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About clonehappy

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    On the Coast

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  1. I don't know if anyone else has had this happen, but a while back (though at this point I can't remember when) the sound of the gun moving around on your back when you walk/run is completely gone. Everything works perfectly fine otherwise, even with a complete reinstall of my Windows partition and Steam and DayZ it just isn't there. I'm just wondering am I too stupid to know I've changed a setting that I dont recall, or just an odd glitch that I've never heard anyone else have issues with? Thanks for any input or anything.
  2. clonehappy

    Cant join a server! Help!

    I'm getting this too, and a list of pbo files and stuff about downloading new keys or something. Just started happening after I had logged out of a Hardcore server cause I had to afk for a while. Tried logging into another server and every one I try gives me this Confirmation of Changes and a bunch of jargon. Update for me: Was able to join the HC server I was on earlier, but none of the previous regular servers are working for me. Not sure and can't seem to find anything about it.
  3. clonehappy

    Demographic Profile Of Dayz Community

    35 Female East Coast US Haven't played the mod (or Arma)
  4. clonehappy

    My Last Rant

    Hey Bliss, it is definitely annoying when most players are more interested in shooting everything that moves over actually engaging fellow players with caution yet not auto killing. I understand where you're coming from. I'd say for sure maybe take a break from playin for a bit maybe and see how it feels as its more progressed in development, but like uBorn wrote (and holy crap man excellent post!) when you are playing, just let yourself enjoy the ride. It's not even near a complete game so you just have to keep telling yourself that and also remember anonymity brings out the crap in people a lot :-\ I'll be playing a bit this week during the days ... I think we added eachother on steam and if you're on maybe we can group up and just journey through Chernarus and experience it from a more positive point of view :)
  5. clonehappy

    Dyslecxi shows just how amazing 1PP only is in NEW video.

    I have no idea why 3pp is an exploit? I can't stand not seeing my character :-\ Mind you I dont play shooters ... EVER. So I am not used to nor enjoy first person, but I try it now and then of course. Even in combat in this game I can't seem to get a feel for 1PP at all. I'm just a weirdo I guess (or just a complete and utter nooblet)