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Everything posted by themangeraaad

  1. themangeraaad

    What the hell ?

    I know. So you made a dick reply to ZdB (who gave you accurate information, albeit information you didn't want to hear) and then quietly withdrew said comment when you saw that numerous people, including devs, were saying the same thing. Just letting you know that your comment didn't go completely unseen. ;)
  2. themangeraaad

    What the hell ?

    Nice edit :dodgy:
  3. themangeraaad

    What the hell ?

    I've heard there are known bugs due to wearing camo (including weird login behavior IIRC) so wearing the outfit is a risk. I'm not an authority on it but to repeat what devs/mods have already said: It is an alpha and bugs will occur. Characters will not be restored. Shit happens - Many of us have died due to bugs and/or 'hackers' and end up in the same situation you are in. Either start over with a new life or take a break from the game for a while, maybe until some of these bugs are worked out, and then give it a try again if you're feeling up to it.
  4. themangeraaad

    Client-Side Modifications

    Even if it's not implemented into DayZ itself (and remains a separate mod), I hope it is allowed. Yes some players could have an advantage if they installed this mod (over those who don't) but you could argue that players with faster PCs already have an advantage since they can max out settings and run smoother. The thing about PC gaming is that most systems will perform differently; there will always be individuals who have an advantage and those with a disadvantage. Add a link to the mod to an official "recommended mods" or "installation instructions" thread so that it's clearly recommended for all players and let it run its course. Players that want to seek out a bit better performance will do that and those content with current performance will not. It's no different from those of us who tweak settings/config files to improve cliet-side performance... initially my performance was sub-par so I searched/asked around and found how the settings work for this game and optimized accordingly. Did that give me an advantage? Maybe a small advantage, I got an improved frame rate. Should that be ban-able? I don't think so... and I don't think adding a mod that smooths out gameplay should be either.
  5. themangeraaad

    Client-Side Modifications

    According to the video uploader "it's clientside. As long as the server doesn't prevent you from using it, you'll be fine." But this definitely looks VERY useful so hopefully it's OK to use it. If so I'll be downloading tonight. One of my biggest complaints is the inability to side step through doors or smoothly navigate tight areas and it really looks like this mod resolves a lot of those problems.
  6. I personally never have (and never will) sent up a tent city outside of the boundaries... however I have no problem with others doing so to store gear. What I do have a problem with is hoarding vehicles out there. In my perfect situation it would be fine to go out there, but any vehicle left unmanned (or unmoved) for 10-15 minutes would be destroyed/despawn. That way you could take a vehicle out there to store gear in (or retrieve gear from) your tent, but you would have to bring the vehicle back within map boundaries before logging out (or going AFK) if you wanted to keep said vehicle.
  7. I think that's good. Currently I try to ID bandits by during surveillance on them.. sneak around and watch how they behave. Then I'll decide if I can trust the player or not. Sneaking up close and hearing a heartbeat could simulate this 'surveillance' without taking up a lot of time. It shouldn't be EASY to tell who is a bandit and who isn't.
  8. Pretty sure you can currently raise humanity by giving transfusions and stuff... The problem is that I play solo 99.9% of the time so I have no way to redeem myself from my "murders" which were earned while defending myself.
  9. YES But have humanity reset each time you die. I got murders for defending myself but I'm otherwise nice - I'd like to be able to start fresh rather than being perpetually ostracized from groups (or KoS) due to being deemed a "bandit".
  10. YES Try it out. It's an alpha after all, now's the time to experiment. But maybe make mak/handgun drops near the shore a bit more common? My only concern is running around for days without a gun... I've had times when I didn't find any firearms for almost 5 hours after spawning.