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Everything posted by Damnyourdeadman
Hey everyone. I just had a flash that honey dosen't have an expiration date and dosen't spoil,so i thought it would be nice addition to the game.We can find natural beehives on trees.... Or man-made ones.... To get close and extract the honey,you need beesmokers,or you may risk getting attacked. We can also find honey as an a common item in every household. Also fun-fact is beeswax is an igrentient,used to manufacture candlesticks. So,what are your thoughts on this? :D
I bet all of us have experienced the same situation more or less. We cross a city at night,and some random bambie tries to punch you unconcious. While you are holding your flashlight you have no means for defence and when you turn it off to equip your melee weapon,you have 0 visibility. I propose to change that,allowing the one handed weapons to be equipped along with the flashlight (hammers,knives,pistols etc).In my opinion this will also help decrease the current nightime gamma exploiting problem.
A human will always prove a more unpredictable threat that's true,but it dosen't mean that the infected AI shouldn't prove a challenge. Even before their subsequent removal,their purpose was mostly cosmetical. And with all the respect,seeing infected treated as a side project in their own game,makes a man wonder. I see a constant shift of focus towards PVP when the rest PVE players are left in the sidelines. At least,knowing what exactly DayZ intents to be,would help keep my expactations in check.
Honestly i'm not a big fan in the mentality of belittling infected and their role. Personally speaking,when i first played the mod back in the day,i did it because it was a zombie survival game. Yeah the adredaline enduced firefights were parts of the programm,but for me zombie survival was the feature that really got me in DayZ. It has been sold for 2 years as an intended zombie game and many are very patiently waiting for substiantial improvement on that primary gameplay aspect. If DayZ intents to be more of a survival deathmatch kind of game instead of a post apocalyptic zombie survival title it's good,i can accept that! But please,make your intentions clear so we know what to expect.
Greetings Brian,i have a question for you. Can you elaborate more about the "soft sklls" mechanic? Will they be determinal to survival and affect gameplay,serving as a requirment to perform certain actions (basebuilding,car repairs,leatherworking etc)? Or as a minor boost on an action's speed and recource gain?
Herbalism in DayZ - Complete Herbs and Medicinal Plants List
Damnyourdeadman posted a topic in Suggestions
I'm aware that the topic has been beaten to death multiple times however,it's never really been discussed in depth. This post contains analytical information about all the different herbs and medicinal plants that are possible implementations in the world of Chernarus. For a game that has set it's foundations on realism,illustrating accurate information is mandatory. List contains information about origin/usage/effect and pictures of every different herb that could be usefull in the battle of survival. I hope you enjoy. Calendula (Calendula officinalis) - Wound Healing Properties Calendula officinalis is widely cultivated and can be grown easily in sunny locations in most kinds of soils. Although perennial, it is commonly treated as an annual, particularly in colder regions where its winter survival is poor and in hot summer locations where it also does not survive. Plant pharmacological studies have suggested that Calendula extracts may have anti-viral, anti-genotoxic, and anti-inflammatory properties in vitro.[7] In an in vitro assay, the methanol extract of C. officinalis exhibited antibacterial activity and both the methanol and the ethanol extracts showed antifungal activities.[8] Along with horsetails (Equisetum arvense), pot marigold is one of the few plants which is considered astringent despite not being high in tannins Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) - Treat bruises, sprains - (Natural Fertilizer) Comfrey (also comphrey) is a common name for plants in the genus Symphytum. Comfrey species are important herbs in organic gardening. It is used as a fertilizer and as an herbal medicine. The most commonly used species is Russian comfrey Symphytum × uplandicum ,[1] which is a cross or hybrid of Symphytum officinale (Common Comfrey) and Symphytum asperum (Rough Comfrey). Comfrey was historically used to treat a wide variety of ailments ranging from bronchial problems, broken bones, sprains, arthritis, gastric and varicose ulcers, severe burns, acne and other skin conditions. It was reputed to have bone and teeth building properties in children, and have value in treating "many female disorders". The plant contains the small organic molecule allantoin, which is thought to stimulate cell growth and repair while also depressing inflammation.[16] Constituents of comfrey also include mucilage, steroidal saponins, tannins, pyrrolizidine alkaloids, inulin, and proteins.[17] Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) - Stimulates Immune System Echinacea purpurea (eastern purple coneflower or purple coneflower) is a species of flowering plant in the genus Echinacea of the family Asteraceae.[1] Its cone-shaped flowering heads are usually, but not always, purple in the wild.[2] It is native to eastern North America[1] and present to some extent in the wild in much of the eastern, southeastern and midwest United States.[3] Echinacea is believed by many people to stimulate the immune system.[7][8] In indigenous medicine of the native American Indians the plant is used externally for wounds, burns, and insect bites, chewing of roots for toothache and throat infections; internal application is used for pain, cough, stomach cramps and snake bites.[9] Elder (Sambucus nigra) - Treats cold symptoms,fever Sambucus nigra is a species complex of flowering plants in the family Adoxaceae native to most of Europe.[1] Common names include elder, elderberry, black elder, European elder, European elderberry and European black elderberry.[2][3] It grows in a variety of conditions including both wet and dry fertile soils, primarily in sunny locations. This plant is traditionally used as a medicinal plant by many native peoples and herbalists alike.[13][14] Stembark, leaves, flowers, fruits, and root extracts are used to treat bronchitis, cough, upper respiratory cold infections, fever. The flowers can be used to make an herbal tea as a remedy for inflammation caused by colds and fever Gumweed (Grindelia spp.) - Treats cold symptoms Grindelia is a genus of plants native to the Americas belonging to the sunflower family.[2][3][4] The genus is named for Latvian botanist David Hieronymus Grindel, 1776–1836.