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Everything posted by Super_Duty

  1. Super_Duty

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Something for you sinners, with a drive thru lane and plenty of parking to recant your dirty deeds...
  2. Super_Duty

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Any word if anything has changed on HC since they came back up? I'm stuck at the office for a while yet.
  3. Super_Duty

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    In case you missed it, the Weekly Status Report, Aug. 4 Edition is posted... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/206651-status-report-week-of-august-4-2014/
  4. Super_Duty

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    90 minutes in, found a sandwich, some fries, and a cola. It's raining like hell and dark out, so I'm heading to bed... Save me some loot!
  5. Super_Duty

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    157.5MB for those keeping track of the updates. I'm going in now, wish me luck! Latest iteration is 0.48.124699.
  6. Super_Duty

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    This has been my experience also. Pristine - Worn - Damaged - Badly Damaged to Ruined. If you have a sewing kit you can maintain at worn for the most part. Even when worn, there appears to be degradation that occurs and by using the sewing kit it seems to restore to what I guess you could call "barely worn". However, if you get caught in a corner with Zed's, watch out, your gear and ego will take a beating. I don't mind this so much honestly, though I may whine about it when it occurs but that is part of the game. I would like to be able to repair vests however, which at the moment, the sewing kit does not do. Maybe I should try using duct tape...lol.
  7. Super_Duty

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Just finished up a 2 hour session, on a run from the North East corner to South West and stopped just West of NWAF. Canned food was scarce, but obtainable. I was surprised to see some of the smaller towns had buildings un-looted. Typically those buildings previously had nothing, but they now seem to have a can or two of something. I passed through NWAF, checked all the major stops and found an AK101 on top of the lockers in the control tower. That AK I left initially until I found a 30 round mag. The mag. description stated that it was for an AK weapon type only to later learn that the mag. was of the 7.62/39mm variety. Now I'm carrying the AK in hand with no ammo for it. We will see what happens, but more than likely it will end up under the next bush...
  8. Super_Duty

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Just read this in the DevTracker...Eugene spills a little, enjoy! http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/2cia7b/i_figured_out_how_the_new_loot_spawning_system/ Also, this! [Twitter] [Hicks_206] Just a heads up, we're aiming for an exp update tomorrow - but will keep everyone updated!
  9. Super_Duty

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Still trying to sort out the mechanics of this myself. I went way North to the edge of the map and found a dear stand that typically has only one loot item. Took said item which was a rotten potato. A fire extinguisher spawned I took that and nothing respawned. Went to bed, logged back in the next morning, guessing the server had reset twice and still nothing had spawned. Tried another dear stand, took the water bottle, rope spawns, then nothing after it. Almost seems to be a limit on how many times a particular site respawns items. I then ran to the North East edge of the map, checked out the small town just North of Karmanovka and found only junk loot (clothing and shoes) and one can of beans after a fresh restart.
  10. Super_Duty

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    I really thought I wanted to login and play tonight, though apparently I'm too tired. It has exhausted me just considering the virtually energy required to run even one Kilometer.
  11. The location below should be known to some of you. I've dropped the first can of beans, some cooking props, can opener, chem light, wood, sticks and rags in this location. My challenge to those of you who persevere over great distances and survived the horrors of the cities, but find calm in the wilderness seek this refuge and contribute to the greater cause. Bring your extra gear deep into the woods, maybe some water, or a tent, animal meat, what ever you have to share with the collective. In time, we will move ourselves to a more obscure location once we have the proper numbers to do so. Head to the AU/NZ 04 HC server, there you will find the path.
  12. I second that! Please sort by loot type, clothing, footwear, backpacks, food, etc. Then by color, some of us are very particular about our bling. It would also be helpful to arrange in rows by loot type and usage, maybe even status of quality such as pristine, worn, damaged...you get the point. No more of this garbage pile of crap tossed into an abyss of crap. Though I will say, that with the latest patch, that the detail of the garbage piles are looking very fine. Or, I just missed when they updated the model. So please show some respect. You've taken so much time so display your wares/technical ability, please take a moment to display them properly.
  13. Super_Duty

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Something fun for you wilderness types...will probably only last until the next update, but for now, let's see what happens. Oh and Boneboys, I checked up on your worms, and they are doing just fine. I did give them a shot of water, they were a bit dry... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/206307-city-dwellers-will-perish-only-those-strong-healthy-and-prepared-will-survive
  14. Super_Duty

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    There are a couple of comments on not being able to lean while crouched earlier in this thread. I rarely use that feature myself. I seem to only lean after having a few pints on a bar stool.
  15. Super_Duty

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    How many apples must one eat to get energized, hydrated & healthy status? If it's even possible. Ok, Grzech has a new mission for the day! Please report back to the committee as soon as possible. Thx! Oh an do turn down that gamma, you look all pastie.
  16. Super_Duty

