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About adwilk1231

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. adwilk1231

    Stages of Dayz

    I'm still stuck in stage 4. :)
  2. adwilk1231

    Stages of Dayz

    The stages of dayz 1. How the hell do I pick things up? What does duct tape do? Ooohhh beans. 2. $%*^&*^% zombies. 3. I now know how to not starve to death and kill zombies. Oh I should eat this instead of holding it in my inventory. 4. So this is where the fancy gear is. Don’t I look nice in that…….oh I’m dead. 5. Head on a swivel at all times. Staying camouflaged. Geared up and alive. 6. Hunting people who are in stages 1-4.
  3. I'm pretty new so this is not an educated opinion but is some of the KOS attitude that players have to each other coming from the fact that other players are far and away the biggest threat to you in the game? In other words I have no incentive to work with you if I don't really know you. I'm better off killing you and keeping everything for myself and taking out the biggest risk in the game. If the zombies were so scary that going through a house on my own was a huge risk it might be worth it to work with a stranger to go through a town and take turns looting while the other looks out.
  4. adwilk1231

    Newb scope question

    Weird wouldn't work on two different guns I used last night. :(
  5. adwilk1231

    Newb scope question

    How the heck do I look through the scope on my gun?