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Everything posted by dirby12

  1. dirby12

    Chopper Wreck

    cool story :)
  2. dirby12

    New gun : Ruger

    thats not the ruger thats the blaze 95 double rifle
  3. dirby12

    Grey screen

    try a saline bag
  4. dirby12

    DayZ Gun Review- Blaser B95

    great gun
  5. dirby12

    Double Barrel Rifle

    i found it in zelenogorsk, have 2 screenies
  6. dirby12

    Life In DayZ - New Series

    nice video =)
  7. dirby12

    Polaroid Cameras

    +1 from me would be a great idea
  8. wow very nice thread, lots of information
  9. dirby12

    is dayz teh new tf2?

    totally agree with that one
  10. dirby12

    Ruger 10/22

    Well today i found a Blaze 95 Double Rifle , so i think the Ruger is also ingame
  11. dirby12

    Lower Fall Damage for Alpha Plz

    well, i never fell of any roof since i play (220 hrs) =D
  12. wonder how many gestures they gonna add :D we need a victory gesture !
  13. dirby12

    Repairing Clothes

    You can use the sewing kit on every kind of clothes. Just found one in Kamarovo Military Base =)
  14. dirby12

    Hunting Rifle

    I actually found one in a House where Mosin spawns usually. But i didn't pick it because i had a sks :) but i took two screenshots so you know how it looks like.
  15. dirby12

    Gun Spawns

    i think the sks has the highest drop rate atm
  16. dirby12

    Few new items (ZSh3 Pilot Helmet incl)

    just love the last 2 pictures :D
  17. dirby12

    Combat Logger Didn't Know It Was Patched

    great to watch that :D
  18. i think the homepage is a great invention for ppl that didnt play the mod and just dont have a clue where they spawn
  19. dirby12

    Rollback the patch?

    everything sfine lol, i love the new update especially the server hopping and combat logging fix because now ppl have to explore the map to find food and stuff the sewing kit is also very nice
  20. dirby12

    Schoolbag :D

    it has 12 slots =)
  21. dirby12

    I killed a survivor

    well if he had no weapons on him you should feel guilty
  22. thanks for being that fast at fixing. big thumps up for the dayz dev team !
  23. dirby12

    How did this shot kill me?

    wtf :D
  24. dirby12

    Survival by begging and stealing only, no looting

    hahahaha greedy boy
  25. dirby12

    Guyver1's DayZ wallpaper collection

    wow nice, have my beans