[5] Grindelia squarrosa, a plant with bright yellow flowers indigenous to much of the United States, is commonly called curlycup gumweed. Grindelia robusta, found in the western states, is a coastal scrub bush that is reputed to have several medicinal uses. Hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacanthus) - Promotes Heart Health/Edible Crataegus /krəˈtiːɡəs/,[3] commonly called hawthorn, thornapple,[4]May-tree,[5]whitethorn,[5] or hawberry, is a large genus of shrubs and trees in the family Rosaceae, native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere in Europe, Asia and North America. The "haws" or fruits of the Common Hawthorn, C. monogyna, are edible but the flavour has been compared to over-ripe apples. In the United Kingdom they are sometimes used to make a jelly or home made wine.[7] The leaves are edible and, if picked in spring when still young, are tender enough to be used in salads.[8] The young leaves and flower buds, which are also edible, are known as "bread and cheese" in rural England. A 2008 Cochrane Collaboration meta-analysis of previous studies concluded that there is evidence of "a significant benefit in symptom control and physiologic outcomes" for an extract of hawthorn in treating chronic heart failure Plantain (Plantago lanceolata or P. major) - Wound Healing Properties/Treats Cold Symptoms Plantago is a genus of about 200 species of small, inconspicuous plants commonly called plantains or fleaworts. They share this name with the very dissimilar plantain, a kind of banana. They are found all over the world, including America, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Africa and Europe. Many species in the genus are cosmopolitan weeds. They are found in many different habitats, most commonly in wet areas like seepages or bogs. They can also be found in alpine and semi-alpine or coastal areas. The cosmopolitan weeds can be frequently seen at the side of roads. Plantago species have been used since prehistoric times as herbal remedies. The herb is astringent, anti-toxic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, as well as demulcent, expectorant, styptic and diuretic.[2] Externally, a poultice of the leaves is useful for insect bites, poison-ivy rashes, minor sores, and boils. In folklore it is even claimed to be able to cure snakebite. Internally, it is used for coughs and bronchitis, as a tea, tincture, or syrup. The broad-leaved varieties are sometimes used as a leaf vegetable for salads, green sauce, etc. Chamomile - Treats Fever and Cold Symptoms/Aids Blood Circulation Chamomile or camomile (/ˈkæmɵmiːl/ KAM-ə-meel or /ˈkæmɵmaɪl/ KAM-ə-myl)[1] is the common name for several daisy-like plants of the family Asteraceae that are commonly used to make herb infusion to serve various medicinal purposes. Popular uses of chamomile preparations include treating hay fever, inflammation, muscle spasm, menstrual disorders, insomnia, ulcers, gastrointestinal disorder, and hemorrhoids.[2] Coumarin compounds in chamomile such as herniarin and umbelliferone may have blood-thinning properties. Chamazulene, alpha-bisabolol, flavonoids, and umbelliferone have antifungal activities. A number of in vitro studies showed chamomile’s antimycobacteria acivity, inhibition of the growth of poliovirus and herpes virus,[16] blockage of aggregation of Helicobacter pylori and numerous strains of Escherichia coli. Chamomile oil was demonstrated in studies to be effective against gram-positive bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus salivarius, and Bacillus species.[17] Nepeta cataria (Catnip) - Healing Properties Nepeta cataria, commonly known as catnip, catswort, or catmint, is a species of the genus Nepeta in the Lamiaceae family, native to southern and eastern Europe, the Middle East, central Asia, and parts of China. It is also widely naturalized in northern Europe, New Zealand, North America, etc.[1][2][3][4] The common name catmint can also refer to the genus as a whole. It's useful in breaking a fever as it promotes sweating. Catnip also helps stop excessive bleeding and swelling when applied rather than ingested. Blackberries - Edible/Healing Properties The blackberry is an edible fruit produced by many species in the Rubus genus in the Rosaceae family, hybrids among these species within the Rubus subgenus, and hybrids between the Rubus and Idaeobatus subgenera. Native Americans have long used the stems and leaves for healing, while enjoying the young shoots peeled as a vegetable of sorts and the berries, either raw or in jams. The leaves and root can be used as an effective treatment against dysentery and diarrhea as well as serving usefulness as an anti-inflammatory and astringent. Ideal for treating cuts and inflammation in the mouth. Viola Odorata - Treats Cold Syptoms Viola odorata is a species of the genus Viola native to Europe and Asia, but has also been introduced to North America and Australia. It is commonly known as wood violet,[1]sweet violet,[2]English violet,[2]common violet,[2]florist's violet,[2] or garden violet.[2] The plant is known as Banafsa, Banafsha or Banaksa in India. It is a hardy herbaceous flowering perennial. When brewed into a syrup the plant is effective as a treatment for colds, flu and coughs or sore throat. However, when made as a tea, it is wonderfully effective for relieving headaches and muscle and body pain. Trifolium Pratense (Red Clover) - Treats Cold Symptoms/Natural Fertilizer Trifolium pratense (red clover) is a species of clover, native to Europe, Western Asia and northwest Africa, but planted and naturalised in many other regions.It is widely grown as a fodder crop, valued for its nitrogen fixation, which increases soil fertility. For these reasons it is used as a green manure crop.The plant's reddish pink blossoms can be used to make a sweet-tasting herbal tea for coughs and colds, but they are an excellent detoxifier and blood cleanser as well. Salvia (Sage) - Treats Cold Symptoms/Stimulates Immune System/Wound Healing Properties Salvia is the largest genus of plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae, with nearly 1000 species of shrubs, herbaceous perennials, and annuals.[3][4][5] Within the Lamiaceae, Salvia is member of the tribe Mentheae within the subfamily Nepetoideae.[3] It is one of several genera commonly referred to as sage.Sage is an incredibly useful herb, widely considered to be perhaps the most valuable herb. It is anti-flammatory, anti-oxidant, and antifungal. Sage aids digestion, relieves cramps, reduces diarrhea, dries up phlegm, fights colds, reduces inflammation and swelling, acts as a salve for cuts and burns, and kills bacteria. Sage apparently even brings color back to gray hair. Aloe Vera - Healing Properties Aloe vera (/ˈæloʊiː/ or /ˈæloʊ/) is a succulent plant species. The species is frequently cited as being used in herbal medicine since the beginning of the first century AD.Aloe vera is used in traditional medicine as a multipurpose skin treatment.The plant is used widely in the traditional herbal medicine of many countries.