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About punkvegita

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  1. Hey guys just made a video, got a lil surprise when i realized I could now shoot through those stairs, you were never able to before, I'm glad the devs are getting the liil things that matter done, on this note how good is shooting through windows these days? is it still a gamble?
  2. punkvegita

    PVP zones

  3. punkvegita

    PVP zones

    Trust me I get what your saying coldatrophy and I would love for some day the game to be where you go into a city there's crazy zombie hordes everywhere , there's one building where all the loot is at but the entrance is being blocked by a huge mutated zombie thing where you need to fight together to survive, the weather is so cold that you have to sleep next to another player for warmth. It sounds like you need to open your mind and role play a bit. Or here's something you tell us what you do in dayz? What's your regular day like what do you do on the regular ? Eat beans with randoms at the shore, start fires by the woods? Fishing? Hunting ? Farming? Lol enlighten us cold atrophy pls show us how u play the game better , and I'm serious mocking tone but I am serious
  4. punkvegita

    PVP zones

    First the 2 games and I' m speaking the pvp aspect of them are completely different. One is a arcade run and gun the other is a military sim, at least it was. The feelings you get from the two are completely different. I've played over 1300 hours of dayz standalone and my heart still races, My heart has not raised a beat by playing BF or COD, both fun and exciting but doesnt put you where dayz puts you, i think anyone can agree with that. Second your right DayZ is an adjustable wrench, and when have any of us said all we like to do is PVP, I use my adj. wrench to change tires alot but doesnt mean thats all I do. DayZ is a in depth game where even the littlest thing take more attention than other. I love having to drag my magazine out to put the bullets in than to put it back and so on . Your the one trying to hand us the lug wrench and guess what we're not taking it, we're keeping our adjustable wrench and if all we do is change tires with it so be it .
  5. punkvegita

    PVP zones

    I agree with you guys there a nothing worse than dying losing all your shit and having to spend 2 hrs to get back to where you were that's why I love killing other ppl, I can only imagine they re fucking reaction , there's nothing better than you running up on a dude at nwaf and them talking shit about kos and pvping, come one your at the hottest location with a gun out... That's why I believe and this is just my opinion ppl that complain want to Pvp they are just always the one on the bad end of the stick so for them Pvp equals garbage, they needs nature , weather and pve
  6. punkvegita

    PVP zones

    Move past that? People take a look at the bigger picture. Who would be testing the standalone through 2 years if it wasn't for the pvpers? The OP is not asking the game to be more pvp oriented his asking where he can see some action because guess what the state of the game right now leaves lil to do without other players. Your in a sandbox filled with other people and letiraly nothing to do but loot rinse repeat.best way to loot is taking other ppl shit... Dead or alive OP - if you Are truly looking for good pvp I would suggest just hanging around NWAF/ vybor/lopatino. Make sure you are in a full server and it preferably says pvp somewhere some of them even say North Pvp those are really good
  7. punkvegita

    What are the current big military areas of the map?

    In my opinion the loot system right now is the best it's ever been , they seemed to have finally gotten a grip on where things should spawn. I hope they add more rare loot to random civilian buildings like the M65 field jacket, I tend to only stay around military bases but this actually forced me to move around until I got to the coast for one which I actually really liked. Right now most players spawn and book it to a military base which is fine but there deff needs to be something more to make ppl wonder. Well back to topic, AKs at first seem hard to find but you ll soon realize that they spawn by the truck load at the military tents, the tents west of mishniko are the best ones for looting since its so isolated most people looking for action will not really go there, unless of course you got that dueche bag sniper who's got nothing to do. Second comes the magazine and ammo. Magazines again seem hard to find but once you realize they only spawn in a few select places it becomes a lot easier. Tents again will be your best bet, loot respawns about every 30 mins so if you don't find one either wait or server one once or twice everyone does it they just to proud to say it. Your second best bet for magazines and probably a little more dangerous is the new barracks , they are actually the best buildings for loot at the moment, you ll find anywhere from guns, magazines , scopes to grenades, again these are somewhat of a hot spot at the moment due to the lack of loot in other popular buildings primarily the prison and act building.
  8. punkvegita

    Advanced Inventory System

    Yea I know what you mean about the putting things into things into other things. I use to do that but now like you said it feels like cheating and not only that it's such a hassle. Funny the frying pan tied to the backpack is actually one of the things I first thought about haha. Journey to the West anyone?
  9. punkvegita

    Advanced Inventory System

    The current system is very solid no complaints here. I didn't even think about rolling clothes and things of the sort with rope. That's a fantastic idea, I personally don't carry extra clothes on me because they take up 4slots, would be really nice especially to roll up your raincoat or maybe in the future if there's harsher weather you can always carry more clothes on you
  10. punkvegita

    Advanced Inventory System

    So le me start by saying when I first started playing the Standalone the thing that I loved the most was the inventory system.kind of reminds you off resident evil in some ways. Now it's been a year later and I still love it but I would really love to see some upgrade done to this beautiful system. 1. The one thing I want the most is for slots to be made a lil more realistic. For example blue jeans have 4 slots all bundled together, when in reality those 4slots are 4 different pockets. I would love to see them separate slots accordingly. So jeans would still have 4slots but they would be all separated, and you wouldn't for example be able to stick a protector case in there. (Here comes things in my pants jokes) 2. Another implementation I would love to see are improvised accessories. Let's put the ropes to more use, let us tie our helmet to our backpack. Let me use a leather sewing kit to turn a chest pistol holder into a leg pistol holder. I feel like there's so much that can be added to this field. 3. This is prob the easiest to do,let us play Tetris with our inventory. Give us the ability to turn our items. I really don't see why this isn't implemented yet but I still got my hopes. So what do you guys think of these ideas, and please anything else you guys would like to see added or changed please speak your mind gents and ladies.
  11. punkvegita

    Rarest Loot (Experienced Looters)

    Just found the PM 73 RAK the other day and I have a couple of questions about this gun. 1.What kind of mags does it take and where can I find them? I don't think I ve ever come across a .380 mag 2.Why does it take so much space? from the looks of the gun it just seems like it's a pistol with some attachments to it. I feel like it should deff be smaller than let's say a AK 74U and even maybe a MP40. IMO the ak74u should be the biggest of the three, than the MP40 would be slightly smaller than the RAK would be even a lil smaller. Right now just looking at the guns it doesn't seem right that they re all the same size.
  12. punkvegita

    Server help

    Hey guys,just a little update, the server went back to being 1stP only and all my stuff was still there just in time for me to pack up for the Wednesday maintanence. Thanks for all the help And support guys and gals
  13. punkvegita

    Server help

    Yea I'm willing to bet it won't be on the third person server. This sucks we gotta worry about; glitches, server wipes, hackers and now this. Seems like I ll be taking a good break and hopefully a lot of things will be changed by the time I'm back.
  14. punkvegita

    Server help

    Okay, to clear things up I have not been back to where my stash was. When I relogged I already had a new character. So your saying if I go back to where my stuff was it should still be there? I personally highly doubt it but it's deff worth a try
  15. punkvegita

    Server help

    Thanks boneboys, just when you think you have a solid server to start a stash in