This isn't an error or anything, but I was thinking that it would make a lot of sense for a number of reasons if characters were server specific as in a character you have on one server will differ from one that you have on another in terms of gear and placement. Why? 1. Most important - if you wanted to hold any sort of a position (let's say a building) it would be impossible, because any attacking forces could easily; quit, change servers, move to your location, quit that server, then rejoin yours. This essentially allows people to teleport behind you. This might not seem like a big deal at the moment, but I would think eventually people would want to hold down bases. 2. For me I like to play with my brother and friend, but it would be nice if I could keep that progress, but also play on my own on another character. Otherwise I pretty much have to hang around in the same area the whole time or I would be miles away from the group when we decide to play with each other. Anyways, just some thoughts..