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Everything posted by Delevish

  1. Delevish

    Up to 100k desync on nearly every server!!!

    I'm also having this problem. Can anyone else confirm that playing on non-battleye servers fixes your problem?
  2. Delevish


    Also having this problem. Game has been unplayable for days.
  3. I'm having it too. Seems pretty wide spread.
  4. Delevish

    Up to 100k desync on nearly every server!!!

    I have this issue as well. Game is now unplayable for me.
  5. Delevish


    Same problem here.
  6. Delevish

    Unplayable lag since 0.30.113953, help!

    I have the exact same problem and I've had no problems until today.
  7. Delevish

    Desync when near friend

    Same problem here. Unplayable on every server.