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Everything posted by dirby12

  1. dirby12

    There are no good Dayz SA youtubers?

    moondye7 :)
  2. dirby12

    Where am i?

    use this http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus
  3. I think the map is big enough already =)
  4. dirby12

    12 gauge Shotgun. What happened to it?

    I think the shotgun is not very necessary
  5. dirby12

    Upcoming Items/Weapons?

    Thanks for the post , some beans for you ! =)
  6. dirby12

    Fill Canteens with water bottles!

    Sounds like a nice feature
  7. dirby12


    the m4 is spreaded pretty much everywhere, my friend found an m4 in the school of elektro
  8. dirby12

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    i think adding bycicles is a nice idea but they shouldnt be as fast as in the mod
  9. dirby12

    Idea: Ammo Handloading

    i like the idea but it seems pretty hard to manage
  10. dirby12

    Mauser C96

    great idea =)
  11. dirby12

    Things to do in Chernarus.

    thats a great idea, gonna try it out =D
  12. dirby12

    Ambient noises

    I think the noises are mostly server side, because sometimes i join a server and hear alot of these zombie bug sounds
  13. dirby12

    Recorded some Elektro gameplay.

    Nice :) keep it up !
  14. dirby12

    Electro M4 Magazine Spawn

    You only can find Pistols / Mosin + Ammo in Elektro but no m4 or ammo
  15. dirby12

    DayZ Planking

    Hey, me and my Friend tried some planking :D http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/488938036382081639/6052D435B7DC99AD65C4A385ACCDCB2CB04762E5/