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Everything posted by Lamplighter

  1. Lamplighter

    DayZ SA: Very bad Stuttering on battleye severs.

    it has to be BE related. I just tried a non BE server with a ping of 340 and put all graphics settings to very high, ran around with no issues at all. exited that server, went to a random BE enabled server with a ping of 45 and I cant move 2 feet with out lagging. even the graphics load in took forever. argh. Lamp.
  2. Lamplighter

    DayZ SA: Very bad Stuttering on battleye severs.

    aye, I can confirm as well. when I am on BE servers I get a spike every few feet when moving. clipped me through a wall to fall to my death tonight. .... lost a damn can opener. lol non BE servers seem fine. however they are impossible to find!. fingers crossed for a fix before the weekend. Lamp
  3. Lamplighter

    Unplayable lag since 0.30.113953, help!

    aye, me too. has been great since launch. this week has been horrible. cant walk 2 feet without clipping, or twerking or whatever you want to call it. hopefully next patch will sort this out. lamplighter.