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Everything posted by Electi

  1. Electi

    PvE and PvP Server

    If game is realistic pls stop make from it bullshit. I wanna more hardcore, for you maybe dark souls was hardcore but i wish for moareeee like 25xDark souls, not less.
  2. Electi

    Berry Picking?

    Oooooo http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=au3-hk-pXsM beans...
  3. Electi

    Less Military. More Apocalyptic. (Clothing)

    Google - webls magical trevor 1, (first movie,it is begins about cows but the main reason i wrote it it is the place where cow was in the end....it is dayZ survivior heaven)
  4. Electi

    Should we be able to carry two rifles?

    Actualy you can carry even more then three in real life, but they weight a few kgs so it's not so easy to move with them
  5. Electi

    Ducttape + Phonebook = Body Armour

    I have not seen phone book for at least 12 years... and it was full of some shitty numbers. We do not have them anymore, and you will not be able to find where buy it. So fail. But could work
  6. Electi


    Fix walls, zombs and light pass thrue them
  7. Lets ride on pigs/ deers/eels etc
  8. Electi

    I thought we were gonna have radios?

    Wooke-toklken do not work. Thats what i heard
  9. Electi

    Where to organize city-wide firefights?

    CS?nope go play other game if you want to shoot
  10. Electi

    Dean Hall & George Romero

    Dafuq i just read? And who thoce ppl you are writing about? Some weired names....names Jason...what do they mean!?
  11. Electi

    Non-Lethal Alternatives

    Maybe thoce throwing balls on chains to stop you from running or capcans or giant boxes who will trap you? Why ppk so dumb and whine about kos? If you do not want to kill - go behind him, take your wrapon and tell him thats if he tryes to pull out a gun you will squze his brains, then talk to him.
  12. actualy it should not to refill you blood on 5 liters by 250 ml (or how much there i do not know) bag of isotonic solution. Medicine in real life is quite more harder then in game, so i think complain about that is stupid, because if Rocket will make medicine like in real life you will have huge butt hurt to learn all that shit or just find dude who are medic and alredy knows that
  13. Well it is bullshit i can make myself a inter-vine injection by that siline bag in real life, why the hell i can not do it here i do not know.
  14. Electi

    Change spawn location away from coast

    Just add spawn points all around the map and no need to fk your brainz
  15. Electi

    potential TPV/3RD-person-hate-fix by *cough, cough*

    Yeah errase everything that stops DayZ to become a CS or COD. Lets make everyone run with gun on hip and shoot like in Sirious Sem
  16. Electi

    3rd Person and KOS are connect

    I dont use 3d person when loot or kill some one, i do it only to find out how i looks like while sit in tree or laying in grass. So complain about 3person is stupid. Because shooting from it is stupid, impossible to loot and if you use camera to find someone, well i have bad news for you, you are blind piece of shit which one have tranplanted hooks instead of hands
  17. Electi

    End Spawn Suicide

    If you rly want to stop suicide, cut the problem that cause it - stupid spawn locations. Plz do not do a timer, it will make a lot ppl to despair and ruin game by the way
  18. Electi

    Stuck at sea

    Hop to laged and broken servers, try dl experemental build, or open game and go to cinema, fight in next world war, and maybe after that your char will die from dyhedration
  19. Electi

    End Spawn Suicide

    probably you did not thinked while read my post, campers will rape you on coast or make you die from zombies or from chemical poison, so you must wait that time between respawn. And if you spawned and could mot find any loot and zombies simply ate you,i just do not have time to wrote more for explaining. Plus we need more spawn points then Solnechnoe,
  20. Electi

    Traps and destructible environment ideas

    I wanna executions by 2 bended trees, wolf pits, home made granade from nails,gunpowder and empty can, wanna make naphalm etc. Come on ppl it is alpha, and i think many things are impossible to do in that game because of engine
  21. Electi

    Forget KOS, POS is the real issue!

    Well i would punch you too if i had something harder then a fists, because who knows what person i see,bastard or a holy Jesus. It doen not wrote on you
  22. Electi

    Backup inventory

    Pfff o will stash a nuke and rape everyone with it, stop that shit plz. No storage or newspawns will be sniping you when you on coast when you totaly naked and it will become a ducking conterstrike
  23. Electi

    End Spawn Suicide

    I will make newspawn suffer from that "innovation" And then all of them will protest about that shit.
  24. Electi

    End Spawn Suicide

    If thats will be added i will sell mi kidney,buy ticet to personal hely and go to that bitch who allowed that shit to that game. After that i will enter emty setver, run to weapon spawn point, hop weapons and bullets, will ask friends to do the same, go on coast robb ppl and make it die from zombie so they will need to wait that fucking amount of time and have huge pain in the ass as i will
  25. Electi

    Suicide spawns.

    And when you swim your cloth are wet and you get ill char from start. Genious. /sarcasm_off