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Everything posted by Zarlak

  1. Can someone write up a step by step guide on how to disable waypoints on a map? We can't disable them no matter what we do. Thanks.
  2. My problem is the same as yours, except it doesn't bring the game back up. I get; 1. Game screen freezes. 2. Screen goes black (For up to 1 minute maybe a bit more even) (heavy Harddisk activity) 3. Games comes to desktop and message pops up 'Display driver has stopped responding and has successfully recovered" 4. Game icon is still there in my tray, and if I alt + tab to another window, I can interact with my desktop etc, if I alt + tab back to the game, the window does not restore but I am in game, I hear the in game sounds and if I click I fire my weapon in the game 5. The only way to get the window back up again, is to hold down left shift, the num pad minus, let go and type 'flush' which then flickers my screen, brings up DayZ and I can continue to play. A short while later, it will crash again.
  3. I remember Legion used to lock down a church in Electro and use it as a trading haven, is there anywhere like this still around? I've got some stuff to trade, SVD camo that I don't want as I prefer my NV DMR, some spare ghillies etc. Only looking for havens, I have no interest in meeting anyone 1 on 1 for them to shoot me.
  4. Still getting this crashing. So annoying. Sometimes crashes 3 times in 10 minutes. Keep having to flush VRAM which brings the game back up, but then it crashes again. Sometimes when I'm stood in the middle of a field.
  5. Zarlak

    Disabling waypoints

    No, I mean disabling them in the server settings, so that nobody can use them.
  6. Yeah I got it to run as admin and now the game doesn't start at all, so I have to untick run as admin for the beta client to work. Otherwise I get an error message before the game even starts. By the way to the OP, you can bring the game screen back up when it crashes by holding down left shift, the '-' on the num pad and typing flush at the same time. This flushes the VRAM and brings the game up full screen from the tray, where previously clicking it wouldn't bring the game back up and you had to end the process and relaunch the game. But it will crash again at some point and you'll have to do it again, rinse and repeat until we find a way to stop it crashing.
  7. I'm getting this problem today as well after updating to the newest Catalyst drivers and updating my DayZ/Arma. Very annoying. I had it when I first got DayZ, and I fixed it by running the .exe's as Administrator. Now I use the beta client I don't get the option to run the beta client as Admin so can't try it.
  8. Zarlak

    DayZ - Waiting For Host

    I have this too. I'm using the beta launcher, every single server without fail is infinite 'Wait for host.'
  9. Zarlak

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    To be honest I think you're stretching 'disruptive behaviour' there to fit whatever you want to apply it to. Disruptive behaviour is swearing, spamming the voice chat with comms etc. The definition of disrupt is to interrupt, a person disconnecting does not interrupt your game play, your game play can continue, disconnecting is NOT disruptive behaviour, unless you're making up your own definitions of what the word 'disrupt' means.. It's just anger/rage that makes you want to do something to them, nothing more. If they were hacking and stood in a doorway blocking you from leaving but had some kind of god mode on, that's disruptive behaviour. Standing in the middle of Electro playing Numa Numa Eh down the side chat so everyone nearby can hear it, that's disruptive behaviour. Plus rockets solution to the problem has been put into place, meaning it is no longer an exploit as it's been addressed in the manner he intended to use to counter it.
  10. Firstly, I've never seen anyone run down the centre of a city with an assault rifle firing. That's just exaggeration. What usually happens is people bump into each other, and the guy with the assault rifle fires it so that he doesn't get shot and lose it. Secondly, no in a post apocalyptic world with no electricity, no television internet radio or newspapers, someone who kills people in the wilderness, or in a city at night isn't going to be noticed by the mases, who have never seen him, have no idea who he is, or perhaps have never even heard of said murders.
  11. Zarlak

    How do people stay alive?