[3] Cynara Cardunculus - Edible The cardoon (Cynara cardunculus), also called the artichoke thistle, cardone, cardoni, carduni or cardi, is a thistle-like plant in the family Asteraceae. It is a naturally occurring species that is sometimes considered to include the globe artichoke, and has many cultivated forms. It is native to the western and central Mediterranean region, where it was domesticated in ancient times. While the flower buds can be eaten much as small (and spiny) artichokes, more often the stems are eaten after being braised in cooking liquid. The flower buds of wild cardoons are still widely collected and used in southern Italy and Sicily. Asparagus Officinalis - Edible Asparagus or garden asparagus, scientific name Asparagus officinalis, is a spring vegetable, a flowering perennial[1] plant species in the genus Asparagus.Asparagus has been used as a vegetable and medicine, owing to its delicate flavour, diuretic properties, and more. It is pictured as an offering on an Egyptian frieze dating to 3000 BC. In ancient times, it was also known in Syria and in Spain. Greeks and Romans ate it fresh when in season, and dried the vegetable for use in winter; Romans even froze it high in the Alps, for the Feast of Epicurus. Emperor Augustus created the "Asparagus Fleet" for hauling the vegetable, and coined the expression "faster than cooking asparagus" for quick action. Beta vulgaris (beet) - Edible Beta vulgaris (beet) is a plant in the Amaranthaceae family (which is now included in Betoideae subfamily).[1][2][3][4][5] It has numerous cultivated varieties, the most well known of which is the root vegetable known as the beetroot or garden beet. Spinach beet leaves are eaten as a pot herb. Young leaves of the garden beet are sometimes used similarly. The midribs of Swiss chard are eaten boiled while the whole leaf blades are eaten as spinach beet. In some parts of Africa, the whole leaf blades are usually prepared with the midribs as one dish.[8] The leaves and stems of young plants are steamed briefly and eaten as a vegetable; older leaves and stems are stir-fried and have a flavour resembling taro leaves. The usually deep-red roots of garden beet can be baked, boiled, or steamed, and often served hot as a cooked vegetable or cold as a salad vegetable. They are also pickled. Raw beets are added to salads. A large proportion of the commercial production is processed into boiled and sterilised beets or into pickles. In Eastern Europe beet soup, such as cold borsch, is a popular dish. Yellow-coloured garden beets are grown on a very small scale for home consumption Cichorium intybus - Edible Common chicory, Cichorium intybus,[3] is a somewhat woody, perennial herbaceous plant usually with bright blue flowers, rarely white or pink. Many varieties are cultivated for salad leaves, chicons (blanched buds), or for roots (var. sativum), which are baked, ground, and used as a coffee substitute and additive. Wild chicory leaves are usually bitter. Their bitterness is appreciated in certain cuisines, such as in the Liguria and Puglia regions of Italy and also in Catalonia (Spain), in Greece and in Turkey.[9] In Ligurian cuisine the wild chicory leaves are an ingredient of preboggion and in Greek cuisine of horta; in the Puglian region wild chicory leaves are combined with fava bean puree in the traditional local dish Fave e Cicorie Selvatiche.;[10] in Albania the leaves are used as a spinach substitute, mainly served simmered and marinated in olive oil, or as ingredient for fillings of byrek. By cooking and discarding the water the bitterness is reduced, after which the chicory leaves may be sautéed with garlic, anchovies and other ingredients. In this form the resulting greens might be combined with pasta[11] or accompany meat dishes.[12] Borago officinalis - Edible/Treats Cold Symptoms Borage (/ˈbɒr.ɪdʒ/, Borago officinalis), also known as a starflower, is an annual herb. It is native to the Mediterranean region and has naturalized in many other locales.The leaves are edible and the plant is grown in gardens for that purpose in some parts of Europe. Borage is used as either a fresh vegetable or a dried herb. As a fresh vegetable, borage, with a cucumber-like taste, is often used in salads or as a garnish.[3] The flower, which contains the non-toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloid (PA) thesinine,[citation needed] has a sweet honey-like taste and is one of the few truly blue-colored edible substances,[citation needed] is often used to decorate desserts.Often used in soups, one of the better known German borage recipes is the Green Sauce (Grüne Soße) made in Frankfurt.In Iran people make a tea to relieve colds, flu, bronchitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and kidney inflammation.[citation needed] It is said to be warm in nature and alleviates symptoms that are caused by using food that is cold in nature such as cucumber and fish. People with heart problems can benefit using the borage tea,[medical citation needed] since it promotes better circulation of oxygen to the heart; that’s why one should use this herb in moderate amounts. Urospermum Picroides - Edible Urospermum picroides is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name prickly goldenfleece. It is native to Eurasia and it is known as an introduced species in many other regions, including North and South America, Australia, and southern Africa. They are eaten raw in salads,or boiled with plenty of lemon.Makes a great combination with lamb or goat. Tilia Cordata - Treats Cold Symptoms/Fever Tilia cordata (Small-leaved Lime, occasionally Small-leaved Linden or Little-leaf Linden) is a species of Tilia native to much of Europe from Britain, through central Scandinavia, to central Russia, and south to central Spain, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, the Caucasus, and western Asia. In the south of its range it is restricted to high altitudes.In the countries of Central and Western Europe, linden flowers are a traditional herbal remedy made into an herbal tea called 'Tilleul'[19] (linden flower tea), considered to be of value as an anti-inflammatory in a range of respiratory problems: colds, fever, flu, sore throat, bronchitis, and cough. Plantago princeps - Treats Bruises,Sprains Plantago princeps is a rare species of flowering plant in the plantain family known by the common name ale. It is endemic to Hawaii, where it is known from the islands of Hawaii, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, and Maui.