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Everything posted by TheCarn

  1. I think this is a priority, for example, I'm Australian and I mainly play with American friends, but if I decide to play at a different time of day, I'm generally running solo and if I get injured enough to the point where my characters vision is grey and blurry and i cant see, then I basically have to either stop playing if I have alot gear that I dont want to lose or just die and respawn. There are no other options at this point when playing solo, unless you can find the 1 half decent player on any server that can help and doesnt want to kill you for all your gear. Basically your screwed if you play solo and you get hurt, everything turns grey and blurry as hell, cant do much else but die or log off and wait for a friend to get online and help. This also sucks becuase its not just players you have to worry about but zombies as well since they can (for the moment) walk through everything to get to you. So if you run into a building and want to use melee to kill a zombie (so you dont make to much noise and wake up all the bandits in the area), your kinda screwed there since they can walk through a wall and hit you or if the room your in is narrow you might just hit a wall or something thats next to you instead of the zombie. If everything is grey and blurry pretty much one hit from a zombie will make you pass out, if that happens your dead and goodbye to all ur gear you were trying to save... I just hope there will be some sort of self healing in the near future, since you could in the modded version just by eating. I dont how ever like the idea of healing over time, like if you log off for an hour and come back, your character would have healed enough to keep playing. Unless your unemployed and sit at your computer all day and night then thats not a good fix for this problem. Normally people will have a limited time frame in which they can play a game like DayZ as it does take quite some time to find enough gear to start hunting bandits or if you are a bandit then hunting bambies like a scrub. Any way thats my rant.
  2. TheCarn

    Suggest an Item Thread!

    I doubt you have any idea how long it should take the development process for any game let alone DayZ. DayZ is already in its current state a better game then so very many AAA games out there. Its definitely more fun, not to mention its more polished then a crap load of AAA games. There are only 5 main developers working on DayZ currently and the amount that they have to do to get it to what they want to be a final release is beyond any game out currently, the only games I can think of that would have so much involved in terms of development are the mainstream MMORPGs such as WoW or even The Elder Scrolls Online (yet to be released), but even so those games aren't polished or will be polished upon release, games like WoW (which I used to play but now its bad) took years to get the point their at now, constantly updating and fixing bugs and adding content. You can't expect DayZ to be any faster in development then other games that have between 20 - 100 devs working on them. To say that the development of DayZ is slow is a complete joke. Please get a clue before you post slander against the game that you clearly enjoy since your posting on their forums. Anyway I would really like to see crossbows or hunting bows. I think that these would be a great way to hunt animals or just kill some infected. And the ability to fashion your own arrows or bolts out of sticks and rocks or scrap metal.
  3. TheCarn

    Bandits are BORING!

    This is what DayZ is in a nutshell! The whole point of DayZ is to survive, yes that means along the line you will be involved in a gun fight or even an axe fight, but surviving isn't just about finding food or water and avoiding sickness, its surviving other player encounters. I'm a huge fan of The Walking Dead and I think they hit the nail on the head when it comes to surviving a world wide disaster of epic proportions such as a zombie apocalypse. If you have seen the show, then you would know that the main characters have their group that they want to keep safe and out of harms way so they avoid other people but sometimes it can't be helped, not one of them would have survived if they wanted to be friendly to everyone. They have all killed others even if those people seemed like they were in need and they did this for many reasons, such as a shortage of food or supplies and they couldn't afford to share so they put those people out of their misery. Another reason is plainly because they didn't trust them. It's a dog eat dog world and DayZ has done this well. If you cant avoid bandits in the main cities then scavenge else where. There are plenty of other places to find good gear and I mean plenty... there are military outposts all over the map, there are smaller towns that have schools and stores to find food and equipment. Plenty of places out there that bandits don't go near. Most bandits will stay close to the coast to hunt bambies, so go inland, once your inland you can sneak up on the bandit snipers hiding in the hills at electro and cherno even balota.
  4. TheCarn

    Zombie training

    using them as pack mules to carry more bags xD
  5. TheCarn


    oh i know lets get gang tats :D
  6. One thing I loved about playing DayZ was when I 1st played Lingor. How you could store items in a tent. This was a great idea as it ment that you didnt have to stop scavenging once you got geared up. What i would like to see in SA is something similar to be implemented with player construction, the ability to make footlockers or chests to store items in, items that you find on your travels but dont really need to carry around with you. I think safes would be unrealistic, if you want to lock your stored items away then maybe we could find pad locks and keys and the only way to get past these would be with a pair of bolt cutters or a crowbar, maybe if the storage container is made of wood then an axe would get you in but it would damage the items inside. I just think if we are able to build structures and barricades and set up bases or towns then why not be able to store our findings. This could also lead to rival survivor's wanting to fight for that loot and having a attack or defend situation. One thing I think is missing at the moment (mainly due to servers having a max of 30 - 40 players) is large groups of survivor's working together. Normally you would see maybe a maximum of 5 or 6 survivor's playing together. Just a few ideas I thought might sound good to some. Sorry if this has been posted before, I did do a search on it and found nothing.
  7. TheCarn

