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About misce

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. misce

    2 Things that should be implemented ASAP

    Interactive map, if you must. A map we would be allowed to draw on - mark our current position in accordance with some landmark, and then - with the help of our trusty compass, mark where we go from there. I don't really like GPS systems and magical minimaps which always know your position. I like the feeling of being lost. In a video game, at least. :)
  2. misce

    2 Things that should be implemented ASAP

    No and no. Hardcore all the way.
  3. No, I really don't imagine zombies in DayZ as slow-trotting meatbags that mumble stuff while taking a 30-minute stroll towards a bored player. I imagine them more of a raging-hulking-sprinting beasts that don't have the time to speak, because their mouth is filled with your flesh.
  4. misce

    Ghostly Apparitions For A Quick Fix

    Screw it, I like the idea.
  5. I so, so agree on what you said. You hit the jack-pot. Well put.
  6. Since I've been redirected to this topic by one of the posters, I'll say this - most people don't bitch. Most people simply ask. I'm sure some bitch, but hey. Also, I've been present on countless forums where people have blindly been defending every and any dev decision, regardless of how stupid it was. I'm not saying devs make stupid decisions here, just speaking in general. I've seen those games fail miserably as a consequence. Not saying this one will, just pointing out how silly "GIVE THEM TIME! THEY KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING!!!1!! ALL IS UNDER CONTROL!" type of responses are.
  7. misce

    Game patches/updates

    High five.
  8. misce

    Game patches/updates

    You just want blue and red fish added ASAP, mr Purple Fish. On a serious note, ok, you might be at an advantage there because honestly I have nothing to do with game development. It might be a logical order of things. But to me as a GAMER, it would certainly excite me way more than what I'm reading right now. But I won't split hairs, if that's how it has to be done than it's how it has to be done. Hopefully, what I said is still a priority somewhere down the line. Devs shouldn't at all be satisfied with how the game feels. FEELS. That's something the fish will never ever understand. Unlike game development. They're pretty good at that. :P
  9. misce

    Game patches/updates

    I'll just risk being wrong because I have to say it... Does anyone have a feeling that "bigger", more obvious core things should be patched in/tweaked first, before let's say, stomach capacity balancing and similar details? Sure the game lacks a lot of items, a lot of features, and it's very difficult to pinpoint what the priorities should be because, well, everything matters and affects the gameplay and the gamer's level of enjoyment. But, 2 things I personally would prefer are: no1 priority smoothness. Smoothness of walking, running, jumping, aiming, shooting, melee combat. I want to feel at home with controls, responsiveness. I want to "wear my character's skin". I want more freedom of movement if possible. It feels too "boxy", crude, unresponsive, stiff, unnatural, gimmicky. I'm not referring to bugs. no2 priority melee combat. Already talked about this in other posts so I'm not gonna repeat myself all over again, but yeah, way better melee, more fluid, realistic, fun, suspense. I know everything is being slowly polished. I'd just wish that instead of 999999 small, near-insignificant updates I've read only: "We ironed melee and movement/animations/responsiveness out, it FEELS really natural and awesome now! Exploring our alpha has never been more fun! Off to add-in random generic stuff now - first on the list, some zombies will wear earings and have tattoos, and some won't. Stay tuned." Does anyone feel the same? Because sure, I'm all for diversity, ie. having both red AND blue fish in the aquarium, but shouldn't that come a bit later?
  10. misce

    Moderating these forums

    Hi, I'm sorry but I just managed to get myself back together after I saw the forum topic made by a person called "babybasher". It says it's a hidden topic, but it's still visible on the forums for some reason. I won't say it's title because it's morbid and utterly sick, and I'd like to ask forum moderators to delete the topic and ban the user that has created it. I REALLY have a problem with it, as a normal human beign. Excuse me for "reporting" it this way, I know it's unorthodox, but being that the topic is "hidden" (and it's really not) I couldn't access and report it that way.
  11. misce

    increase the longevity of the game

    Aha, I see why many are against this. I understood that the OP suggested a different thing than that that you have in your minds. Not like in Diablo, not like in WoW, not like in BF4 or PS2... Not a preset class with unique abilities. You get a calling for your actions, which then obviously don't change. You do what you do.
  12. misce

    increase the longevity of the game

    It's your right to disagree, and I'm not looking for an argument. Even if the game developer disagrees, that doesn't mean that's the best choice possible. There is no right and wrong in a matter of a personal taste, it's all subjective. I'm unsure of how you perceive the classes mentioned. In my mind, they'd work as a title of sort for your choices made and style of play long-term, maybe adding a few "skills" or whatever to each class, just to increase diversity and spice things up. I'm not expecting to persuade you, I'm just saying what I personally find attractive and fun. And it's by no means a set path or a restriction. You still get to do whatever you want, whenever you want.
  13. misce

    increase the longevity of the game

    DayZ is what you make it. That's the beauty of it.
  14. misce

    increase the longevity of the game

    Not necessarilly. It doesn't have to limit you. Because, by adding NEW THINGS throught classes, it then expands the possibilities and gameplay. I kinda like classes and reputation systems. Kill me, I'm guilty. :)