[1] Like other Hawaiian Plantago, it is known as kuahiwi laukahi, or laukahi kuahiwi. It is a federally listed endangered species of the United States. Used as a poultice to help heal boils, sprains, bruises, broken bones, and torn muscles . The seeds are used for cleansing the bowel. Astragalus - Stimulates Immune System/Aids Blood Circulation Astragalus is a large genus of about 3,000 species of herbs and small shrubs, belonging to the legume family Fabaceae and the subfamily Faboideae. It is the largest genus of plants in terms of described species.[1] The genus is native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere.The natural gum tragacanth is made from several species of Astragalus occurring in the Middle East, including A. adscendens, A. gummifer, A. brachycalyx,[3][4] and A. tragacanthus. Also Astragalus propinquus (syn. A. membranaceus) has a history of use as a herbal medicine used in systems of traditional Chinese medicine[5] and Persian medicine.[6] In traditional Chinese medicine A. membranaceus has been used to reinforce qi and strengthen the superficial resistance, and promote the discharge of pus and the growth of new tissue. Bilberry - Treats Food Poisoning (Edible) Bilberry is any of several Eurasian species of low-growing shrubs in the genus Vaccinium (family Ericaceae), bearing edible, nearly black berries. The species most often referred to is Vaccinium myrtillus L., but there are several other closely related species. Bilberries are distinct from blueberries but closely related to them.It was used to treat diarrhea, scurvy, and other conditions. Allium sativum (Garlic) - Edible/Stimulates Immune System Allium sativum, commonly known as garlic, is a species in the onion genus, Allium. Its close relatives include the onion, shallot, leek, chive,[1] and rakkyo.[2] With a history of human use of over 7,000 years, garlic is native to central Asia,[3] and has long been a staple in the Mediterranean region, as well as a frequent seasoning in Asia, Africa, and Europe. It was known to Ancient Egyptians, and has been used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. When crushed, Allium sativum yields allicin, an antibiotic. Furthermore, a phytoalexin (allixin) was found, a nonsulfur compound with a γ-pyrone skeleton structure with antioxidant effects and antimicrobial effects. Grapes - Edible A grape is a fruiting berry of the deciduous woody vines of the botanical genus Vitis. Grapes can be eaten raw or they can be used for making wine, jam, juice, jelly, grape seed extract, raisins, vinegar, and grape seed oil. Grapes are a non-climacteric type of fruit, generally occurring in clusters. Grapes are a type of fruit that grow in clusters of 15 to 300, and can be crimson, black, dark blue, yellow, green, orange and pink. "White" grapes are actually green in color, and are evolutionarily derived from the purple grape. Grape juice is obtained from crushing and blending grapes into a liquid. The juice is often sold in stores or fermented and made into wine, brandy or vinegar. Eqisetum (horsetail) - Wound Healing Properties Equisetum (/ˌɛkwɨˈsiːtəm/; horsetail, snake grass, puzzlegrass) is the only living genus in Equisetaceae, a family of vascular plants that reproduce by spores rather than seeds.Equisetum is a "living fossil" as it is the only living genus of the entire class Equisetopsida, which for over one hundred million years was much more diverse and dominated the understory of late Paleozoic forests. Extracts and other preparations of E. arvense have served as herbal remedies, with records dating to ancient Greek and Roman medical sources;[20][citation needed] its reported uses include treatments to stop bleeding, treat tuberculosis, to heal wounds and ulcerations, and to treat kidney ailments. Papaver somniferum (Opium poppy) - Natural Sedative/Morphine Papaver somniferum, the opium poppy,[2] is the species of plant from which opium and poppy seeds are derived. Opium is the source of many narcotics, including morphine (and its derivative heroin), thebaine, codeine, papaverine, and noscapine. The Latin botanical name means the "sleep-bringing poppy", referring to the sedative properties of some of these opiates.Morphine is the predominant alkaloid found in the varieties of opium poppy plant cultivated in most producing countries.Use of the opium poppy predates written history. Images of opium poppies have been found in ancient Sumerian artifacts (circa 4000 BC). The making and use of opium was known to the ancient Minoans.[10] Its sap was later named opion by the ancient Greeks, from whence it gained its modern name of opium. Agrimonia (Agrimony) - Wound Healing Properties Agrimonia, commonly known as agrimony, is a genus of 12–15 species of perennial herbaceous flowering plants in the family Rosaceae, native to the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, with one species also in Africa.Agrimony[specify] has a long history of medicinal use. Anglo-Saxons made a solution from the leaves and seeds for healing wounds; this use continued through the Middle Ages and afterward, in a preparation called eau d'arquebusade, or "musket-shot water",It can be added to tea as a spring tonic.[1] In the traditional Austrian medicine the herb has been used internally as tea for disorders related to the liver and bile, gastrointestinal, and respiratory tract. Lavandula (Lavender) - Natural Sedative/Wound Healing Properties Lavandula (common name lavender) is a genus of 39 known species of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae. It is native to the Old World and is found from Cape Verde and the Canary Islands, southern Europe across to northern and eastern Africa, the Mediterranean, southwest Asia to southeast India.Commercially the plant is grown mainly for the production of essential oil of lavender. This has antiseptic[13][14] and anti-inflammatory[15] properties. These extracts are also used as fragrances for bath products.Lavender is used extensively with herbs such as chamomile and aromatherapy. Infusions are believed to soothe insect bites, burns, and headaches. It showed meaningful efficacy in alleviating anxiety and related sleep disturbances. Thymus vulgaris (Thyme) - Wound Healing Properties/Treats Cold Symptoms Thyme (/ˈtaɪm/) is an evergreen herb with culinary, medicinal and ornamental uses.Tea by the herb can be used for coughs and bronchitis. Oil of thyme, the essential oil of common thyme (Thymus vulgaris), contains 20–54% thymol.Thymol, an antiseptic, is the main active ingredient in various commercially produced mouthwashes such as Listerine. Before the advent of modern antibiotics, oil of thyme was used to medicate bandages.- 14 replies
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There are plans for 0.58 hotfixes. According to Eugen,0.59 is going to take a while.
