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Everything posted by TYS

  1. Hmm I see. Will have to ponder this.
  2. Hopefully only for chopping wood efficiently for base-building.. :P
  3. Welcome to DayZ! This is not a game of convenience. Learn or perish. My sincere regards as to your lost belongings.. Sobaka TYS
  4. TYS

    Been away for 6 months

    The crouching in foliage trick still works. They will perform the attack animation but no harm will come to you. Listen for the hit sound to know if they're getting you. I prefer the evergreen trees over the bushes as they have a larger safe zone. In DayZ 1.8 you can now move a melee weapon to your back. I use the hotkeys (1-Prmy, 2Scndy, 3Melee) to swap to this when a zed is near, swap to secondary when running/sprinting and swap to primary in case of player engagement. Melee weapon desc. Crowbar - Largest hitbox, lowest dmg Hatchet - Medium hitbox, medium dmg Machete- Smallest hitbox, highest dmg I personally prefer the Crowbar. I find it a most efficient dispatcher of Zeds, especially if you aim towards the head and shoulder area. Also the blood dmg system has been reworked. Now you don't bleed as often, instead you take blood dmg on-hit and have a chance of infection. Viral Zeds (distinguishable by additional blood on model) deal a lot more dmg and have 4x the chance of infection. You will bleed a lot less, so half-bandages and half-wipes is good. Also having some antibiotics in case you get a full-blown infection is another good idea. Also blood regen has been tweaked so if you eat everything at once you will not receive all the blood (it will instead enter a pool and you will get a reduced amount). Instead wait until the little chevrons next to your blood icon disappear completely then you can consume another item. If you want more info read all the changelogs up from when you went away to the current one. Goodluck.. Sobaka TYS
  5. TYS

    A few questions concerning bugs

    Ok dude if this is the Standalone than those glitches cannot be helped that much. I suggest waiting for a patch that fixes it. You should have known it was going to be buggy when you bought an Alpha release of the game. Also those invisible AI are not AI at all. The only AI in this game are the zombies and the animals (the animals cannot harm you). These invisible people are most likely Hackers or 'Script Kiddies'. In other words they are illegally manipulating the game for their own benefit/enjoyment, and your detriment. Wait for a patch that fixes the security. If its the Mod it is almost the same except the server you play on has low security or no active admins. Contact the server owner/admin/community and get them to update to the latest DayZ patch and patrol their servers. Or you can find a new server. Get DayZ Commander and follow these steps: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/164566-recommend-me-a-server/ Otherwise wait for patches in Standalone. In the Mod find a new server, look on BIS/DayZ forums for mouse scroll glitch. Goodluck.. Sobaka TYS
  6. TYS

    Region Swap.

    If you have the Mod do not use the default ArmA 2 multiplayer menu, get DayZ Commander instead. If you have Standalone I am sorry I cannot help you there. There should be a patch coming out to fix this and combine regions if it isn't like that already. Or there should be regions and region swap implemented. Have patience. Go do something else for a while. Perhaps play the Mod to get some practice in. It has a slightly less steep learning curve and the Standalone probably won't be worth playing for a fair while. Goodluck. Sobaka TYS
  7. Also.. This.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwNgTnj9hBE Also IIFellerII I hope this is just to help people and not just for views. I don't mean to be rude. Its just self-proclaiming can sometimes throw up flags of interest. Be wary.. Sobaka TYS
  8. TYS

    Hey! Complete newbie!

    Listen to Jona. Perhaps play the mod first If you want. Its learning curve is slightly smaller. Otherwise good luck! I hope this game provides you with many adrenaline-packed adventures :D Sobaka TYS
  9. To BLFonsworth.. Go onto the default DayZ mod. Those other mods are not that good for giving you the DayZ experience. Here is a link to some steps I gave to this other guy: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/164566-recommend-me-a-server/ Follow those steps and play the game. Go on a low pop server and get the feel of it. Watch Youtube videos and guides. I'm sorry if its frustrating for you but the game will exponentially get better. Especially as your skill level increases. Take a look at this post and read Jonas comment. http://forums.dayzga...ally-wtf/page-2 Good luck.. Sobaka TYS
  10. TYS

    New to Dayz

    To ~TT~.. ..first of all. This game has a steep learning curve. As for the rest of your problems.. the game is in Alpha. You should have known this when you bought it. I suggest go play the Mod for a while. Go on a low pop server and get the feel of it. Watch Youtube videos and guides. Keep up to date on the devblogs and wait for a patch that suits you. I'm sorry if its frustrating for you but the game will exponentially get better. Especially as your skill level increases. Take a look at this post and read Jonas comment. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/161170-played-a-couple-of-hours-then-died-and-i-have-to-start-back-wow-really-wtf/page-2 Good luck.. Sobaka TYS
  11. Take a look at their respective websites or reviews to see if you like them. Some of them I have and like, some are not being developed anymore, some are terrible IMO. Get the ones you want but make sure the servers that are available have decent ping and are trustworthy. Contact the community or server owner/admin to inquire about updates, restarts and changes to the default mod. TBCH I think the default DayZ mod is the best as there are more guides and content related items out there for you to look at for information. As well it is the most optimized of the mods and the best looked after. My two cents, if you have any further inquiries you can PM me.. Sobaka TYS
  12. TYS

