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Everything posted by Super_Duty

  1. Super_Duty

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    It has nothing, imho, to do with anything about how harder it is perceived to be, but rather what is realistic...3pp is not even close to being realistic from the aspect of perspective.
  2. Super_Duty

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    My wife would agree...
  3. Super_Duty

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    It was not my intention to drag the OP's thread off-topic. The video was only to reinforce my viewpoint of 3pp, basically placing a spotter (camera) behind the actual player to see things that a normal individual could never see and say that it makes up for something that doesn't exist.
  4. Super_Duty

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    Lion's, Bambi's, what's the difference...
  5. Super_Duty

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    You've got to be kidding me... let's place a spotter (camera) behind the actual player to see things that a normal individual could never see and say that it makes up for something that doesn't exist.
  6. Super_Duty

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    To each their own... but to me personally, I cannot stand 3rd person games, NONE of them. It has nothing to do with content or story, there are many games I would love to play because of those factors. I just like the 1st person view, period! It could be the best game on the planet, but if it's not 1pp, I'll pass, every time. At first I thought that the only thing I could attribute this to is not being a console dude. But truth be told, since back in the day with the release DOOM by id software (for those not of the genre) it's been PC only, mouse and keyboard only and fill my screen with what I could see through my own two eyes. This could also mean that I just an old phuck, but the reality is is that it just doesn't matter, to me anyways. At the moment, yes, maybe I sacrifice some playability in 1pp, the negative mouse acceleration is a major issue imho, but I've adapted to it by using 3rd party software that at least makes it playable. FOV, what ever. Looks like I should hit my head on most door jambs but at least, even in alpha, I can adjust FOV. Many AAA titles out there that have ignored adjustable FOV settings all together. Back to the OP's observation... from what I've witnessed, the Exp. Servers on hardcore are plenty full. If I had my way, I would abandon 3pp all together (be gentle) and all the resources sucked up by it to make the 1pp experience the best it could be. Again, imho only. Give me FO3, with community mod-like enhancements (zombie apocalypse) and bake that in with top notch survival aspects. Refine the AI, limit ammunition to an extreme (forced reservation and team play to survive by sheer numbers). Now don't get all crazy, this is just one person's objective opinion and viewpoint...
  7. Super_Duty

    Soloing deep north on a hardcore server....

    I've spent days exploring the northern third of the map tracking east to west and back again just to see the landscape and anything else I might stumble across. On road, off road, etc. I haven't been up there since the latest exp. was released though. There was a thread earlier today suggesting a few buildings have been added. Does anyone know if the northern lakes have been filled with water yet? There are several of them, but bone dry.
  8. Great news on the Z re-spawns. I'm still mixed on having loot re-spawn if servers are going to continue to be restarted every 4 or so hours.
  9. Super_Duty

    Musical instruments?

    I was going to suggest that I'm all in for someone blowing my flute...but decided against it. You just never know where those lips may have been. Oh wait, there is disinfectant in-game isn't there...
  10. Super_Duty

    I don't understand this game.

    As suggested here, we are all in this exhaustive search for the holy grail... the elusive Pristine Banana, We come back, time after time, after being shot, chased, beaten, bitch slapped, starved for a reason only understood by psychiatrists, serial killers and the db's that apparently have nothing better to do. And... it appears that we cannot stop.
  11. Super_Duty

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    Meh, so is Alan Mulally. Life goes on, more mountains to climb. Best of luck in his future endeavors. Life is short, grab some ass and hang on for that moment.
  12. The old saying that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...my daughter would phuckyouup in COD.
  13. Super_Duty

    Where the heck is the long range scope?

    Yep, same thing here. Though I catch the early shift, 6:00am resets before heading into the office. Early worm as some say. Nothing like a nice quiet stroll around Chernarus on a sunny morning.
  14. Super_Duty

    Where the heck is the long range scope?

    You my Sir, Suck! LMAO!
  15. Super_Duty

    Where the heck is the long range scope?

    The LRS, ACOG, M4 Silencer, FNX Silencer, MRD, and RIS spawn frequencies have diminished greatly. I seem to run across the PU, Mosen Compensator & Bipod at a slightly higher rate and the weapons flashlights seem almost common at times. Not to make lite of your luck, but I picked up a PU in pristine condition just this morning in a garage. I don't have a use for the PU just now, but I couldn't leave it there ya know? I'm not a hopper, so I can't say if any given server change improves the odds. I've circled the map many times but typically move from Svet head West to NEAF, to Kras, Gvoz, Grish then on to NWAF, might catch the little military base too. Then off to Vybor and then head South down to Povlo and then backtrack all over again up North and then East to Svet. I like to stay North as you can tell. For a PU, the best places to look are the garages imho. Actually, not just my opinion, but based on my experience. If you have a M4 Silencer, we could possibly work something out. However patience seems to be the best, most rewarding aspect of the game. I was looking for morphine over the course of a week+ to give to the medical team since broken legs had spiked and only found one. In the past 24 hours I've found four of them... Good luck!
  16. Super_Duty

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    The wife just asked if the OP was healthy, hydrated and energized... She knows the drill.
  17. Super_Duty

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    Now I'm afraid to spawn with my exp character. I'm carrying more crap, "stuff" than any normal human could possible lug around. I mentioned in another post about the huffing and puffing, gasping for air, even in short bursts running. Now I'm sure to drop dead within minutes. Come find me, I'll be the one layed flat out face down in the dirt wondering why I ate so many cans of damaged spaghetti...
  18. Super_Duty

    Jump when hearing Gunshots?

    I'm guessing they're called apartments... large multi complex buildings. Some have stores and such on the first floor, a garage or two but then stairs to access the 2nd and 3rd floors. They're mid-town on the main streets. These are relatively new, added in one of the most recent updates.
  19. Super_Duty

    Why the dayz formula will ultimately fail

    I don't have time for this... But for the sake of the arguement, I would dare say that Zuckerberg found himself in a similar situation at one point.
  20. Super_Duty

    Ambient Noise increases with amount of Players?

    The increase in noises have been directly correlated to the number of cans of beans consumed by the total population of the server using 6-sigma methodologies...
  21. Super_Duty

    Why guns spawn in office buildings.

    Ok, so no other replies, but being one that works at a Fortune 100 company I can relate to this...
  22. Super_Duty

    Just lost all my sh*t for no reason

    That is a great idea. For every 1000 hrs of play you get a free t-shirt.
  23. Super_Duty

    Jump when hearing Gunshots?

    Was NE in Svet yesterday touring the city in one of the apt. complexes on the 3rd floor. All was quiet, rain was coming and going with Zed's all about the place, I tend to leave them (Zed's) be if possible and use them as sentries. Shots fired near by, my immediate thought was to fire my weapon as well just to let the person know they were not alone... I chose to keep quiet.
  24. Super_Duty

    do i die if i exit during respawn timer

    Server hoppng results in immediate death since this past update...