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Everything posted by dirby12

  1. very nice update :) looking forward to find a sks and a zh3 pilot helmet for me
  2. dirby12

    My friend, the psycho

    very nice story :D
  3. Think im gonna quit this game untill the server problem is fixed. Just logged on a server and spawned completely new without any stuff. Tried on 10 Servers and its the same problem my equip : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=220219291 its just frustating to lose all that good stuff just because of a bug..
  4. dirby12

    Caught by some hentai Japanese players

  5. coin between W and S works fine :D
  6. dirby12

    Where do mosins spawn?

    any buildings :D
  7. dirby12

    New Item ?

    http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/487814329772462505/86BEEB250B2C3E92B20467B3F9BD88EA5D16B24E/ Just found that item and i think it is new because i never found it before ( 170 dayz hrs on record ) or is it just extremely rare?
  8. dirby12

    This night time stuff is very annoying...

    there are scripted servers with 24/7 daylight ;-)
  9. dirby12

    The Haunted Shipwreck

    nice story
  10. dirby12

    Pc build for Dayz and future gaming

    16 gb ram gtx 770 i7 4470k
  11. dirby12

    What's the goal of DAYZ?

    surviving obviously
  12. dirby12

    In Depth Building's or Towns

    pretty nice idea
  13. i love the idea with the burlap sack funny for hostage situations
  14. dirby12

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    thats seems pretty nice to me
  15. dirby12

    What you can do with 6 bullets

    thirdperson abuse >:(
  16. dirby12

    Suggested Computer settings?

    16 gb ram geforce gtx 770 i7 4470k cpu nuff said
  17. dirby12

    Blurred Screen

    Go to options and press video than it should be fine. It is because your poisened or low on health
  18. I think theres just no animation for it
  19. dirby12

    Best Places To Find Bandits

    Balota, Airfield NE, Airfield NW , Elektrozavodsk , Chernogorsk
  20. dirby12

    Grenades in DayZ,what you think?

    I think grenades would be an cool feature to blast out that roof campers =)
  21. dirby12

    One of the bravest people I've met.

    Nice Story =)
  22. dirby12

    New youtube series...

    Nice concept, beans for you sir =)
  23. dirby12

    Guardian angel with a gun

    Nice behaviour bro, beans for you
  24. dirby12

    Possibly the worst bandits?

    Nice story brother :D