    why am I a black bird

    This used to happen to me on the CD version of ArmA 2 CO when trying to join a Wasteland Mission. Easily fixed, just update ArmA 2 and OA to the latest patch or the patch currently used by the server. Bought game and all DLC off steam in a bundle, well worth getting.
  13. Here MrCmurder.. Apart from traditional navigation methods (map and compass) there are many ways to navigate in the ArmA engines, for example you can follow the power lines or this: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=jqelc7x70vQ & http://www.youtube.c...h?v=DwrsumX36nM This is a Horror Survival game. Learn or perish. Good luck dude. This isn't a game of convenience. Sobaka TYS
  14. TYS

    Why do you play DayZ?

    To Aerodyll.. Why I play is because the game appealed to me from the beginning. I love the ArmA series because of its realism and skill requirement to be good. DayZ provides an adrenaline rush when I encounter another player, especially if I have just spent some time looting or have something valuable to me with me. It can get scary and intense sometimes. If you value your character (and others' characters) and are not another 'dumbed down', 'gamey' gamer from the coming generation who should probably stick to Arena-Style Shooters rather than killing new spawns with a sniper rifle.. you will eventually find fun in this game. Banditry is as much as a part of the game as being a Survivor or Hero (although the latter is in short supply. We are working on restoring the balance :)). I mean only true Banditry, killing because you are starving or in great need of an item, stalking your prey and even robbing them with minimum bloodshed. But this is only the beginning. Rocket and the team have great ambitions for this game. I follow their line of thought although I have some 'extreme' bias (I think sometimes the game should traumatise people, after all, it is a Survival Horror game) and opinions/ideas/concepts. Surviving will get harder and harder and the game will become more and more fun as the false bandits and script kiddies are driven away. I suggest in the meantime you could go play the Mod or something else for a while. Keep up to date on the devblogs and wait for a patch that suits you. I'm sorry if its boring for you but the game will exponentially get better. Once the major kinks are ironed out there will be more things to do and it will be a lot more fun. My two cents.. Sobaka TYS
  15. Simply get the mod. Plus you get ArmA 2 which is a great game in itself if you can learn to appreciate it. I personally have all the DLCs and love it. Wasteland and the Life servers are good fun too if you have some friends to play with. Plus you will learn the game in a more simplified state. Sobaka TYS
  16. TYS

    Recommend me a server.

    When looking through Commander follow these steps.. 1. Click reset all filters. 2. Click DayZ only in mod selection. 3. Click Hide Unresponsive (do not set a max/min ping, leave it gray). 4. Click hide Unofficial. 5. Click hide wrong ArmA 2 version. 6. Click hide wrong DayZ version. 7. Click hide Locked. 8. Make sure you've updated ArmA 2, DayZ Commander and DayZ Mod to latest versions. 9. Click refresh all servers and wait until finished. 10. Click the topmost refresh circle (to the right of the ping order selector) to refresh currently available servers 11. Pick a server to join.. OR 12. Contact server admin or owner to find out about settings, restarts and changes to default game. 13. Congratulations you have found a decent server to play on! Find out if there is a gaming community behind it and join them. Then start playing and meet the local server population. If they are not very cheerful fellows or not to your liking, repeat steps 10 to 13.. OR if you have closed DayZ Commander, repeat steps 1 to 13. 14. Once you are happy with your server selection, favourite your server so you can join it later without searching for it! If you have any further inquiries you can PM me.. Sobaka TYS
  17. Tis' Alpha. Wait for hunting patch. That's all I'm going to say. >:( Sobaka TYS
  18. TYS

    Am I a psychopath?

    Or is it? Here is a subjective paragraph from a conversation among intellectuals about Adaptive DayZ. "For me DayZ should give that experience and test people to see if they actually have a mental breakdown in real life because of their actions or continue on killing because in real life they actually have psychopathic tendencies. The game should be a Virtual Freudian Sandbox in which people reveal and connect with their inner self upon the altar and grindstone of hard descision!" Just an opinion but if players lives were given Intrinsic Value maybe there would be less murders and more powerful game experience? Me and some others are working out a system to implement into the game. Edit: As well ninjan777 "people may be used to dying right now" but do they like it ? Does it provide an effective game experience? Does it effect them or do they just click respawn and keep going? Its a Survival Horror Game. Hopefully it will get more traumatic after all the more high priority things are implemented. My two cents.. Sobaka TYS
  19. TYS

