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Everything posted by woozaboo

  1. woozaboo

    DMR effective range?

    The DMR has 1 or 2 shots to kill on body. It is a fine weapon really, you just have to be patient before you start shooting stalk the target until you have a clear shot that you that you're sure that you will hit. I've killed people 1km+ away with the DMR, might be hard to get used to it. Need practice with long shots? go to electro go on to of the hills and shoot the chickens in the town, that is always fun^^
  2. I agree with this guy, keep the barbed wire, also make it so it wont go through walls. If this takes time to fix, then temporarily remove it so people wont abuse it.
  3. woozaboo

    I miss the old chat system :(

    I find the side channel annoying. better of with no side channel
  4. woozaboo

    One character per server?

    I have been server jumped several times, because I have been in areas where no one can reach me without me seeing them. quite annoying. But I think you should still be able to change server, instead of being able to jump from server to server, it should be so you have to request the change of server and wont be able to change more then maybe 1 every hour or so... There are many private servers that are not connected to the hive, that is why you're starting with a new character.
  5. woozaboo

    Need Help ASAP Banned for nothing

    Try to reinstall battleye, I have had a similar experience. I just reinstalled battleye and the error # 55 or what I had was gone.
  6. woozaboo

    standalone payment model?

    The price will start low and increase as it is getting closer to finished product. Same as Minecraft did when it started as alpha. This has been explained on several topics already.
  7. woozaboo

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    * [FIXED] Excessive logging of player data in server logs (Disabled https://dev-heaven.net/issues/38784 ) Can't say this is stopping people from server jumping. I was just server jumped, but I did get to test the bandit skin before they server jumped me. (I don't like server jumpers^^) First: Bandit skin removed my old stats, I tried logging off and on again. Second: My backpack disappeared, still in my inventory, but not on my back. As I got changed to bandit I could no longer see the rain or fog. until I logged out and in again. And so far I have not seen any graphical glitches, I just found some graphical glitches in belota airfield. I noticed that when I turned down the graphical setting to high I got less of this, and down to normal and it was gone.
  8. I've had a similar experience, I was right next to a guy, shot him with my Mk 48, he did not die, so I shot him with a small burst, and he was still ignoring me, then I just fired the rest of magazine on him, then his friend shot me with M107, it was 12am server time. I just figured the server had a massive lag
  9. You probably have to wait for bigger servers for that one to work. but you can always try:P
  10. woozaboo

    Whipe everything clean!!!

    I don't know about hard work, I can go 5min after finding a gun and get all the loot I have ever dreamt of. NVG's, range finder, M107, the ammo I need, ect. I think a full server wipe would make it more interesting again.
  11. I snipe from 1km, far away from any zombie, while my friend is going in to loot the corpses. i use the M107, it is even lauder^^
  12. If there are any servers with no pvp, it would have to be private servers.
  13. woozaboo

    Helicopters should be taken away forever

    I would like the helicopters to stay, nothing is more enjoying then to shoot down a helicopters, or managed to shoot it down without destroying it. And I love it when I hear a helicopter coming from some direction, it makes things more interesting.
  14. I doubt it will, I hope it wont, but if it came, I would start killing people to have that suit
  15. woozaboo


    Funny, I have been looking for night servers all the time, but only finding day time servers
  16. The Lee Enfield is one of my favourite guns in the game. But a tip for you,you do not want to use that gun inside a town, unless you plan on pvp. It is far to loud for zombie shooting.
  17. I logged off under a tree, and came back online the next day. And when I just finished loading I saw a sniper right next to me in a ghillie suit, and he was looking at me, and we both fired at the same time, and both died at the same time. I was lucky enough to spawn close to the area and got some nice loot from his as well.
  18. woozaboo

    I'm tired of not finding vehicles

    I enjoy hunting for vehicles on server at night time. I don't bother with going to spawn points, I go to green mountain and black lake or what it is called, that is about it. Otherwise I just wait in areas where vehicles go for vehicle parts shoot the driver and any other players that is in the vehicle, take it and drive away. and make sure I do as little damage to the vehicle as possible^^
  19. woozaboo

    how to kill my char

    Try to survive, if you have a compass, then is should not be hard to find a town. As for the suicide button, it is supposed to work when you have leg fracture, but it does not work at the moment.
  20. woozaboo

    I like the game and all.. But.

    The problem is that ArmA engine is open for modding, it is part of the game, which makes cheating(hacking/scripting) easy to do, unless DayZ goes stand alone game, there is not much that can be done. There are topics that names servers that are blacklisted or servers that are hacked so you can avoid those. I hear servers that are hosted by pandemic legion are less prone to hacker attacks (I can not confirm this but you can always try them out)
  21. woozaboo

    Into the mind of a bandit.

    I had a similar experience few days ago, just recently gotten killed by a hacker who teleported on me and shot me, kept spawning in the area of elektro, where i was killed. met a group of bandits trying to rob me, and they wanted me to follow them, then shortly after some sniper killed them and me, spawned same place again ran to my corpse only to meet a guy who ran up to me and blew himself up with me, spawned close to elektro again after that and met up with the guy who blew me up with the grenade and he gave me a M1911, MK 48 and a alice backpack and a FN FAL, that he got from some other corpse, i also got some night vision goggles. there are plenty of friendly players, and he was even a bandit(could hear that on his heart rate). all in all it was quite a fun day
  22. woozaboo

    Do people rather go by themselves than team up?

    I prefer playing in groups, we have 3 spotters, and one looter, sometimes 2 looters. and if you want vehicle it is better to be a group^^ If you want to find friendly, make sure your direct voice works.
  23. woozaboo

    Server Problems

    I seem to have the same problem, can't see any of the servers either. I just got mine to work by putting TYPE on blank and all the DayZ servers came up. i also installed beta patch 95417. but nothing showed until I made TYPE in filter setting blank
  24. woozaboo

    FN FAL price check

    It is a excellent weapon. 1 shot kill. if you're a good shot you can easily take a moving target. keep it, it is nice in tight situations^^
  25. woozaboo

    How populated is Green Mountain?

    It is not all that populated, but it has a vehicle spawn, so people run by it every now and then. so keep your self well hidden.