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Everything posted by dannynickelov

  1. dannynickelov

    Cooking Food?

    Next update will contain cooking and scavenging supplies.
  2. dannynickelov

    Fill Canteens with water bottles!

    Would be nice.
  3. dannynickelov

    DayZ Addiction.

    Can't stop playing it, to hell with all the other games! (except ArmA, haha)
  4. Made a trip from Cherno to Berenzino, only encountered 1 dead body in a 30/40 server...
  5. I agree, bring back the DayZ music! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r68uZehZqN8 I think it's cool to see the things mentioned in the OP's post.
  6. dannynickelov

    The best atmosphere in this game

    Best. Game. EVER.
  7. dannynickelov

    Like to See Squad.xml Added

    Man that would be so cool. Adds way more immersion to roleplaying.
  8. Worth every euro i payed for it, it's Alpha, it has it's ups and downs, especialy downs, but i already have around 70+ hours of fun and i got killed around 15 times, still enjoying the heck out of it, currently making a trip from Balota to Berenzino, encountered many beautiful places and saw a lot of strange things on my way, try to find another game that has an atmosphere like DayZ.
  9. dannynickelov

    Glitched into wall, HELP!

    Sprint, but sometimes this gets you killed, or try to join another server, happened to me like 4 times, got stuck in a hospital and a normal house(s), joined another server and i spawned outside the building.
  10. dannynickelov

    Ambushing 2 guys running from cherno to balota

    Damn bandits...
  11. dannynickelov

    If you don't laugh at this, you are a bitter soul

    I laughed so hard, imagine this guy running towards you just screaming stuff about bananas... i would go bananas if i saw him...
  12. dannynickelov

    Fishing in dayz

    I heard but i am not sure that Dean is going to implement this.
  13. dannynickelov


    How about NYET.
  14. dannynickelov

    Suggestions to make Hardcore Gaming experience.

    I saw a server with 110 slots...
  15. That's the game, this would also happen in real-life... nothing you can do about it. Don't trust anyone.
  16. dannynickelov

    Death is final?

    That is what makes it so exciting if you have a geared-up character and you meet some people, you think to yourself are they friendly or not, that is what makes this game amazing.
  17. dannynickelov

    HELP! I can't seem to see my gun in DAY Z SA

    Sometimes servers are taking a long time to load you in, try joining another one, i had like 3-4 servers where it took 5 minutes before i could use my inventory.
  18. dannynickelov

    Opening a can with no tools...

    But you have to be Russian to use that kind of technique. :P
  19. dannynickelov

    Zombie Bear

    There are no bear models in the ArmA universe so i will doubt it.
  20. dannynickelov

    How many people do you kill in a life on average?

    None, depends if they are bandits or KoS'ers. If so, 1-3.