Do Zombies Dream Of A Good Nights Sleep? (Zombie feedback)
Damnyourdeadman replied to SmashT's topic in General Discussion
Seriously what's the deal with infected anyway? Is the server architecture currently overcapacity and unable to support them? Because after all this time,i seriously doubt that bugs are the reason of their removal. -
Since developers announced that vehicles were being worked on, here is a revised and comprehensive list of vehicle models that would properly fit in DayZ environment: Сivillian Cars VAZ-2101 Жигули “Копейка” Production: 1970–1988 (Source) : aka “Coin/Penny” because of the characteristic round frontlights VAZ -2106 "Шестерка" Production: 1976-2001 (Source) : aka 'Sixth' VAZ -2107 "Семерка" Production: 1982– present (Source) : aka 'number 7' VAZ -2108/2109 ''Зубило'' Production: 1984–2003 (Source) : aka 'Сhisel', is one of the modern ones.It would be a wet dream for local hoodlums from Prigorodki or Cherno outskirts.Gopniki in all post-soviet area simply adore this car. Pure ‘class’.Don't forget to put your track suit pants, leather shoes and thick leather jacket on.Get a knife, bat or at least a screwdriver, hop in with your pal and circle around your city district to find someone who simply doesn't belong there... ZAZ -965 Production 1960–1969 (Source) (Wiki) : Behold a crown jewel of Soviet car production, the fabulous Ukrainian Zaporozhec', produced in Zaporizhzhya. ZAZ -966 a newer Zaporozhec' Production: 1966-1972 (Source) : The former is called 'Горбатий' or 'Brokeback/Humpbacked'.The latter is just 'Zapor' or 'Constipation'. What a beauty. Every Chernorussian grandpa should drive this as it was generously provided by the beloved government due to his disabilities after war in Takistan 20 years ago. The unstoppable senior veterans, they endure post-soviet hardships and still breach! No Cherno trafic light could stop them! Moskvitch Москвич-408/412/Москвич-Комби Production 1964—1976 as Moskvich (Source) : An alternative to ЗАЗ that grandpa uses to transport potatoes from his 'dacha' (decrepit suburban private house with a garden) to a marketplace. Москвич-407 and Москвич-423 Production: 1956—1965 (Source) : were resilient cabbage carriers. Moskvitch 2141 Production: 1998-2003 (Source) : newer Moskvitch, still used for the same purpose. Because you can't escape the reputation, even after the hull upgrade and redesign... go on, load potatoes and beetroots into the trunk. All 3 of GAZ Volga models that are listed below were hard to get and object of much envy. Most of them nowadays are just regular junk. Gaz-21 Volga Production: 1956–1970 (Source) Gaz-24 Volga Production: 1970-1985 (Source) [CONFIRMED] : the one we have in DayZ so far, as a police car Gaz-3102 Volga Production: 1982–2009 (Source) : the most modern of three, considered to be a luxury car back in mid and late 90's. Gaz M-20 ГАЗ-М-20 Production: 1949–1958 (Source) : ''Pobeda'' (''Victory'') a rival to Gaz-21 in terms of soviet luxury. Chernorussian grandpa still keeps this one in his garage: VAZ-2121 "Niva" Production: 1977–present (Source) [CONFIRMED] : "Нива", or "Cropfield" a beloved civilian off-roader. It still is very popular now, but was really hard to obtain 20 years ago. A mandatory car for Chernarus. Buses in Chernarus should be represented by: Laz-695 Production: 1957-1958 (Source) (Wiki): The most popular and wide spread soviet bus. Laz-4202 Production: 1978-1993 (Source) : his successor. PAZ-672 Produced: 1968-1989 (Source) (Wiki) : these things, most of which were painted yellow, could be spotted everywhere. As well as next one, PAZ-3205 Production: 1989-present (Source) : both were typical means of commute within the city limits. KAvZ-685 Production: 1973–1993 (Source) ZIS-155 Production: 1949-1957 (Source) : an old-school from 50's, still around Ikarus-280 Production: 1971-1997 (Source) [CONFIRMED] : that's the bus that is in DayZ mod, this actually was higher-class type bus. A trip in Ikarus = luxurious trip in Soviet mind. LiAZ-677 Production: 1967–1996 (Source) : Squeeze yourself with a hundred other poor souls into this crowded coffin. When the infection broke out those must have been ‘party’ buses indeed! Сivillian Trucks typical Chernorussian models: ZIL-130 Production: 1964-1994 1995-2010 (Source) : there should be no Chernorussian city or town without this truck. GAZ-53 Production: 1961-1993 (Source) : a lighter one, but used just as widely. Notice a milk cistern, bread truck, fish and sewage-sanitation vehicles based on this one.This truck is as soviet as soviet can be. Bringing fresh and hot bread to the bread store early in the morning. Collecting milk in KOLXOZ at dawn.They sold fish from their water tanks at the marketplace. And sprayed water at dawn upon desolate summer city streets... Kamaz-5511/5320/5325 Production: 1976-2000 (Source) : and others. Камаз doesn't even need a description. The heavy working horse of Soviet industry! MAZ-504 Production: 1965-1970 (Source) : his counterpart. BELAZ Production: 1961-1971 (Source) : Various models of quarry monsters. An old soviet joke is that you shouldn't be afraid of anything on the road when driving Kamaz. Unless you ever encounter Belaz. Medical/Paramedical Emergency vehicles: RAF-977И Production: 1958-1976 (Source) : I'd love to see these torn to shreds somewhere around Cherno