative sounds not only illogical but downright suicidal.