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BadAsh (DayZ)

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Everything posted by BadAsh (DayZ)

  1. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Factory loot, upstairs

    I noticed that top floor of factories appeared empty after latest patch. It used to be a great, and it seemed mostly unknown, place for civilian weapon spawns. I figured they removed it as with loot in so many other buildings, but interesting to learn that it may just be a bug.
  2. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Dem new spawnz

    If I was a newspawn and saw you on the coast I would probably try and clobber you as well. Food and drink can be found anywhere, but your backpack, axe and gun would be a nice instant care package to get first thing as a newspawn. And you are not wearing a helmet.
  3. BadAsh (DayZ)

    [Lights] Server Time Lock

    Have they fixed the gamma exploit yet? I don't remember reading anything about it in patch notes.
  4. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Horrible starts after update.

  5. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Getting killed by groups only.

    I'm playing lone wolf and I don't think I've ever been killed by a group except for those couple of times being killed as a newspawn on the coast by noob newspawnkilling groups. Of course I can't be 100% that one or more of the times I've been killed by a player he didn't have a group backing him, but not to my knowledge. I have also killed my share of players, not excessively, but I have been finding myself seeking confrontation more as of late rather than avoiding is as has been my usual MO. As such I can't really recognise the complaints in the OP. Mind you I do avoid military most military spots, especially airfields, as it is obvious these are the most visited by groups intent on killing, and I haven't been to Elektro since back when in the first days of playing this game. I don't find Cherno or Berezino to be a problem at all. In fact I find Cherno to be one of the safest of the big cities. Haven't met but 1 or 2 players there for months now. So perhaps it is the choices of places you visit that is the problem?
  6. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Zombie aggro

    That can only be because you ran in a straight line. As soon as the zombies reached their waypoint they would spot you again and resume the chase. If you took you angled your course they would not spot you when they reached their waypoint and cease following you.
  7. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Post patch poll: Summarising your views on Zombies

    Where is the options for more and/or faster zombies? Other than the "fix glitching through walls and pathfinding" which are a no-brainer (and which we know will be fixed) there is no options in the poll I can support.
  8. Kudos for saving that guy, but that is not really dealing with them though. You will soon find yourself out of ammo and surrounded by a minor horde if you stick to that zombie dealing strategy.
  9. Basically this. I lost my month old character yesterday due to my own stupidity (against a player, not a zombie), and thus had the chance to experience the new zombies as a fresh spawn as well. You can still do the Benny Hill and go from building to building to loot avoiding them, but there is a greater risk of being cornered by them on account of their speed. I found a bayonet, and managed to kill one zombie after 20 stabs or so, not a viable solution. So I ran until I found a shovel, which allowed me to deal with up to 3 zombies at a time (although it takes a bit of time to kill them with that). Luckily not much later I finally found a splitting axe, and at that point zombies cease to be the greatest risk in the game. So yes, finding a useful melee weapon has become one of the most important priorities in the game as a new spawn, ranking amongst quenching your thirst and satisfying your hunger. Your movement in towns are severely limited until you do.
  10. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Bought the game yesterday

    Regarding the number of hits to kill zombies it very much depends on your type of weapon. Most melee weapons are really useless and takes multiple hits to kill a zombie, and only the axes (and I have heard the farming hoe) is effective in the 1-2 hits range. However it also depends on where you hit them. Headshots deals more damage and may cause you to knock out the zombie for a short period of time (which you should use to give it some extra hits while its down).
  11. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Horrible starts after update.

    Perhaps you should revise your assumption that this is a tdm/military sim type of game. It actually says "survival horror" in the Steam description, so perhaps you bought the wrong game?
  12. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Damn 4.3 u scary!

    If you added counters for everytime you or your friend said "oh my god" or "literally", you would get a much more impressive score than the zombie counter.
  13. I'm am enjoying the game a lot more since this latest patch. Zombies are more of a challenge. Not much, but more than before. Anyway, as long as you have an axe they are no problem at all, no matter how many of them there are, but I do enjoy clearing out a town now, because they aren't just lifeless mannequins now.
  14. BadAsh (DayZ)

    A Survivors guide to defeating Zombies

    Should have used your melee weapon then.
  15. Nope. Hopefully they will keep this rate of spawning up until release. People going around firing guns in high populated areas should face some consequences other than other players.
  16. BadAsh (DayZ)

    The Battle Rifle Thread!