hospital. GAZ-22 Production: 1962-1970 (Source) (Wiki) RAF-2914 Production: 1976—1997 (Source) : the most popular one, pure classic. UAZ-3962 Production: 1965-present (Source) : served in rural areas Here are some other special purpose cars: Firetrucks: Zil-157 firetruck Production: 1958-1966,1966-1994 (Source) : pretty ancient one, but still remains functioning and serves in rural areas. Zil-131 firetruck Production: 1995-2010 (Source) : basic vehicle in a fire department. Those were supplemented by firetrucks based on other soviet workhorse, Zil-130 Production: 1964-1994 1995-2010 (Source) and heavier ones, Ural-4320 Production: 1977-present (Source) МАЗ-543 Production: 1967-1983 (Source) : true monsters, confined mostly to airfields, a rare find elsewhere Military Trucks: Regarding military trucks. I don't want to stress here, but these mentioned below are absolutely essential. Many of them got into civilian hands and after some modifications its conversions serve as lumber transporters, buses in highlands, etc. GAZ-66 Production: 1985-1996 (Source) : Superb off-road capabilities. If there was a military unit around - this thing was there. Most of them were somewhat modified and are widely used today in mountainous areas by local population. Zil-131 Production: 1967-1994 (Source) : used for lumber theft nowadays. Ural-4320 Production: 1977-present (Source) : At least we've got this one in DayZ mod! The thing goes everywhere. Literally. KRaZ-255Б Production: 1967–1994 (Source) : even bigger Ukrainian monster KAMAZ 4326,4310,6350 Production: 1976-2000 (Source) : these, along with Urals are main military trucks nowadays, that still in operation, not just storage. MAZ-543 Production: 1965-1976 (Source) : the beast MAZ-537 Production: 1959-1965 (Source) : former one's predecessor. Now, to shift focus from military and semi-military trucks, these are few of the most popular vans. Soviet Vans: UAZ-452 Production in: 1965-1985(upgraded) (Source) (Wiki) : 'Буханка' or 'Bread loaf'. This one is literally everywhere. РАФ-2203 Production: 1976–1997 (Source) : hearing the word 'van' is USSR implied you were picturing this in your head. ЕрАЗ-762 Production: 1967-1996 (Source) : also very popular, but adjusted to carry goods. Soviet-style small SUV’s, Jeeps and Off-Roaders: ЛуАЗ-969 ''Волинянка'', Production: 1979-1992 (Source) : a ''Girl from Volyn" this weird thing actually is a great off-roader, particularly popular in villages. УАЗ-469 Production: 1971–present (Source) : much beloved SUV from DayZ mod. No need for introduction. *Special notice though - this should be one of standard-issue police vehicles. Gaz-69 Production: 1953-1972 (Source) : is an older one, still can be found in rural areas. And of course, Lada Niva, which has already been mentioned above. Motorcycles: Ява Jawa Production: 1954-1992 (Source) : made in Czechoslovakia, best available soviet light motorbike Ural Урал М-67-36 Production 1976-1983 (Source) : and other models were heavy, also used by road police. And check out those sweet sidecars! There were others, like Иж Планета, Юпитер 4-5, Dnipro Днепр Tractors and Crop Harvesters: Т-25 Production: 1945 - 1948 (Source) : A much beloved tractor from DayZ mod And these are his bigger brethren, from smaller to largest: DT-75 Production: 1949-1963 (Source) T-4A Production: 1964-1970 (Source) К-700 Production: 1962 - 2000 (Source) T-130 Production: 1969-1988 (Source) (Wiki) My personal favorites, tractor-bus-offroader hybrids. Simply the best in swampy areas: ATC-59 and ATC-59Г Production: 1960-1989 (Source) And these should be found rusting on Chernarus crop fields: SK-5 Niva Production: 1940–1960 (Source) SK-6 Kolos Production: 1974-1979 (Source) UPD1. Czech Cars,obviously... Škoda 1203 Production: 1968-Present (Source) Škoda 105, 120, Garde/Rapid Production: 1976–1990 (Source) Tatra 148 and Tatra 138 Production 1972-1982 (Source) Tatra 815 Production: 1983 - present (Source) Škoda 706 LIAZ Production: 1946-1951 (Source) : Czech truck, assembled in Eastern Germany. Exported into all Soviet block countries with much success. Praga V3S Production: 1953-1985 (Source) [CONFIRMED] These are the most prominent Czech vehicles that would fit the scenery. Regarding concerns of somewhat 'more modern' Russian-made vehicles: the main point is that they don't really change the production line that often (means that car with same looks might be produced for tens of years and many of those on the list are still in production). There are few 'new' typical Russian cars, though: Газ-3302 2705, etc ''Gazel'' Production: 1994-2010 (Source) : super-popular van used for literally everything possible ГАЗ-3307 Production: 1989–current (Source) : basically a modernized GAZ-53 truck UPD2. Here you go, the East-German, Polish and Romanian. GDR was pumping them out like hot buns and sending all over the Eastern block. Trabant 1957–1990 (East Germany) (Source) : Plastic car with 26HP engine. Soviet citizens drooled over this imported vehicle. Wartburg 311 and Wartburg 353 Production: 1966 — 1988 (Source) Barkas B1000 Production: 1961-1989 (Source) : another East-German. An extremely popular van. Robur LO1800 Production: 1960-1967 (Source) : GDR-made truck. Multiple modifications, ubiquitous usage. Multicar 2577 Production: 1990-Present (Source) : a small GDR truck. What a sweet