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Posts posted by Veils

  1. No, why would I kill them? If they don't talk, don't make any aggressive moves, then I couldn't care less, go about your business.


    If they make any movement that can be interpreted as hostile then either I will shoot them, or my friends will. But that goes to people that use their mic as well, I don't see a difference between them


    What do I care if some guy looting in a house can use his microphone or not -.-

    I treat both mic users and mutes the exact same way. Stay away, speak or type your peace with your weapon shouldered or lowered, else die.

  2. I'm not an expert on servers but am really looking forward to more players per server (perhaps 60-70?) and more zombies / faster respawn of zombies. This will allow for gangs of people to form more easily and more heroes/medics and more bandits.



    Not sure if it's been discussed before, but I don't think the Chernarus map and indeed the whole vibe of Dayz is conducive to that many players.


    Depending on where you are, it's pretty rare to find other survivors, which is exactly why when I do come across other survivors it becomes such an intense thing. If we keep running into people everywhere I think Dayz will lose alot of its charm.
