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About bptrav

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Trying to dumb it down to make it more popular would be a huge mistake. This (Alpha) mod is hugely popular BECAUSE of how "hardcore" it is. That's what makes it stand out from everything else. Take that away and it's just one of 20 other zombie games. Because of DayZ, Arma 2 seems to be selling better than it ever did before, and there are more people playing this Alpha than are playing most full/complete retail games. It's really a great example why developers should allow their games to be modded. I don't think a mod has created this many extra game sales since Counter-Strike.
  2. bptrav

    Rocket is partially causing DC'ers

    I really think the best solution is a 30-60sec timer after disconnecting where your character stays on the server. I don't know how hard this would be to implement though (what happens if they join another server in that time for example?) That's not really going to work for long' date=' because people will reverse engineer that system in a heartbeat (figuring out exactly how often they can log out). All it will do is slightly inconvenience people who log off to avoid PVP, and a new unarmed character doing it to avoid zombies won't care if they are killed because they have nothing to lose. There's nothing really "game breaking" in DayZ so by that logic he should just stop developing new features/fixes entirely. I think you missed most of the original poster's message too. A lot of it was about disconnecting to avoid PVP, not just zombies.
  3. bptrav

    Knocking unconscious?

    The information is still "right" if it's out of date, just not for the current version. Of course most people are running the newest version now so it's wrong for them. :)
  4. bptrav

    Best item/vehicle you've fount?

    The best gear I find is usually from dead players. About a week ago I was running inland from the beach with a Winchester and mostly noob gear, when I came across a guy wearing a Ghillie suit, Coyote elite pack, M4A3 CCO with 12 SD mags, M9 SD, NVG, GPS, etc. One shot to the head from my Winchester and it was mine. :)
  5. For trolling people? That's about the only use I can think of.
  6. bptrav


    I love how everyone says this implying L4D is an easy or simple game. The co-op/campaign is pretty easy, but Versus mode is brutal. The biggest challenge in any game is PVP, and people with lots of experience/hours are pretty much always going to beat people with "only" a couple hundred hours. It's truly a game that is easy to learn, but very hard to master. It's also one of the most teamwork-dependent games I've ever played. Creating coordinated attacks and working together completely makes or breaks your success.
  7. bptrav

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    This doesn't seem to happen very often but when it does I agree it's really annoying. I was chased in to a house by 2 zombies last night, then proceeded to kill 65 of them, ran out of ammo, and died.
  8. bptrav

    I come here to complaint.

    Pretty sure this is a troll post but if not... Always watch youtube videos of gameplay before buying a game. It'll save you a lot of money.
  9. bptrav

    No servers with night time anymore?

    If you want to find a server that is currently nighttime look for servers that actually say what timezone they use in the server name (such as UTC -5, UTC+10, etc) and figure it out from there: http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_UTC.aspx You can also sometimes tell what time it is by the server location, but not all servers necessarily run their actual location's timezone.