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About zabrilla

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  1. zabrilla

    Survey: Worst part of DayZ?

    Yup, agreed and I have done; back to the mod lol. Oh and enjoying a bit of ARK as well :)
  2. zabrilla

    Where has the fun gone?

    350 hrs and I am done. Problem I see with limiting the loot (to be clear, I think the Harder the Better so limiting loot is a GOOD idea), Is that with all of the open buildings to check, running into building after building and finding nothing is going to get very tedious, very quickly! Its such a shit mechanic that I can see loads of peeps leaving, if they had loots from Zombies onb the other hand, well at least thats engaging, having to kill zombies and feel that you have to work for it....however, Zombies! lol..... No Zombies, Rockets Gone, Endless searching buildings to find ONE can opener......DayZ is dead, so long and thanks for all the fish! EDIT: Yea I feel butthurt: Deal with it!
  3. zabrilla

    Survey: Worst part of DayZ?

    Bugs: Nothing quite like hearing shots outside the guard building your in at VMC, taking position with your rifle trained on the stairs, with your back to the wall and facing the corridor..... only to be shot and killed by invisible players who "apparently" saw me just standing prone and weapon switching!!!! Thats it for this game. I have gone back to the mod. I feel fucking duped that I have three games that essentially are the same thing. Arma 2 Dayz Mod. DayZ SA and Arma 3 Epoch. who fucking new it!!!!
  4. zabrilla

    Survey: Worst part of DayZ?

    How people forget that DayZ has already taken money for this game, that gives people the right to comment and opinionate; especially given that through the years of development, the only additions to the game seem to be items taken under license from third party companies (Black Element Software: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/227400-black-element-software/ )
  5. zabrilla

    Survey: Worst part of DayZ?

    A Zombie game thats utterly bereft of any Zombies!
  6. zabrilla

    Why aren't zombies carrying anything?

    Something I rearlised the other day is that running into house after house after house to look for loot is a shit & boring mechanic. Looting zombie corpses is at least gratifing and engaging assuming you killed the zombie in the first place.
  7. Is the game worth buying??? Well here is a list of current bugs: Important bugs and issues Zombies* Zombies clipping through floors/walls* Zombies hitting through upper floors from the ground floor* Low zombie numbers* No zombie respawningZombies are a work in progress they are a very active area of development, we consider the current implementation a base level to commence further testing. Their AI was completely redeveloped, which means we need to come up with new (more efficient) methods of their interaction with the world, such as collision, as the ArmA way is not designed for thousands of AI to operate at once on this scale. This will be one of our most active areas of development. Audio issues* Loud opening of cans of drink * Ambient animals making zombie noisesDue to the many changes to architecture, we have not been focused on audio. While some changes have been made we just hired a dedicated audio designer who will be teamed up with an audio programmer to completely revamp the way sounds work. We feel sound is very important for DayZ so we are really committed to this. Map Issues* Fences and objects clipping through buildings* Loot sunk into the ground or floatingPleased bug these up in the feedback tracker with accurate map locations and images. This be difficult without a map but posting images around the forums or other communities might bring others who recognize the location. Loot Distribution* Loot not spawning in every building* Loot not well balancedBalancing the whole world is very difficult. We also plan to centralize distribution of key items so there will be a global economy. For now, you have the basics and while this is not ideal it is enough for testing. We look forward to our exciting features with this! Loot/Action Delays* Loot taking long to take* Splitting piles of loot not working properly* Item out of sync in inventoryWe heavily optimized the netcode but in some cases, we cut too deep. We will be isolating these as we go, but we already know this can occur (particularly obvious when first spawning in). So with all these bugs is the game worth it????? Well actually when you consider that the above was taken from a post made by Rocket back in 2013, then the answer is no in my opinion. Because the devs have no idea and they are going to get modders to fix the issues they can't; which is ok but what is the point of the game when you have A2 DayZ Mod (and Epoch), A3 Epoch??? I feel like I have been on a 300 hr walking and being shot in the back of the head testing binge!!! Edit: Link to the quoted post. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/153994-early-access-important-information-known-issues/
  8. zabrilla

    Dayz Realisim

    No wonder we have a Zombie Apocolipse with all this shit junk we find!! Humanity never stood a chance!
  9. zabrilla

    Plans to hotfix 0.50? (Dev reply please?)

    Fixing the water pumps would be a start!
  10. zabrilla

    Two worst things about alpha Dayz at the MOMENT

    I think that loot spawns should be less around the coastal areas, more in the center of the map to encourage people to move inland. As for the night issues, well I think the way the servers are set up at the moment is problem. I play more of the mod now because I usually only have the time to play in the evening which means that I only get to play DayZ on Night servers. I have always sought out the Day/ Night servers as I want that type of experience however just night is just as crappy as only day time experiences. I can see why Rocket has set it up this way but there are sometimes where design desicions need to prioratise gameplay over reality. We are afterall in a Zombie Apocolipse, not exacly a "real" scenario afterall. The only otrher thing I would add on the night aspect to the DayZ gameplay: the night needs to be lighter, or the moon needs to be brighter. I believe that you still should need to use Tortches to see details of the game like loot and what not, but the moon should provide decent ambient light for travel and general stuff (not including shadows i.e. buildings, of course). I once went sledging at night, it was a full moon and not a cloud in the sky and with the snow cover it really was like daytime. Madness!
  11. zabrilla

    So i just went on a Rampage...

    I have killed a couple of people, not very many though. I have been able to meet and not be killed by people...once (last night on a dark server). I have been killed on sight...Gazillion Times. Went over to the mod version: Met 5 people, been kos, zero times. Helped people with zombies, 4 times and hitched a ride with one person all the way until they hit a road block and killed us both haha.
  12. zabrilla

    I need a Server and coaching

    I am like you mate, never played Arma games, liked the SA version of DayZ and got hold of the mod and all its varients. And like you I wanted to set up my own server as I found that I never could really settle in to the various "games" on offer. Here is my advice, don't bother running a server yourself. Stick with playing on others. You don't gain any advantage running a server for others and unless your PC, ftp, .pbo and database admin savy, you will end up wasting your money on a server over run by hackers. If you really must run a server, you will find that everyone has their own opinion and not that there is parity in all providers but sometimes things go wrong and shit happens, it doesn't mean that as a customer, you will have the same experience; absolutly. I would go with a server that you find you can administer easilly. Try reading the below link, there is a lot of info to go through. Dont rush snd play as many of the varient types so that you have a firm idea of what it is that you want. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/55657-start-here-a-beginners-guide-to-dayz-servers-and-administration/ Hope this helps, its from a fellow noob.
  13. zabrilla

    Upon entering server, gear got wiped

    Damn, this just happened to me. Desinked and got kicked out of the server for no responce (no biggie, happens a lot, right?)....I log back in to the same server and my gear has gone. I havnt tried logging onto another server but hey ho, it sucks but thats life I guess haha.
  14. zabrilla

    Did you ever see a squad of combat loggers?

    Have some beans my friend. I have not seen them but I have felt the strange icy hand of death as someone shoots at me from my behind. Gholstly!!! Or Teleportadilly!!