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Everything posted by Electi

  1. Electi

    Mountain Pack vs. Hunting Pack

    actually 30 and 35 not so big difference, try not to carry a lot of useless stuff if you are not in team, because when i play like medic(99%) i need box of ammo, 2 med bags + defibrilator + some food etc stuff, that's take a lot of space
  2. Electi

    A fresh spawn kills me and sings me a song!

    [grouling]you are died[/grouling]
  3. Electi

    Vehicles? No thanks!

    We need vehicles, i need them. and i think many ppl needs too.anything, even bicycle
  4. Well, i can tell that's most of things you wrote here it's human factor, which one can be controlled only by that dude who took moderators etc on forum. If he did not spoke with them for like an hour, i think he does not know him + when you wanna get job - you are angel. Anyway, that game and forum are full of rotting cabbages,if you know what i mean, most sad part that's there is no cooperation and any control about testing, nobody talk about where and when you can test things with developers or other ppl who are responsible.Nobody making some kind of events in test, forum must have sings about help in testing on every damn page, etc. I know that's those who purchased that game, at least 60% are glad to help and will cooperate, and that productive force are not been used even on 10% of it's full potential. So, we have lazy humans here and "fat cats". I am sad because of that situation on game/forum and i can't see that's someone give a clue about it. Thanks for reading, sorry for grammatics. Kyrie eleison.
  5. Give that dude - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au3-hk-pXsM#t=43 and also, i think that's beside it, we need to change a shooting mechanics, because now it's not realistic
  6. Electi

    Zombie Suggestions

    and constantly suicide Only agrro priority plz, not the range More bugs, instant death from nobody, because it will be able to shoot you thrue wall etc shit
  7. Electi

    KILLSTREAKS - video (german)

    just pew pew pew, nothing interesting, except the part where you found that dude under the tree.
  8. Electi

    Logging out question..

    Nope, it's not him. I had that bug too, you just lose some things, today i have not found scope and bottle, and yesterday - bible and compass. Some items just vanishing..
  9. 1) Play with friends, and do weired stuff 2)Practice in snipering 3)??? 4)Profit(death)
  10. Electi

    Humanity 2.0

    How about not every time you spawn(not each char) have this thing? Maybe someone as cold as the occasional gusts of wind kissing your back....and they think that's other ppl just mass of cells / meat???
  11. Electi

    heli crashes ?

    Was asked a lot of times, and as i know - no straight answer, today they told - yes, it's a good stimulator for exploring not hopping, tomorrow - no,because it's too hard to fix
  12. Electi

    Purifying Sea/Lake Water

    Or make a distilate...
  13. Electi

    Sal's 13 Rules For Lone Wolves

    Probably might be useful for newbs,it's short and easy to read. GJ anyway.
  14. Electi

    Armband armor style as protection for bites

    Good idea, i wish you could make a protective move by pressing shift or other button, so zombie hitted your arm, not head etc. Yeah, i saw that film, and thought it was already suggested, anyway i would be pleased to see home-made items and protective things, also i wish there was traps
  15. Electi

    Weird Loot?

    I remember found PU scope in simple village building
  16. Electi

    People never really stop to think

    Because you can knock someone, take gun, and finish him in head without any dmg of gear.
  17. Electi

    rockets vision

    you better rise an English book, after, rise your palpebre, and try to read, because you made mistakes(raised,raisng,em,jus,yerself) that even i do not, and English are my 4th leng. And your *son* are like from USSR military argot, does not make you cool. You'll better explained what are you doing instead putting some song + made it in different positions of the body. So please stop trying to pretend that's you are wise.
  18. Please, no granades.. or i will hop full backpack of granades, go on full server and do a BOMBEN LUS
  19. Electi

    rockets vision

    Rise your fists. no? it seems you just look on ground...oh dear Zeus, why ppl do not use brains all the time?(including me)
  20. agreed, i told bullshit, i thought about myelos, but wrote medula oblangata (it's a part of a brain and i already wrote it in that list + as i know it's have life-important centers which one controls breath), so yeah, instantaneous death. Thanks
  21. Electi


    Well, yesterday i joined some FR friendly server, and met one guy, then another, and everything was ok,we looted together, separated loot, because idk, i was not a slowpoke(as i meet almost always, "something probably died in the forest", and constantly helped(telling that's Zombie behind, killed that Z, patched him) instead of just standing and do not respod. Anyway just go on contact and never think about your loot, your life cost nothing in dayz and that's a point. Just start to talk, take your weapons down if they have ranged. And then....idk it's showtime! Never tell - do not shoot, i am alone, i have 14123 friends around, surprise motherducker!, i am the being of the hounds etc.
  22. Electi

    Zombie AI...

    well i would, because i expected to support developers and move that game closer to release, and see a good surviving game, instead of lame robber simulator. P.S. I do not often buy a games(yo-ho-ho!), and i found that project interesting, because nobody make hardcore simulators, i hope that's i was not wrong about that game.
  23. how about the deep of the wound? Because bullet can stuck in bone(and can cause crack), but cut will only dmg skin(ofc. it's depending what are you using for cut, a kitchen knife or an medival sword
  24. 1.More humans to work on DayZ 2.Constant death from Z and ruin items 3.Fix Light 4.Fix walls 5.Improve realism