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About TLa/-Elrico

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    On the Coast
  1. TLa/-Elrico

    Zombies should run faster than players

    I had to give you beans for the dinner bell. I shall forever call it "ringing the dinner bell" when gunshots attract zombies. If you let off a mosin shot, in the middle of a town like elektro, surely zombies within elektro would flock to a rough location. Maybe dont make them K-9's, but something a little sharper then Paris Hilton would be preferred (and prettier too).
  2. TLa/-Elrico

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    So if you play next to another person i suppose you'll have to face each other with headphones on and remain silent at all times? Hey, people alt tab and use the online maps with loot locations aswel. Should lock their computers on DayZ whilst its open to stop people from doing that. People have to shit too, stop them from having a crap, its not ingame, and EMAILS. Dont you dare check those emails you normal f#ck. Oh god, think of the complete loss of reality when Joe Bloggs tabs out in a bush to answer his mobile phone. THE HUMANITY!
  3. TLa/-Elrico

    I'm now killing on sight.

    This is not an argument at all. Its my opinion. I like player killers, they make the game a lot more interesting. It gives a Hero Vs Villan, Good Vs Bad, Light Vs Dark side to the game. Sometimes i'm the prosecution. Sometimes im the defense depends on what the game is, who my friends are and what the situation is like. I think people need to get used to this. If its altered, its going to change freewill within the game and ultimately destroy it for alot more people then the ones complaining.
  4. TLa/-Elrico

    I'm now killing on sight.

    You're gonna need people that PK. You dont have Player Killers, everyone will end up fully geared, holding hands in a big circle pulling each others meat bats bored to shit. AI doesnt cut it. Its not unpredictable enough, we all know this, thats why the good players even get a kick out of helping newbies. They dont know what the other person is thinking, thats the thrill. Walk into the apartment blocks NE of Balota, whos waiting in just one of those rooms out of the 20 odd buildings with sevrel rooms each? A zombie? A person? Are they armed? Are they friendly? If you knew they were friendly, you'd just walk on in un matched, bored. Then back to Solitare we go!
  5. TLa/-Elrico

    Best Day:Z SA Kill

    I saw this guy, climbing a ladder. Shot him right in the arse. Classic.
  6. TLa/-Elrico

    What would you do? My small encounter.

    Maybe he was just trying to show you how shiney his gun was. You monster.
  7. TLa/-Elrico

    Zombies should run faster than players

    I suppose also making gun noises attratched them would be an idea. I seem to fire a Mosen and ol' Timmy '0 toole in the field doesnt have his hearing aid up enough and therefore doesnt hear me. Increase population (as they are going to), give them a pack mentallity (1 slow, 2 quicker, 5 getting there, 10 they're hungry) which would fall into the horde catergoery, and a non-deaf characteristic. Might even make luring them away from high value stuff a tactic to let off a round or two. But then again, who else might be listening in on whats happening, and can you afford wasting rounds? Edit: Stamina will also fix it as said.
  8. TLa/-Elrico

    The players of DayZ Ruin the game

    I find if you play with a few simple rules it makes your life easier. Step one: Initially trust noone, if anything join a clan on a server. I found as soon as i got a few mates playing dayz, the game experience more then doubled. Get on teamspeak/ventrillo and have a yarn about how to go about doing things safely/un-safely. Example, use scouts. Get a mate to sit around a little tucked away looking at the building you went into. A heads up is as good as a loaded gun (or an axe hiding behind a door). I had a dude chasing a mate with an axe because he had the jump on him all because he couldnt fire his mosen so close without taking an axe to the face. The guy knew it, he was boasting on his in game mic taunting him, saying 'bring it bitch'. I was pearched ontop of a fire station, ranged my mosen, put him down. Team's are required. Period. Noone is going to 4v1 with a decent success rate unless they have the initial jump. Step two: Areas that are usually hot with agression. NW Air field, NE air field, Military barracks, Belota etc. Enter those areas with a KoS mentallity. Chances are, people are "riskin' it for the biscuit" beause they want to arm themselves. Once they have the upper hand, will they show you mercy? Its post apocolyptic, people are desperate to survive, i dont think they will. If they do, you've got yourself a mate. Go to step one and begin again. Step three: Like others have said use tree lines/buildings. Nothing screams shoot me more then some dude thats sprinting through a field, with a purple back pack on and no undies like the fuck came straight from the Sydney Mardigra. He's gonna get a bullet straight up the coight, and rightfully so. Step four: Use your items to your advantage. Go and sit in the school in elektro with an axe behind a door. Im serious. All it takes is one dude to be walking through with his thumb up his arse and you'll have some treasure. Just try hit him in the face with the axe, if you hit his backpack, you damage items! Use a mosen from afar and a M4 close up. Its all pretty simple stuff. Otherwise, you can just quit. Give up. Play another game that makes you have fun. For me i love games that are high risk. I played Ultima Online, I played Hardcore Diablo, I play DayZ. Things like WoW i personally believe are for the people that arent really competetive. There's no risk to their rewards.....and so I dont get the same thrill knowing if i walk my stupid arse through elektro some guy with nothing to lose and everything to gain is gonna touch me like a priest at a playground. My 2c. Bring on dayz Beta. And nice recent update imo.
  9. TLa/-Elrico

    Identifying other players

    Or just use team speak/vent.