    Helicopter and server restarts

    All good suggestions. I suggest also looking for a place to hide your vehicle once you have it. If you don't know any good places I'll send you a map of areas where I hide my camps (Chernarus only). I prefer hiding in plain sight near urban areas over the much more common 'drive off into the forest' approach. Why I don't do that is because if people are just blundering through the forest on their way to somewhere, a vehicle and stash/tent stick out like a sore thumb. I personally don't strive for a helicopter or anything like that (even though I've had them many a time, they're just too much to hide/maintain/refuel). If my mates are with me without their vehicles I have my Old Hatchback to ferry them around. If I'm by myself I use my Old Bicycle (no fuel required ^_^) or I find a Motorcycle (love the old one) or an Atv. Then I park it somewhere where nobody would go for loot, off any common loot runs and right next to a non-descript shed or building (preferably surrounded by a fence or evergreens). Good luck again.. Sobaka TYS
  20. Yes. Do what Jona says. I played paranoid until I conquered the learning curve in the Mod (Which wasn't long as I am an ArmA hipster and know how to shoot. I personally prefer CQB weapons and stay away from long rifles). Once you have the hang of it you should be able to do things without worry and will get better as you go along. My Mod character has not died for approx. 9 months because I am careful and take my time. Standalone will be harder. Also Merino is a great guy for SA tips, look him up on Youtube! Sobaka TYS
  21. TYS

    Helicopter and server restarts

    Bernharde I play on a server that restarts once every 24hrs and the vehicles are not moved/removed after restart. The only way that happens on my server is if the vehicle is completely destroyed, then next restart it is back at its spawn point/s. From the way you put it your server doesn't last very long. I suggest finding a better server if you can. On my server there is a "Save Vehicle" scroll option as well for storage, eg. stashes, tents etc. I suggest getting DayZ Commander, updating to the latest ArmA 2 patch and DayZ patch. Then find a server and see if it suits you. You can also try to contact the server owner or admin to inquire about the settings they have. Often it relies on whoever owns the server to determine restarts, saves etc. Also that helicopter may or may not have been the spawn. I would check later if you can. If its not there it may have belonged to someone else. Also try to scroll on a vehicle for a save option. If there is none, try what I said above. Good luck and I hope it works out. If you have any further inquiries you can PM me. Sobaka TYS
  22. TYS

    Goal? What goal?

    First of all that "riddled half assed reply" was actually some very wise words spoken. If you cannot fathom this then perhaps this isn't the game for you. I hear there are games for your want of action, they are called Arena-Style shooters (I think you know the game/s I'm thinking of). DayZ is a Horror Survival game that evolved from a Mil-Sim game. DayZ standalone is in ALPHA. You should have known this when you bought it. You, like many others on the forums, want changes implemented when there are many more high priority things being fixed at the moment by the devs. ["I want an endgame" "There's nothing to do" etc] [The amount of times I have to send this to someone posting in suggestions] Have some patience. Go play the Mod or something else for a while. Keep up to date on the devblogs and wait for a patch that suits you. Rocket and the team are going as fast as they can. Posting on the forums asking for updates will not get you very far. I'm sorry if its frustrating for you but the game will exponentially get better. Once the major kinks are ironed out things you want may be implemented. Also to Barbosa1955 you said "Is this what the devs really had in mind?" For Alpha? Yes. Is the game finished? No. Not by a long shot. Lastly to Colonel_Wicked, if you just go through the "typical gear up" to "pwn the defenceless" then that is very sad. :( My two cents.. Sobaka TYS
  23. TYS

    Map Options

    To dgdino.. As it has been posted above, do you get a player marker telling you your location or a distance marker (ctrl + shift + Lmb) in real life? If you cannot figure out your location from the roadsigns, buildings and landmarks littering the landscape while ALSO looking at your map, then perhaps this isn't the game for you. Rocket has said many time that this is meant to be a tough, unforgiving game. It is not a game of convenience. As well don't tell me that all trees look the same and that you are stuck in a forest etc. There are many ways to navigate in the ArmA engines, for example you can follow the power lines or this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqelc7x70vQ & http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwrsumX36nM This is a Horror Survival game. Learn or perish. My two cents.. Sobaka TYS
  24. TYS

    Storage (i.e Tents)

    To armalitez.. [the amount of times I have to send this to people who post in Suggestions] .. the game is in ALPHA. You should have known this when you bought it. You, like many others on the forums, want changes implemented when there are many more high priority things being fixed at the moment by the devs. Have some patience. Go play the Mod or something else for a while. Keep up to date on the devblogs and wait for a patch that suits you. Rocket and the team are going as fast as they can. Posting on the forums asking for updates will not get you very far. I'm sorry if its frustrating for you but the game will exponentially get better. Once the major kinks are ironed out things will get better. Good things come to those that wait.. Sobaka TYS
  25. TYS

    Authentic zeroing

    Very good idea! Would add a lot more skill required to handle a sniper rifle. Also consider wind speeds/weather in addition to the actual weapon and scope. This would make it a lot harder and more realistic. As well if you loot a scope that someone has already used it should have their zeroing (whether it be good or bad). Liking it a lot Thomas if you have anymore ideas like this put them below! Sobaka TYS