resilient pony. Dacia 1300 Production: 1969–1979 (1310 model)1979-2004 (Source) : ubiquitous Romanian working horse. Maluch Polish Fiat P126 Production: 1972-1980 (Source) : aka 'a little one' was Polish gem in the Eastern block. FSC Żuk and FSC Nysa Production: 1958 - 1998 (Source) : Communist Polish vans. Tarpan 239D Production: 1973 - 1994 (Source) : 'Polish Toyota Hilux' a tough pickup. FSO 125P Production 1967-1972 (Source) : another socialist Polish Fiat, not so cute this time. Main Index List Here: UPDATE 1 : Added each Vehicle's Production Date and Information Source. The majority of sources are linked to the specified vehicle's main Wikipedia page. There were a few exceptions where Wikipedia didn't provide the manufacturing date,so i linked a different Webpage Source. Nevertheless i revisited these few exceptions and added the Wikipedia link along with the Source. A very small portion of the provided Wikipedia Sources were in Foreign Languages (Russian,Czech,Ukrainian etc.) I plan on editing the respected English Wikipedia Sources in the near future. UPDATE 2 : Made Paragraphs and tweaked the Text's Letter Size and Fonts to improve readability. Added a Main Index List for easier information access. I will be Creating Polls in the near Future. This is a Chance to Show Your Support for the MEGATHREAD!!! Suggest your own Vehicle Model Preferences for DayZ. We need Models Manufactured Between Early 90s and Early 20s. The Ones that Receive most Upvotes will be Added in the List along with the Contributor's Username. ALL CREDIT GOES TO REDDIT'S ORIGINAL TOPIC CREATOR : WALT_UA
- 31 replies
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Those of you that played S.T.A.L.K.E.R or the mod's Namalsk map,should already know what this topic's about. An ERV storm is the DayZ's equivalent of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R's blowout/emission phenomenon. I took the liberty of creating this topic,to discuss whether the community favors or hates the idea of re-introducing them back in DayZ Standalone. :) What is an ERV Storm? It's basically a strong electromagnetic pulse that knocks you unconscious and takes a whole load of blood. Unless you find shelter inside a building, in which case it just only knocks you out. When one happens, the weather changes to stormy, and will eventually change to full-red sky when it start to strike. That way people always knew when one was about to happen and had a moderate head start to look for shelter. Examples? Here's a video demonstrating what happens to a poor soul when he experiences an imminent EVR Storm without taking cover. Here's another video,showing what it's like to survive an EVR storm.. What are the causes of this phenomenon? The causes of the phenomenon remain unknown. I personally speculated that they were the aftermath of a bio weapon's explosion,in an attempt to extinguish the infected threat. :) Would they fit DayZ's immersive atmosphere? I have always thought that they would be perfect,in regards to the Chernarusian atmosphere. Personally speaking,things in relation to a nuclear catastrophe in DayZ,make a lot of sense in my head! I have always thought DayZ more as a barren Post Apocalyptic Wasteland caused by a biological threat,rather than a place of massive desctruction. What are the pros? EVR Storms will force players to look for shelter. If implemented correctly,they could effectively contribute to the game's survival challenge. Also,they will greatly enhance the game's immersion and horror aspect. People will actually start fearing the environment and add to that paranoia feeling,which is DayZ. ;) What are the cons? Unfortunately,this phenomenon will make camping in open outdoor spaces a lot harder. Snipers will have to relocate themselves and take shelter to the nearest structureS. For some people that could prove a nuisance. Frankly,i also fear of possible bugs that could kill you even when you take shelter. After all,it's DayZ we're talkIng about! Having folks lose everything,even when taking every necessary precaution could enrage them. What do you think? What are you thoughts on this? How would you feel,If ERV storms played an active part in the world of DayZ SA? Leave me your comments below,as always i'm looking forward to your feedback! ^_^
I think Whyhero pretty much covered my train of thoughts. In my best understanding,something like this would be perfect. Also,good thinking on making this post! Judging from the recent "survivor camp" concept slides,i was kinda disappointed by the lack of wooden structures beyond walls and watch-towers. Besides tents,i feel like we could really use at least one type of a player crafted shack.
Well,Hicks himself claimed that the the title is still *being* created as they develop,so nothing's really final. If the community sees a potential S.T.A.L.K.E.R approach in a positive light,maybe there's also a chance for the devs to be interested towards said direction. Regardless of how things finally turn out,i also wish to share that dream. :) I just hope for the best!
Would you support global chat being a sever option?
Damnyourdeadman replied to Shiva_O's topic in General Discussion
Yeah,i agree with you! Let's just hope the devs implement radios with separate text and voice functions. -
Supressing voice-chat outside of Dayz (Skype, Mumble, TS3, etc.)
