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BadAsh (DayZ)

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Everything posted by BadAsh (DayZ)

  1. They will indeed be a sought after item after they introduce realistic footstep sounds. Both silent and snuggly warm, ideal footwear for survivors.
  2. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Things that happen on a daily basis

    It was a bit funny when you were about to unlock his cuffs, but then his mate asks you if you want a scope, and you just clean forget about the handcuffed guy and leave him to struggle on his own and as you leave the fire station he is still struggling.
  3. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Test: Zombie Train!

    I suspect some of the optimisation work involved cutting down on features like this and loot in certain buildings etc. In other words lowering the number of zombies able to follow you, but rising the total number of zombies on the map. Cutting corners in a way, but hopefully just done temporarily for testing purposes.
  4. BadAsh (DayZ)

    questions about maps

    The small shops in cities also often have maps.
  5. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Test: Zombie Train!

    This is from my experiment in January, which shows the at the time maximum number of 6 zombies chasing me at once, while other zombies can be seen in the background, which had previously been chasing me but had stopped, as I ran into new zombies that began chase and thus replaced the older ones in the herd:
  6. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Test: Zombie Train!

    From the several player experiments having been carried out, it seems fairly certain that there is a hardcoded limit to the number of zombies able to follow one player at any given time. Remember that individual zombies can spot you on very long distances, and often through walls and other obstacles.
  7. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Lag or Hack?

    Hacker. If he had that much lag he wouldn't have been able to follow you that closely, much less hit that precisely with so few shots. That teleporting hack seems to be the most common of hacks atm judging from the relatively high amount of video examples that have been popping up here on the forum these last couple of weeks. That and the see-through-walls glitch is mainly what has been keeping me from playing for a while. It is nearly impossible to have normal player encounters at the moment on account of these.
  8. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Test: Zombie Train!

    Disappointing. They seem to have lowered the number even more since when I tried this a couple of months ago. I managed to herd 6 of them.
  9. There has been several videos showing people camping prone on rooftops being killed because they were hit in the backpack which was sticking out. So yes, so far that is entirely possible. Example (around 6 min mark):
  10. BadAsh (DayZ)

    the zombie thing

    Lacking an official background story that claim is as valid as the claim that they are classic Romero zombies.
  11. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Spoiled brats

    I can't figure out what the poll is about. I mean you can play DayZ SA right now.
  12. If you rent a server you do. They technically sign a legally binding document.
  13. BadAsh (DayZ)

    What kind of food recipes do you want in DayZ

    In a survival situation there is no way in hell you would be making pies, bacon, pasta or any other elaborate dishes. You would have a pot and/or pan and a fire, every ingredient would need to go in those. So it would basically be stews, soups, porridges, fried meats and flat breads (no yeast or ovens making regular bread very difficult to make). All fancy dishes are exactly the result of the civilisation that is no more after a zombie apocalypse. So while it may be diificult to accept for some, DayZ should not and hopefully will never become a culinary simulator.
  14. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Doors - anyone home?

    Since there seems to be a majority that prefers to close all doors, even ones they found open, I think I will stick to opening all doors and leaving them open, thus revealing any "door closer" in the vicinity.
  15. Pretty much nailed the point of this thread. A newspawn hunter that was defeated by newspawns and immediately goes to the forum to cry about OP fists. These threads are becoming very commonplace, almost as commonplace as those "My account was hacked and now I am banned"-threads. But as it means that both fists and Battleeye is WAD, I rather like those kind of threads,
  16. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Tips for finding can opener?

    Garages and workshops, and kitchens in those two-story town houses, is where I most frequently find them.
  17. BadAsh (DayZ)

    New to computer gaming

    I am very impressed that DayZ is your first choice of game. There will probably be a steep learning curve ahead, but I am sure you will make it. As to the specifics about hardware you can take a look at the Recommended System Specs listed on this page. Make sure that each component at least adheres to that (which shouldn't be a big problem, since as far as I can see current standard issue for PCs have long since gone past those specs).
  18. BadAsh (DayZ)

    SKS : can't hit over 200m

    No it isn't. A magasine is called a "magasin" in Swedish, a clip is a "laddram".
  19. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Full weetod fresh spawns

    Rather than introducing a respawn timer that would be bothering everyone, I suggest OP just stays away from coast and stop bothering newspawns, if he can't handle that newspawns can actually fight back.
  20. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Vehicles of the future?

    Within our lifetime, we will see flying cars.
  21. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Sad reality of how people play dayz

    That is classic new player behaviour if there ever was one. Experienced players know that it takes far less time to sprint to whichever location on the map you want to go to, than to do this pointless suicide thing.
  22. With that kind of comment, it is now perfectly valid to call you a troll.
  23. BadAsh (DayZ)

    This happens to me everytime i entre a military building

    The video clearly shows that they did peek inside the windows before going to the door, and the door was closed in that room was closed. The latter half of your statement doesn't make any sense.
  24. BadAsh (DayZ)

    DayZ SA : Our first kill!

    Indeed. The video brought back fond memories of gaming on the Amiga 500.
  25. BadAsh (DayZ)

    This happens to me everytime i entre a military building

    Indeed, real soldiers would have used the 3PP see-around-corners-radar to much better effect.