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About DarkAnubis

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  1. DarkAnubis


  2. DarkAnubis

    Any piece of clothing you associate with bandits?

    i dont think you could say bandits will wear this or that im in full camo gear with a full m4a1 and attachments and i wont kill on sight
  3. DarkAnubis

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    thankls guys servers seem to be working better since this was done
  4. DarkAnubis

    Surprise, motherfluffer!

    lol my fav thing is freeking out when i go into a room and there is some one there that i didnt know about and emptying a 60 clip into there body (reflexes)
  5. im new to the game and never played the mod but i think they should leave it in
  6. DarkAnubis


    i just seen it on 9gag lol thats were i got it :P
  7. DarkAnubis


    some on asked this question so here it is
  8. thats pretty cool to answer this he was shot by another guy who then shot him in the head