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Everything posted by vrax13

  1. Hello everybody i have an idea to propose what about to make this more realistic, in arma 3 u can carry or drag dead or wounded bodies friendly or enemis so i propose to remplace the hide body systeme by a carrying or draging action u can take je body on ur back or just drag him on the floor what do you think about ? ^_^ Ps: sorry for my english
  2. vrax13

    remplace the hide body system

    Another idea guys if u don't have any morphine or wooden stick to fix a broken limb ur friend can carry u if u have a broken leg, what do you think about it ? and we could hide bodies in the big industrial bin or maybe burn a bodie with gas canister the idea with the shovel is pretty nice to some Rp for friends RIP
  3. vrax13

    New vision of zombies

    Hello Devs and Dayz fans I have actualy 186hour of playing in the dayz standalone and i really love this game ! so i thing how i can suggest something to help this game to be better to mutch player say it a just an fps pvp (kill on sight) in a big map cause there is not enought zombies ect. Probleme- solution 1. zombies are to easy to kill one bullet of Fnx45 is enought (u one shoot them in the leg) -the real way to kill a zombie is an headshoot 2.Solo zombies are not really dangerous - Add zombies Hordes with random tragectory (if u are unstuff sneak in bulding and stay quiet is the only way to survive) 3. zombies are to slow -make them faster to creat a real menace (maybe can shoot in there leg if u can't head shoot to broke there legs and slow them)
  4. vrax13

    New vision of zombies

    Sure i understand at all and i'm no like an impatient little kid, to make a good game devs need time and i agree it cause i really want this game to be better, i just try to help to it with some suggestions and i don't only talk to devs "and dayz fans" a game is made by his community. Thx guy's for the Day Zero story Ps: When we talk about infected i can't forget the infected from Resident Evil 4 the best infected of ever ^_^
  5. vrax13

    New vision of zombies

    Thank you for ur answer it was really interesting to read all ur comments. :) but u say they are "EXTREMELY feral." for me that mean a real berserk furie rush on the survivor until he die at this moment the zombie don't fell any pain so one bullet will never be enought (in the body) make the ennemis hardly killable upgrade the difficulti of the pve side . But i can't understand why the game is called DayZ if Z don't mean Zombie Ps: sorry for my mistakes ^^