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About Ratspank

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Ratspank

    Thirst/hunger while offline

    On the other hand, does logging out too quickly after eating result in the game not registering that you had a meal? I logged into a server that for some reason didn't have sound, ate a cooked meat while trying to figure out the sound issue, then logged out. When I tried another server, my steak was back along with the sound. Still hungry though.
  2. Ratspank

    Thirst/hunger while offline

    Great! Thanks.
  3. This has probably been answered before, but I couldn't find an answer anywhere. I've noticed that the hunger/thirst meters are low after being offline for a while. I'm well equipped at the moment and always bring enough food, but I still wonder if my character will starve to death if I don't play the game for a few days. Does this happen, and how quickly?