    A few Suggestions

    The thing about cars destroying barricades wont happen, the current engine would not support it, think about it, if you drive a car though a metal fence, that fence is going to either bend, get torn up or come flying off. If its a wooden barricade then there would be a sort of explosion and debris would be scattered around. To do this the devs would need to spend far to much time either playing around with the current engine or integrate a new one in. It wouldn't be worth the time or effort. Yes it would be a cool factor to have in the game but its way to difficult to implement such a thing. Not to mention every one at some point would feel like going all kamikaze and just do it for fun. Making vehicles more rare than i can imagine they will be would also be a down point. I'm guessing that there will only ever be between 5-8 working or fixable vehicles available at any one point. Having more than that would be game breaking. Chernarus is a big map with a lot of land to cover, having a vehicle would be the biggest luxury in the game.
  8. TheCarn

    Suggestion in Forum

    How exactly do you know that not one single suggestion didnt make it into the mod ? Do you work with the devs ? do know a dev? if so then why would you slander them ? Im almost 100% sure that a good many things that were in the mod came from player suggestions... and im certain that the SA will also have a great many suggestion implimented over time. Why else would the SA even be out now as an Alpha? Why would it be a Beta at some point? becuase the devs rely on player feedback to smooth out the rough edges of a game before a full release can come out. Games are built on Q&A (questions and answers) the devs ask a question and a player gives an answer. There are even jobs for people to play games (pre release testing) and then provide feed back to developers. Every single game (doesnt matter what kind of game) goes through this process in one way or another. Sorry to shut you down like this but im guessing none of your suggestions have come to bare any fruit ...
  9. TheCarn

    Loot: Mysterious and Unpredictable

    Agreed you should be able to look under a bed or in a closet and find a gun of some sort maybe a shotgun in a cabnet in a shed or a hunting rifle mounted on a wall (that would be cool), its a zombie apocolypse after all, everyone would have taken up arms at a some point. But then again the game inst based in the US so realisticly there wouldnt be guns scattered around in every house or under a bar counter. If the game was based in the US you would find guns everywhere, probably even in the streets.
  10. TheCarn

    Loot: Mysterious and Unpredictable

    Agreed but dont just limit that to the major military hot spots like Balota and NW Airfield, there are plenty of smaller military outposts scattered around the map that could very well hold some awesome gear. Gotta give everyone a fighting chance... or bandits will control the good stuff.
  11. TheCarn

    Need some kind of self healing...

    If I knew people in my time zone that played I wouldnt really have this issue as they could just heal me, but if you want to take the "easy button" out then even friendly players shouldnt be able to give you blood or a saline IV... If its realism you want then why cant we give ourselves an IV, if you can still run around like nothing has happened to you and all you get for being hurt is a grey fuzzy screen and our character making noises from being in pain, then we should be able to heal ourselves in some way. If your worried about instant fixes then why can friendlies give you an IV and instantly restore most if not all your health ? Its a game after all. Either go uber realistic and cut out instant healing all together or dumb it down abit and give self healing that doesnt take hours. P.S. If your read my orignal post properly would have seen "(for the moment)" in regards to the zombie noclip issue.
  12. TheCarn

    Need some kind of self healing...

    Oh dont get me wrong I like the realism of it. But regardless this is a game and having to wait so long to heal or wait for a friend to help is a very bad thing for every one that doesnt have time to sit around for how ever long an hour or more just to get the saturation to go away. I know most that play this game are more than likely still in school and have all night to play (or skipping classes then having all day and night). But for those that maybe only get 2 or 3 hours to play a night or even a week, they dont want to wait for that long. In the modded DayZ you could eat a can of beans and instantly get 200 blood, or a steak and get 800 blood, while having a maximum of 22,000 blood. This wasnt instant healing as you still had to search for the food to be able to heal your self. No one would carry around that many cans of beans -.-' ... and ive had stints where it took around 20min to find a single can because everywhere i was looking had already been looted. Besides that when all you can see is fuzzy grey everything then it can be rather difficult to find food. Also if your nowhere near a well then again what do you do... I dislike server hoping to find things, I think it really kills the point of the game, so that isnt an option for me.
  13. TheCarn

    Need some kind of self healing...

    Funny you say that because I tried that and well it took a little over an hour to just get some color back on my screen...
  14. TheCarn

    Need some kind of self healing...

    Thats all well and good but again that takes way to much time for those that dont have all day and night to play a game. In the real world "a few hours" is a really long time in which normally work or other real life stuff needs to be done. Ive used the eating and drinking til im full method and it really does take way to long.