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Everything posted by Lordi0814

  1. Lordi0814

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    For me it's fine except for FPS drop in bigger towns. FPS is sometimes going down to 3-4 from average 20-30 but not as constant as the Dual Core issue was. I think it has to do with Playerbubble or Players logging in.
  2. Lordi0814

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I have got a crash 400-500m away from the camp. Massage was something with couln't read Memory ...
  3. Lordi0814

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I am on my way to the camp too. Blue Raincoat and Gasoline Canister in Hands.
  4. Yes i mean "pending updates" and the last three "rolling updates" was named "pending updates" befor they changed the name. I played the last four experimental patches on the experimental server's [ DayZ DE 0-1 (Experimental/Testing) and also 0-2,0-3,0-4 ]. Usually the server get the rolling updates some hours after the topic comes out. At the moment there is no new patch!
  5. Changelogs were posted in Announcements & Information under "Upcomming Update ..." or something like this. After the Patch is on official hive devs change the topic to "Rolling Update ..."