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Played for 8+ hours yesterday. It was rainy most of the day, so I had no problem rationalizing the best way to spend my day. Here are some of the things I experienced traversing the main road 2000m north of NWAF, heading West past Bash, then the Southern route, Lopatino, Vybor, Pushtoshka, Zelen, Pavlovo then cut across South East down to Cherno. I spent 5 hours in Cherno, from the roof tops of the apartments (loot spawns into the roof, had to spot) down to the furthest point of the harbor. I had never spent this much time in Cherno btw. I ran into only one other player, at the Military base SE of Vybor, no shots fired. Apparently loot spawn is working just fine, someone had looted the jail building multiple times and was piling up loot outside. No firearms however, backpacks, clothing, some ammo, boots, etc. There was 1 flare in the pile, it was getting dark, so I lit it, left it and continued on. Now mind you the server I was playing is on the opposite side of the planet, ping was high 200's. If you're playing on those servers, then you've made a choice to accept some lag/desync/stuttering. Deal with it, don't piss and moan in the forums. No LMB issues, other than a couple dysnc/lag spikes. Killed a couple hundred Zed's using the Fire Axe, both from the front and back. It took a little bit to get the timing correct, but once you have it down they are typically not a problem. I was healthy, energize and hydrated but I did take a beating more times than I'm used to. Most often the result being ruined clothing and on occasion some gear. The jacket I'm wearing always takes the brunt of it, then backpack, glasses, and hat seemly in that order. Gear I came across, found a Mosen almost immediately, then a 1911, Makarov and Shotty, multiple CR527's, 1 SKS and several Sportiers. As for ammo, 51mm for the Mosen seemed plentiful, it took me several hours to find a clip for the Mak, never found one for the 1911. There were plenty of .380 rounds to be had, two boxes of .45 acp, 50 rounds of buckshot, but no 39mm at all except for 1 mag. I tossed the 1911 in the ocean, or at least tried to from the seawall on Cherno. That didn't go so well, but did make for a great photo shot. I stumbled across my first CR527 mag. Here's what one looks like for those having difficulty Zed path finding is a blessing and a curse. I was up top a construction site and this guy spots me from 200m out and proceeds to make his way up, what 3 flights of stairs? Took him out and then comes another. Food was never an issue, I typically carry food with me but it was so abundant that I kept only a bag of rice with me. Other things I found, or not. Found my first Riders jacket, though I wish it had more slots. Fishing lures must have been on sale, they were everywhere. Only 1 LRS, No M4's or mags, Canteen's seemed rarer than in the past. Some garages loot seems nerfed atm. to some degree. Also found a OREL Unit Uniform Jacket, apparently for a special police force unit. Maybe it has been already posted, I do have a pic. if anyone wants to see it. Found no tents btw, and I was looking. Also someone posted that the random noises are gone...not from my experience. Also, there's a new noise I came across multiple times, sounds like a dull drum thump at distance. Also at one point, sounds seemed to quit altogether, Zed's would attack in stealth, not even a growl or grumble.
  17. Super_Duty

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    That is my experience, I have one there now. Maybe at some point we will have a variety of lures that we can decorate our boonies with.
  18. Super_Duty

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    I fell off a roof in the last 0.47 update. I went up the scaffolding that you see on sides of buildings from time to time and thought, hey, I can get on the roof. Only to find that when I step on the roof I slowly started to slide towards the edge. Last thing I saw was "you are dead"... So yeah, one of those little lessons learned, the hard way.
  19. Super_Duty

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    I have mixed feelings on this. There is always cause and effect in software development, that and there is great variability in the hardware people are running meaning that internal testing can only get you so far. This is of course unless you have a small army of testers, in the case of Experimental, we're the mega army of testers. There are just too many variables and scenarios involved to develop test cases for every combination. Having a change log would be nice, however the Devs. in many cases are trying out concepts. If said concept is removed for technical, functional or game balance reasons there's potential community backlash. Although I suppose that can happen anyways, but I suspect to a lesser degree if you leave it unpublished.
  20. Super_Duty

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Confirmed and reported. This also occurs with the canteen, appears that you go prone after drinking.
  21. Super_Duty

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    223.3MB btw, if anyone is keeping track.
  22. Super_Duty

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    The wife is here telling me that we are like a bunch of little kids, sitting here waiting for the update. What should I tell her?
  23. Super_Duty

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Yes Sir! Steam update queued!
  24. Super_Duty

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    I see on SWE 0-3, version .48 one person online sucking up all the loot. Quite possibly a test server I suppose, spot checking the .48 alpha public release.
  25. Super_Duty

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    I'm thinking you're not a glass half full kind of person. Come on, it's Friday, with a new update inbound any minute!