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    None violent dayz possible?

    lmaooooooooooooooooooo you sound abit like me, I seem to be living like a hobo! calling different shacks and camps my own out in the middle of no where.. occasionally doing some loot runs in small towns then heading off to live my life away from humans and zombies :') I don't think I'm playing day z properly XD

    4 Bandits vs ME :)

    lmao nice, you get some lovely beans for that! ;)

    What to do if robbed by proper bandits

    simple, don't put yourself in a position to be held up in! you'll find plenty of loot inland! if you wanna survive, stay away from open areas, towns, cities and main roads! ;) if anyone does appear, hide and sneak off or get the jump on them :)

    Do you support "Killing on sight"?

    I don't really kill on sight per say, I give three clear warnings then shoot or if I'm approached at gun point someone's going down lol I killed two blood bandits earlier today, they were draining some guy, took them out.. freed the guy and let him have the loot :) I'm kinda like.... a gentleman bandit

    Loot spawn - when?

    you wanna head inland, maybe get yourself an axe and head to a fire station or police station to get a gun (army or air base if you're feeling lucky) :) from there you'll be laughing, stay off main roads, large towns and cities! you'll have less of a chance being picked off by bandits or drained by blood bandits and you'll have a great time surviving :)
  6. oh wow thanks guys, I try it out! I've been really confused to why it wasn't showing up
  7. I have a pistol and m4A1 but I can't seem to see the guns, I have them in the inventory and placed in my hand (says it on the top of the screen that its selected) but i can't aim or see the gun at all in my hands... can anyone help me please :/