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About TYS

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    Asleep under a tree at Вересник

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  • Bio
    My ingame name is Sobaka. Ukrainian translation is Cобака.
  1. Well no. Skyrim is much easier to work on simply because the ArmA 2 engine suffers from the optimization cancer that has plagued the ArmA series from its beginning. TakeOn Helicopters and ArmA 3 have alleviated this in a way and hopefully ArmA 4 is rid of it completely. Regards, Sobaka
  2. TYS

    Someway to kill yourself

    This was abused way too much in previous versions. I doubt it is coming back. Just die naturally. Regards, Sobaka
  3. TYS


    DayZ Commander is vastly superior to Six. Highly recommend it.. Sobaka TYS
  4. TYS


    Hello and welcome. Also to me numbers are not special.. Sobaka TYS
  5. Zeds should spawn in this building as it is a loot spawn. There should be at least 3 wandering around the room to the right and above your crosshair in the second picture. I hope I helped.. Sobaka TYS
  6. TYS

    No Loot?

    Due to the new spawn system if you run too quickly into a spawn area (75m radius) and do not wait for things to spawn (in the 35m radius) then things are not likely to spawn. I suggest going slow when reaching the spawn area and even going through again a few minutes after just in case you have missed anything. Goodluck.. Sobaka TYS
  7. TYS

    The central Hive

    Your best bet is to filter as much unofficial and wrong version stuff as you can, update your DayZ/ArmA 2/Commander patches and go original DayZ Mod. Goodluck.. Sobaka TYS
  8. Umm.. check the instruction manual.. Sobaka TYS
  9. TYS

    Mod - More Tents?

    Try slower runs. Due to the new spawn system there will a higher chance of all the loot spawning (which means potentially rare loot). Wait 35-75m around the spawn area for 5min at least then slowly move in. Also check that you are looking in the right locations. Regards.. Sobaka TYS
  10. TYS

    List of In game controls

    Go into the main menu - options - controls. There are the controls. Figure it out. Also don't mess with Bulldozer controls unless you are creating a movie, scene video etc. Regards.. Sobaka TYS
  11. TYS

    Bezel offset

    Man I don't see the point of running two monitors when playing video games. Most people who have two screens have the game on one and the DayZ DB Map on the other. As for your problem I don't know. Regards.. Sobaka TYS
  12. TYS

    EvilGamerz dayz group recruiting

    This is in the wrong forum area. Please move. Regards.. Sobaka TYS
  13. TYS


    Like your idea CJ14. I for one would like to see an advanced character creation menu. Also I assume this is for the Standalone. If that is correct this is in the wrong forum area. Sobaka TYS
  14. Uhh no <_< .. The BAF and ACR expansions are set in entirely different regions. Not Chernarus after Harvest Red. Eagle Wing is the only other campaign to feature in Chernarus. I cannot believe people who bought ArmA 2 for DayZ haven't played the campaigns. Two cents from an ArmA hipster.. Sobaka TYS
  15. TYS

    Massive Gorilla Spotted...?

    Zombie? Player? Too many Crème Cakes? That must have been scary. Or a hacker is having you on :| .. If you see it again get a screenshot. I would love to see this abominable creature. Other than that, I have a feeling L may be watching this thread. So watch out.. Inb4NOM Sobaka TYS