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About dirby12

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  1. dirby12

    Brutal Kills

    beans for your killing sir
  2. because everyone understands english but only a few people can understand german thats why. and people that dont understand the language seem to bitch around often
  3. dirby12


    i always wanted to have an ak like it was used in last action hero ( one of my favorite movies ) and it is possible in dayz ! you can also shoot it and its accurate.
  4. dirby12

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Hey guys :) some stuff i found after playing the new update for 1 day
  5. Hi, got inspired by Mr. Moon who did something like this and i wanted to try it myself it worked pretty well and was funny. Im sorry that the video is in german language most of the parts but i was to lazy to type subtitles xd so this is more like for the german folks of this forum http://youtu.be/OzSlTjAKZwQ
  6. dirby12

    Server Hosters

    Hey Guys... Recently i got kicked of many "private" Clan Servers when i joined and sometimes when i was ingame i had to wait for 300 / now after patch 600 seconds because of this. This is getting really annoying and pisses me off. Because these kids just equip themselfes by kicking other people of their server. I remember in DayZ Mod servers like this where deconnected from the Hive and had an private Hive afterwards. Why isnt that in the Standalone? excuse my bad english, its just not my native language.
  7. dirby12

    Tactical Attachment

    there are flashlights for the m4 and for the pistols (fnx, 1911colt and CR75)
  8. dirby12

    Can perfect strangers become friends and play DayZ together?

    I also met some fresh spawns yesterday, i got to berenzino with them, tried to find some equip for them and my friend got shot. i let them took his stuff and we killed the bandit that shot my friend. it was great fun afterwards and they added me to the steam friendslist. i love when you make new friends just by helping someone
  9. dirby12

    "He's dead" he says, "Go loot" he says.

    that reminds me of me playing with my mates, always to less info :D
  10. dirby12

    My rare hero gameplay video

    rofl dat aiming....
  11. your friend has way to much m4 magazines, you only need 2-3 lol
  12. dirby12

    What to carry?

    drop fnx 45. and the sawed off and youll be fine, actually you dont really need any handgun so you could also drop the magnum, i mostly just use a mosin or sks and a fireaxe to finsih of the zeds
  13. dirby12

    The Finger Cowboy is here

    hahahha nice