    It will if both the guns as well as ammo became much much rarer than they are now. The more guns and different types of ammo the more difficult it would be to find a positive match between the two, and thus players would be forced to use whatever match of gun and ammo they happened to find. That is in my opinion the most important reason for having lots and lots of different types of guns in the game.
  17. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    I don't think this is a viable solution for the reasons I mentioned above. Fix the camera position (and make it fixed, not moveable) so you will not be able to look over fences or around corners while in third person instead.
  18. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    Not necessarily. And it would still make it much easier to spot enemies than it does in first person.As mentioned earlier in this thread, just turning a corner around a fence would very likely be enough to make perfectly concealed players visible because they would appear out of thin air. Not the same as realism, not even close.
  19. I haven't quite been able to figure out exactly how or why they aggro. My recent test indeed had lots of zombies aggroing from far away and come running, but I experienced at least an equal amount that didn't aggro, even when facing me, allowing me to walk straight up to them before they had a chance to react. So it is definitely not "the whole city" that is getting aggroed by your presence. I think that perhaps sprinting will aggro zombies within line of sight regardless of distance, but any movement slower than that only aggroes zombies within a certain perimeter. But it is just a guess.
  20. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    They also appear, as shown in the video, if he leans the character and that makes another a player enter line of sight. I am a bit worried that the difference in landscape between a player being there and then appearing would actually function as a radar bleep, making a character that would think himself nicely camoflaged or too far away to be noticed by others, stand out after all, even if they implement the fading transition. A player leaning back and forth a couple of times really fast would make a player, say an enemy sniper, actually appear to be blinking, and thus very noticeable indeed.
  21. So finally had a chance to play the new stable and I naturally ran straight for Cherno to test out the new zombies. And yes they have certainly become more aggressive, the first couple of zombies managed to ruin my much beloved green checkered shirt (now replaced with a black wool coat), but after the first shock of their indeed super fast attack had subsided I managed to take them out easily with my axe. So I ran around the apartment blocks on the outskirts of Cherno and eradicated zombies and very soon they were as easy to take out as the old ones. To make matters a bit more interesting I fired a couple of shots, first with my magnum, then with my SKS. The first one managed to get the attention of a few faraway specimens, but the last shot really got them going, 5 or 6 six came at me from different directions. I took them all out with my axe and in no time took them down without further zombies appearing. As it seemed I had cleaned out the suburbs of Cherno of zombies I entered the city itself to test zombies and find myself some clothes. Armed with the axe it was no problem at all looting houses and clearing a path by killing zombies. So I managed to go straight through Cherno with no problems, wielding my axe when outside and drawing my revolver when entering dubious buildings which may contain players. Only when I had passed through (even the firestation, found my first fnx mag in ages, but unfortunately no fnx pistol), did a zombie manage to surprise attack me and draw blood. It seems the beach on the outskirts of Cherno is a popular spawn for zombies (one even spawned a considerable distance out in the sea). But again, with the axe, I took them all out, and bandaged, moved to a safe spot and logged out. So all in all, it is an improvement, but far from enough. They are predictable and often aggro from so far away that it is very easy to take countermeasures a long time before they actually reach you. I only noticed the respawning of them a couple of times, when I shot at the beginning, and at the beach, but none of those were problematic, they spawned relatively far away, and those on the beach didn't even aggro until after some time. As such I must profess surprise at people claiming the new zombies are too difficult. Going to urban areas is certainly more of a challenge, but it was already an area where there was no excuse not to move around with a heightened sense of awareness, and therefore not really a change. The difference being if you beging shooting, and keep doing it. You won't be let alone until you stop shooting, and either flee or dispatch all the zombies with a melee weapon. This will make for some very interesting situations, and I very much look forward to seeing the usual videos of people camping the firestation or other wellknown places in Elektro recorded after the latest patch. It may very well look much more like a zombie game than the usual boring military simulator/deathmatch fps.
  22. BadAsh (DayZ)

    So, I was hunted and tracked through the woods...

    It is of course a bit difficult when you don't know from which direction you were fired upon initially. But speed and surprise (unpredictability) are always good terms to apply, and a general sort of idea from there they are will have to do. Get out of the line of fire and then move and keep moving to outflank them (that is ending up having a view of largely the same area you were ambushed in, but from an unexpected direction). Getting into cover like that is only really useful if you want to completely avoid them (if you hadn't moved from that tree they would probably just have passed you by without seeing you) or if you are more certain from which direction they will appear, so you can welcome them with a surprise ambush yourself. The video shows that you expected them from almost the direct opposite direction from where they actually appeared.
  23. Rather cute that you guys are actuallly "testing this out".
  24. BadAsh (DayZ)

    It's too easy to get guns

    They currently make new items (not only guns) introduced in patches spawn more frequently than older items in order to test them. Thus we are very far from having any sort of hint of what the final spawn rate of guns in general will be. From all the statements by rocket they will most likely be more rare, ammo certainly will be, so complaining about their current spawn ratio is not really constructive,
  25. BadAsh (DayZ)


    It is however on the server for 30 seconds when logging off (this apparently includes being kicked or losing connection for various technical reasons).