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Everything posted by dirby12

  1. dirby12

    What is your opinion on this outfit?

    military style much :O
  2. dirby12

    Alternatives to the ballistic helmet

    cowboy hat is all i need :)
  3. dirby12

    Leather Jackets?!?!

    i never found one too, but id love to have one because i think it will go nicely with my brown cowboy hat
  4. dirby12

    Where's the Ruger

    it has same loot locations as the mosin
  5. i wonder how he will manage it to work along the hive
  6. dirby12

    My favourite DayZ screenshot

    whats wrong with you guys o_o
  7. dirby12

    Bandits do NOT ruin DayZ!

    bandits bring a little action into the game :) imo
  8. dirby12

    Why did he just sit down?

    because he logged
  9. dirby12

    Is Spy Infiltration wrong ethics/cheating

    i think its a legit tactic. me and a friend tried it to on a 5 man squad
  10. dirby12

    It takes more bullets to kill with the Mosin now

    Well the mosin is still a very accurate weapon. Just aim for the head =)
  11. dirby12

    Schoolbag :D

    Hi, i recently found this neat backpack :D
  12. dirby12

    Epic Kamyshovo Shootout! (feat. Cowboy hat)

    nice shooting dude, loved how you shot that bandits in kamy beans for you sir
  13. dirby12

    Why aren't there 'fat' characters in DayZ?

    are you serious about that :D?
  14. dirby12

    Shooting in the legs

    it was in the patch notes
  15. dirby12

    Schoolbag :D

    just found another one =)
  16. stop whingin about fps drops, buy better pc, problem solved.
  17. dirby12

    Cowboy Hat

    Did anyone found the cowbay hat yet? Because i would love to see one of these and i would also wear one but i cant find it. Seems pretty rare to me
  18. not sure if troll or just retarded
  19. dirby12

    Cowboy Hat

    ok thank you guys =)
  20. dirby12

    Walker, Texas Ranger (the African Canadian version)

    where did you find the cowbay hat :D?
  21. dirby12

    A few DayZ wallpapers I made!

    i love the second one, could you do one of cherno with the destroyed hotel please =)?
  22. dirby12

    The Brand New Sks (Pictures)

    think everybody found it since the new patch is online :D but thanks for your sharing & the pictures =)
  23. dirby12

    HoboCop - Apocalyptic Law Enforcer

    this is great :D