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Shabutie (DayZ)

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About Shabutie (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Shabutie (DayZ)


    Something similar happened to me last week. I remember reading some guys' post saying it was possible to disable walls and zombies from certain files - which doesn't even come up as a hack... I don't mind dying in this game from glitches, lag or whatever since this is alpha but dying from hackers or people who can see through walls is just no fun. I just changed servers last time and haven't encountered anything of the sort since.
  2. Shabutie (DayZ)

    How to fix the high Desync bug!

    I had tried this previously and it did diddly squat for me. Only thing that fixed my issue was to go from a wireless to a wired connection.
  3. Shabutie (DayZ)

    Desync is getting really out of hand now.

    Do you use a wireless router to play? Since I switched to a wired connection (from a Wireless connection), I haven't had these problems anymore. Even though your Ping tests, Tracert tests, etc seem to run fine, for some reason (even if you DMZ/port forward & turn your routers firewall off) Wireless doesn't work proper with this game. It's the only game I've ever had issues with.