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About loud3803

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  1. loud3803

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Gear: Tactical bacon configured and spawning on the serverYES! YES! YES! TACTICAL BACON!! :wub:
  2. This is a well put together post, excellent rules to live by. You sir, have my beans.
  3. loud3803

    Calm the hell down about Dean allready....

    I can kind of see dean's point. he had an idea, not quite a complete idea, but instead of waiting around and letting it die he started the mod. Then he was probably approached by BI and offered money for his idea and lead spot on the dev team. Not being stupid, took the offer, saw the project wasn't going exactly the way he wanted, decided to reliquish control to finalize his idea on his own, but still having input into the original project (and consiquently probably still getting paid). I believe this game will turn out fine, it seems to have a solid direction and a good dev team working on it. I kind of look forward to seeing what Dean comes up with next, and i'll still support this project as well, cause it's fun to kill pixles sometimes.
  4. loud3803

    Survival Shelter Crafting

    Yep, yoyu got it. i was thinking as in addition to Basebuilding, tents and such. It isn't in the mod, but if they want a suvivalist experience then makeshift shelters from natural materials would be a logical addition. Kind of like the backpack from sticks and a burlap sack, that was a cool addition.
  5. loud3803

    Survival Shelter Crafting

    We should be able to craft makeshift survival shelters from sticks and piles of leaves or branches cut from trees. They would help keep you warm, allow you to rest and hide you from zeds and casual observers.
  6. loud3803

    Effective deterrent to KOS?

    I kind of like the idea of KOS, I can be a bandit when i need to be or hunt them when it suits me. I think the only way to reduce KOS are other players hunting bandits, or known KOS'ers. As more content is added we will probably see a kind of social evolution, especially if player to player trading systems are implemented. Just my whack at the dead horse. :rolleyes:
  7. loud3803

    When Bike deploy on Standalone?

    Yes, for gods sake a bicycle for my aching feet! A nice cruizer with a big wide seat, Thoes little seats tend to bruise my ass crack.
  8. loud3803

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    I really like seeing that the mod is still alive and well even witth the SA released as an alpha. I also like the fact that there are mods of the mod since you can't satisfy everyone all of the time. Great job to all who are working on this, and props to Razor for creating this experience. I look forward to seeing what develops in the mod and SA.
  9. I think you did pretty well to make it 2 hours, first time i played i made it 5 min and was shot. Your off to a good start, remember to stick to the trees, bushes are your friend and try to kill as silently as possible.
  10. loud3803

    Ultralight Aircraft

    Why not have improvised vehicles in general, mad max syle. 1 or two seat land, air and water craft would be a great addition. It would be closer to reality than you think, people make land and water vehicles using small engines all the time.
  11. I like the spawn campers, you spawn take 3 steps "POW" dead. Happened to me the first time i played, got popped 3 times, then i just changed servers. I'm used to Battlefield so it didn't really phase me, just mildly annoyed.