    I prefer Berezino. In Cherno and Electro you know there are bandits about and it's a matter of time before one shoots you, in Berezino for example you don't. There could be or may not be, so you have to go through stealthy, it's nervy as hell. I died to a bug, ran to Berezino, was just in the apartments picking up a ghillie suit when I heard someone open a can above me and start drinking. Very tense times.
  12. Zarlak

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    He wasn't opening it fr discussion. He was making a statement. A public service announcement' date=' if you will. [/quote'] It's funny, rocket made one of those. Apparently OP is above being contacted in such a way and needs a personal address. Why he thinks he's so important I have no idea. He can troll all he likes with his replies, where he's just trying to wind people up, but there's no getting away from the fact that rocket said 'you can ONLY do it for this' which means, nothing else, and he decided, nah that doesn't apply to me because he hasn't said it to my face. Which is exactly what's happened here, and I don't think there's any way you can try and argue that that's not what's happened here.
  13. Zarlak

    2 noob Questions (edited)

    You'd also need another PC. The game goes from the key that's in your registry. A new copy wouldn't do anything because you'd never be able to play it. The game would always recognise the key in your registry. Unless you put your second copy on a second machine.
  14. Zarlak

    Any bandits enjoy CQC?

    Was in Stary Sobor military camp the other day, came out of a tent, turned and went to walk and some guy that couldn't shoot for shit fired a Lee Enfield at me from 5 yards away. He missed, but by god he scared the shit out of me. I accidentally threw my mouse into my subwoofer as I jerked my hand up.
  15. Zarlak

    binoculars and maps

    Sometimes you do magically appear on the map, if you go on a server with really low difficulty settings, but there are not many of these about. :)
  16. Zarlak

    Temperature always high

    Mines never dropped below about 38 either.
  17. Zarlak

    binoculars and maps

    No, you need to find landmarks and work it out. But if you pick up a GPS, it tells you the co-ordiantes you are at, so when you look at the map you can work out exactly where you are.
  18. No, but it often requires the hacker to have a vehicle to reach your vehicles, if he doesn't have one already it would be a waste of time to head off to someone elses base camp to commandeer one vehicle, to go and steal another. If hiding stuff on the map was a viable option, then I'd definitely support this. But also as a coin flip, you've got limbo which is out of bounds where people spawn sometimes. You've got to fix that issue first, otherwise you're going to have people spawning out of bounds knocking on an invisible wall trying to get in.
  19. Before this gets implemented, the 'find vehicles' hacks should be sorted out. I know someone who moved their vehicle 5k out of the map because wherever they put it inside the map someone found it immediately in suspicious circumstances. Within 30 minutes of moving it someone found it again killed him and stole it, 5k off the map, in a dip, surrounded by hills. They rode a tractor to his location.
  20. This is disappointing. We have about 10 tents set up with a legit base camp no duped stuff, inside the map border, just with all our stuff. We've got about 12 of us in our group and we keep vehicle parts, medical supplies, ammo and food/drink there with our vehicles so that we can run efficiently. At least put in the update that tents will delete if not interacted with for X amount of time. That way people that set up and move on will have them deleted but legit camps will be fine.
  21. What I would say is that for interior zombies to be worth it, it would need to be in places you could avoid them. If there's a zombie in there, you need an option to get around it, but there just isn't the space in houses, there's room for one person in each hallway, what's the point in having a zombie in a room where beans might spawn, but unless you use some of your ammo you can't get to it. In a hangar or a larger building where you could try to prone round them would work.
  22. Right...it's also a game that didn't sell at all before this mod. Super hardcore sims don't sell. They're a business. It's their goal to make a product that will sell the best. They finally have something that could be huge if they don't completely ruin it and make it something that most gamers would find too hard and a chore. There has to be a balance and they were pretty darn close in 1.7 before rocket decided to go overboard. If it were a studio hell bent on appeasing the masses to shift a lot of units, then your post would apply, rocket has stated that's the exact opposite of what he wants. He wants a brutal experience hardcore game that isn't your usual 'make it fluffy for the masses' What you've put in your post, isn't what he wants it to be. If that were his goal, then yes it would make sense.
  23. Arma II is a simulator. It's a mod for a game that's selling point is to mimic realism.
  24. What's a tedious chore for you is extreme fun for others.