Damnyourdeadman replied to S3V3N's topic in General Discussion
Don't get me wrong,it would be cool but unfortunately just not feasible. People would rebel against the idea of having the game monitor whether you're using 3rd party communication software. If such actions were to take place,they would accuse the game of violating their personal privacy. Also like a lot other said,this would prove uneffective. Take me for example,i may be Greek but i still got 2 computers in my home. What could stop me from using the Desktop PC for DayZ,while simultaneously chatting with my friends from my laptop? Exploits like this,are nothing new to the gaming world and unfortunately there is no viable solution other than learn to deal with it. -
As it currently stands,player interaction in the game is admittedly in a very bad shape. For me that's rather disappointing,as DayZ is essentially a game built upon player driven experiences. A good solution would be to provide people with more incentives to communicate. So how about we make Radios as the starting gear for all new-spawns and turn their range global? If everyone's got one,people will surely use them as "global chat" without taking away from realism. This would help promote interaction and bring people together. Even though we all have our differences,it would surely benefit every play-style. - Traders would rejoice and turn Radios into a marketplace,promoting their merchandise to possible buyers. - Survivors would find people to cooperate and team up,arrange meetings or simply socialize. - Bandits can listen in on other people's broadcasts and set up their ambush. - And the rest who do not wish to interact,can simply throw away their radio. In addition people will utilize the ingame's communication system,rather than relying only on third party communication programs (TS3,Mumbe,etc) Although It's hardly a massive or difficult change,it could prove one of the most effective in terms of gameplay. What is your personal views and opinions on this? Leave me a comment below,looking forward for your feedback! :)
All things considered,i would love if DayZ focused more towards a more Nuclear Post Apocalyptic Radioactive infested Wasteland rather than a Virus Pandemic Dystopia. That would explain a whole lot of things,such as the barren and relatively clean environment. If the cause of the infection was a nuclear weapon with biological side effects,imo the lore would feel more complete. . Other than that,i simply love your ideas! Imagine having huge radioactive areas that require the use of hazmat suits to go through. From a gameplay perspective that would be totally rad,it would imply that now,people would have to make preparation just to go through certain map areas.
It was an already pre - existent mechanic that has already been implemented for the DayZ mod. Being part of the Namalsk lore,it's not technically a "new original Suggestion " . ((Although i won't deny that i kinda thought about it,being a weasel's move because i wanted more people to see it. :rolleyes: )) However,if in your judgment this is better suited in the Suggestions category,you may feel free to move it.
Radios : A Cure for Player Interaction
Damnyourdeadman replied to Damnyourdeadman's topic in General Discussion
These things would be great for when base - building comes into play. You can broadcast your voice to the front gate,from the safety of your command tent/structure. That's a very big deal. It's a good thing that the new radios come with an LCD screen. Listening to countless people broadcasting at once could get very messy. That's why i really hope for the devs to make the player,able to configure their radio's settings according to their preferances. Meaning to give them the freedom to choose from different settings like... - Text Only - Enabled / Disabled - Voice Only - Enabled / Disabled - Or both Text and Voice - Enabled / Disabled This could save a lot of people from potential headaches. Microphone trolling could be easily avoided by configuring the radio to receive text only . In the same sense,text trolling can be avoided by switching over to the voice only radio setting. And if that doesn't work,you could always change the frequency. :) -
Radios : A Cure for Player Interaction
Damnyourdeadman replied to Damnyourdeadman's topic in General Discussion
Good news everyone! Seems like Brian has been talking with Peter about trying out this idea on 59. Experimental! :) They plan to turn Walkies into the starting gear and make the transmition range around a 3km radius. However,he also talked about working on a longer range transceiver,that we'd be able to find and communicate globally throughout the whole server. Furthermore he talked about receiving coordinates in the form of text,leading to a dynamic event. Whether it's a heli crash or a car crash,players will be able to follow the location and go treasure hunting! ^_^ He explained that there's a lot of possibities which are gonna relly from gathering feedback,to get an idea on how players interact with them. -
Yep you're right,this is in fact an air powered dart pistol. This particular model is based on the X2 Gauged CO2 projector like you can see below... (More info) It's technically still an "air gun" but not the kind that OP was mentioning. He was most likely refering to conventional Air Guns that fire small pellets and BB bullets,mostly suitable for small game (birds and rabbits).
Good news for you then,they are already planned for implementation. :D Here are the models from the gamefiles
DayZ is a unique beast,nothing even compares. No other title could ever hope to capture what this game has managed to achieve. All of these clones out there,profit on the very same survival genre first introduced by DayZ. If the current state was better,DayZ could easily be one of the top 5 games in those charts. Having sold over 3 million copies,if only we had some more game-play, player numbers would skyrocket for sure.
Radios : A Cure for Player Interaction
Damnyourdeadman replied to Damnyourdeadman's topic in General Discussion
Nah,i don't think they work. But even if they did,they'd still be regarded as junk. Reasons being,they're too rare,range is limited and batteries don't spawn. Currently,they prove only a waste of inventory space. -
Radios : A Cure for Player Interaction
Damnyourdeadman replied to Damnyourdeadman's topic in General Discussion
That makes them junk though. Because unlike a real Apocalypse,DayZ is actually a game. As a game it can't simulate a post apocalyptic situation with 100% accuracy. I know what you're thinking,don't get me wrong. You're saying that "everyone carrying a radio is unrealistic" and you're most likely correct. But this is a very small sacrifice in exchange of promoting more social interaction,something which SA is heavily lacking. -
Radios : A Cure for Player Interaction
Damnyourdeadman replied to Damnyourdeadman's topic in General Discussion
Walkie-talkies are usually treated as junk gear,nobody really bothers with them. Even if they indeed increase radios spawns,finding another player that actually carries one inside a limited range,is like finding a needle in the haystack. People will never stop using third party communication software... But making radios more common and functional,is a good start in promoting more player interaction through the ingame communication mechanics.