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BadAsh (DayZ)

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Everything posted by BadAsh (DayZ)

  1. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Loot grinding

    I still have no idea what you mean when you use the term "grind" in that way.
  2. At the very least it needs an explanation why this is interesting to know. Why ask this question? What is the purpose?
  3. I think it would be infinitely more boring. No excitement at all in 99% of the map, since you only ever run into other players in a very few specific places (with the usual exceptions to prove the rule). Not to mention a large percentage of players are very boring encounters as well one way or another.
  4. Yes, the questions posed in the current poll seems completely irrelevant. We know the current zombie situation is temporary, we know they are working on pathing and AI and all sorts of things. I am happy with the current build zombies because they pose a greater threat than ever before, but of course I am not satisfied with their current implementation, however I am aware that they are working on it and it will change with each subsequent patch. And I will be happy with that as long as they don't do anything to nerf current threat level of zombies, in fact I would very much like them to be even more of a threat. Despite the obvious lack of relevance in the poll questions, I still voted I am happy with the zombies, because it truly does make me happy to read all the comlaints posted by dm players being owned by zombies, as they just can't help themselves ringing dinner bells in towns.
  5. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Ethnic Discriminations

    Because most players don't need an excuse to shoot other players. Just going with the odds.
  6. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Firehouse Slaughter of a Whole Clan

    7:24 etc looking-through-walls-exploit, effectively counting and placing all the members of the opposing group. Makes the massacre a bit less impressive.
  7. That was great. Very funny but sad at the same time. Also goes to show that running around in groups is not always an advantage, since it makes food and loot in general much scarcer. The video made we wonder whether it is possible to force feed an unconscious player, because if so you could have done it with the powdered milk.
  8. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Getting wet

    I hope they don't implement sickness effects from getting wet before they implement the ability to start fires.
  9. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Portable gas stove

    I thought they had increased the spawn rate of portable stoves in this latest patch as preparation for the implementation of cooking in the next patch. At least I have been finding them almost everywhere. Look in kitchens in town houses, or the house with the arch, or indeed in supermarkets. Or those long stable buildings.
  10. BadAsh (DayZ)

    will the bow and crossbow be a primery

    It would make more sense if the quiver could be worn like the pistol holster.
  11. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Just a reminder for you when you just spawn in

    Please forget about the nonsense being spouted in the above posts. Keep your fists ready to knock out such losers. You have the advantage, because you can knock them out in one punch. They barely know how to handle a gun, much less hit anyone with it. So zig zag towards them and knock them out. They were only temporarily holding on to all that stuff they wasted so much time serverhopping to acquire, in order to hand it over to you anyways.
  12. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Dat spawn point

    There is absolutely no logic behind these "suiciders in order to get a proper spawn point", but it is great entertainment for the rest of us.
  13. BadAsh (DayZ)

    3D MAP

    I'm not familiar with Minecraft, but do you mean that if the player find a map in game pick it up and uses it, other players should be able to see that the player is currently holding and looking at that map? That would of course make sense, as would animations when the player is reading books or notes, or even when just inspecting all sorts of objects.
  14. BadAsh (DayZ)

    The strongest zombie ever

    It's a zombie survival game. Dean with it.
  15. BadAsh (DayZ)

    3D MAP

    3D map? What is this nonsense.
  16. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    In my close to 30 years of computer gaming (I am old fashioned and prefer "computer gaming" over video gaming as a term) experience I have never bothered and wont ever bother with consoles. They are the bane of games, designed for the lowest common demoninator. Nothing good will ever come of them.
  17. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Ammo Needs Value in Finished Game

    If ammo will become extremely scarce (which I hope it will), people will KOS, axe slash, punch etc other players in the hope they have ammo. It will not affect that playstyle in any way, it will just make firefights less frequent.
  18. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Player spawns and zombies

    Having to run for your life when you spawn will function as a very harsh but very effective school of life. You will soon learn to take care of yourself or die. That or it will teach newspawns that it is quite easy to outrun zombies still.
  19. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Player spawns and zombies

    Because that would take the zombie threat level back to pre-patch, this is they being zero threat.
  20. They always hated going downhill.
  21. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    So I gather you haven't been reading a single post in this thread which is critical of the way the mod is implemented.
  22. And the sun always shines from the southern directon on 24/7 daylight servers.
  23. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Overall opinions on the SA so far?

    Indeed. But OP is clearly describing the gun market and availiability of the US, which is nothing like any other country in the world.Sure, all these are available on the black market everywhere for anyone with enough money, but OP is talking about a situation where these guns are available in local gun shops, "4 of them, within 7 miles", which is simply not applicable to whatever country Chernarus is supposed to be. The current situation of DayZ is obviously straining credibility regarding prevalence of certain guns. No problem, since their availability is part of the gaming experience, but please do not apply local US standards as a measurement of realism, because that is simply not relevant for this game.
  24. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Overall opinions on the SA so far?

    Local gun shop where? You are aware this game is not set in the US, right?