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About escogod

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Yes it is unplayable. Example: Every time I die, there is a glitch that doesn't respawn me in the same server (This glitch happens EVERY time I die). I have to join another server in order to respawn. Now say that server is now empty and I want to join another one, ALL MY FUCKING GEAR IS LOST AND I RESPAWN A NEW CHARACTER. Tell me how is that playable? Just because you don't experience these things doesn't mean everyone else isn't.
  2. I purchased the game because I thought it would be atleast playable. If they didn't want people to whine they should of posted everything that doesn't work so far. Here is a list for people that don't want to spend $30 on garbage: - You WILL die when you switch servers 90% of the time. - Hackers everywhere will kill hours of your work in less than a second. - You will be glitched in random walls and structures where you will not be able to get out 60% of the time. - Servers crash every hour. (40/40 servers crash every twenty minutes) - Tons of glitches. ex: people can duplicate their entire inventory. - Slow garbage engine. Shut the FUCK up about alpha stage bullshit. They put all those warnings about alpha stage so they could save their asses by giving us an unplayable game.
  3. Please tell me you're not older than the age of 12.
  4. Listen, I know that this game is in alpha testing mode. But this is ridiculous, it happened to me 3 times in the span of 3 hours. I go to a safe spot, log off, go to different server, and I spawn with a new character somewhere on the coast. I log off again and join a new server, nothing changes. Seriously? Can't the developers fix huge issues like this first? Hours of work gone in an instant because I changed servers? What the HELL is going on?