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About Squaliebawse

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  1. Squaliebawse

    Time Line for PC, PS4, Xbox One

    thanks for taking time to write all that, but then the debate starts again get better servers to handle all the work that needs to be done, this is a big time game being held back from a lack of muscle aka money
  2. Squaliebawse

    Time Line for PC, PS4, Xbox One

    dayz has already turned into a team death match, its heros vs bandits with bambi's in the cross fire, nothing is going to change that. thats what makes dayz so much fun for me, its a hardcore death match/ survival game. and yea my time line is pushing it (kinda about alot) with a console realese, but it will happen, if the standalone finale product is amazing, then this game will be for console And the excuse about how microsoft charges for update is so lame. all the money they would make im sure they wouldnt break the bank with patches I just wanna see this game reach its full potential, i could care less what platform it comes out on "Pc Master Race" is lame, PC can upgrade its part thats about it, their lil kids on mommy and daddys computers now more then ever, and PC games have way more hackers who so happen almost always are 12 years old
  3. Squaliebawse

    Time Line for PC, PS4, Xbox One

    cant even argue this point :(
  4. Squaliebawse

    Time Line for PC, PS4, Xbox One

    My ping is around 20-30 depending on server, now dumb question is dayz servers based off a host ? or like official dedicated servers which connect to the hive ?
  5. Squaliebawse

    Time Line for PC, PS4, Xbox One

    Dayz Does not have alot of moving parts, its not like battlefield, with tanks,plans, bombs,and mass chaos at all times
  6. Squaliebawse

    Time Line for PC, PS4, Xbox One

    question tho, why couldnt the new gen run the game?? beside a large map wich is mostly landscape, their is nothing really else to the game that cause fps to drop ? landscape and buildings can easily be done, zombies and people ? im i missing something ? and the engine wouldnt have to be rebuilt 100% but blinded
  7. Squaliebawse

    Time Line for PC, PS4, Xbox One

    Changing the engine wouldnt be sucha bad idea tho....
  8. Squaliebawse

    Time Line for PC, PS4, Xbox One

    yea cuz microsoft charges for the updates... but who cares about 10grand when ur making much more..
  9. Squaliebawse

    Time Line for PC, PS4, Xbox One

    nah my hardware is just fine same with isp, its the servers they use that cause the dsync and cause problems
  10. Squaliebawse

    Time Line for PC, PS4, Xbox One

    any reason why not ?
  11. Timeline 2014- full year of alpha 2015 half year of beta 2015 fall/Christmas time full game for xbox one ps4 and pc the sales for this game are just insane, for an early alpha game with even the Dean Hall him self saying not to buy, it proves that their is so much money to be made with dayz. i truly do not believe that Dean Hall is all about the money, he had an awesome idea for a game that is now blowing up and getting attention of many. and just like everything else once an idea is proven to make money big business will come take ur idea. This game surfers from lack of muscle behind the dev team, they have a small team working on two different games and not focusing more on dayz. The true problem with dayz to me is the servers that the game runs on. This awesome game is using mickey mouse servers. Every time i log in i am waiting for Dial up sounds and a U GOT MAIL to blast thru my speakers. Glitches, bugs and other things can be fixed. but they have to use different servers something able to run the players, loot, zombies are this game is going to be mod 2.0 and spin its wheels I for one have no problem with the new gen consoles i personally think games look awesome on them, and that dayz would be an amazing game on the console, They would be able to use better servers, which can handle the amount of ppl, zombies, loot that the game needs to be fun. I can see rockstar ( or someone else) slapping their name on this game with Bohemia Interactive in small print in the corner of the game. In the end love the game, dont care about the bugs, dont care about 30 bucks, just really really want Dayz to be built solid. Such a hardcore intense game being ran by such a mickey mouse operation, on servers that are slower then dirt. the 800,000 thousand copies sold is a eye opener to the gamming world that people want this game and i for one just want to see it done right Sorry for the long post