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About CA1Admin

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. CA1Admin

    Banned from CA1

    lolwut People against: KarinjaNinja: Doesn't know who admin is, thinks a clan that's better than him is hacking (note: this server is not operated by a clan, there are several clans that play here and I interact with the 3 English speaking ones) :Vader: Says the server is trash and full of hackers because he got banned months ago from being on when the server was thunderdomed. Aadic: Tells me I am the most immature little kid he has ever run across. Then proceeds to use the "I know you are but what am I" line and then claims to be in his forties. Then agrees with me when i explain what is going on, and then calls me too sensitive for removing hate speech from my server. Pomegranate used hate speech on my server and then as if you need a list of rules to be respectful of other people said he didn't see one and then says "Jews aren't even a race" ChardWreck: Thinks I'm banned from the public hive when I am not and never have been. People For: ukmac: Knows its a Private Hive, says complaining here won't help them. Replies in kind to "Aadic"'s I know you are but what am I comment. Continues to childlishly fight with "Aadic" across multiple threads. And wraps up with a comment about "playing with his wife". The only common trend here is that, whatever your ages are, you are all acting like children. What am I doing here? Defending myself against the attackers in this thread. I can confidently say my CA1* is the most innovative and hacker free public server that exists and that people who pollute the server such as the complainers in this thread are quickly removed and this provides the ultimate DayZ experience for all my players. I left the public hive when the lag from it was unbearable. I come here to provide an accurate portrayal of the server lest the only picture that gets painted be that from the scum that get banned from it. *There is another server with the name "DayZ - CA1 - Private Hive" which appears to be trying to steal my thunder or just simply server browser `list jump`. My server follows the standard DayZ naming convention with the version, beta, and settings in the hostname.
  2. CA1Admin

    Banned from CA1

    Enjoy your stay on other servers! :)
  3. CA1Admin

    Banned from CA1

    Never banned from the hive son.
  4. CA1Admin

    Banned from CA1

    Vader likes to hop on CA1 threads ever since I banned him the night my server got thunderdomed a few months ago. Also, I have side chat enabled on my server, my MOTD clearly states that using voice chat over global is against the rules and will result in a perma-ban.People constantly communicate over text, why couldn't this guy? If it was possible to disbale VoN over certain channels, this wouldn't be an issue. I have a lot of players vying for the slots on my server, I don't need Dubbs Malone who can't read the rules taking up one.
  5. CA1Admin

    Banned from CA1

    I'm the most level headed person you could have ever known.
  6. CA1Admin

    Banned from CA1

    rofl get off my dick Vader
  7. CA1Admin

    Banned from CA1

    I recommend CA1, nice player base and the admin keeps the trash out. Also, the reason I banned you is because you asked over global voice chat you dumb fuck. PS: KarinjaNinja, I don't alt+f4,maybe you saw one of the 3-4 other players that play under the "Gabriel"?
  8. CA1Admin

    Banned on CA1

    He actually just direct added to his inventory, there was no box.
  9. CA1Admin

    Banned on CA1

    ban lifted
  10. CA1Admin

    CA1 Banned

    Player name?
  11. CA1Admin

    CA1 Banned

    1) I moved to the private hive not because of being blacklisted, but because the main hive was at the time experiencing scaling issues which caused the game to be unplayable. I'm not sure if this is still the case, but life on CA1 is sweet bliss with no latency to the database. The players who abide by the rules love the server. 2) I have a very simple set of rules on the server, and those who have broken those rules are just upset they got caught and create straw-man arguments like I don't have logs showing they did so. Just because they think they bypassed battleye doesn't mean I haven't added my own detection code to the server that caught them. 3) you overestimate how much the dayz staff cares about any particular server
  12. CA1Admin

    CA1 Banned

    Jarret, When you get stuck in debug, you need to relog to get moved out. I didn't see your comments over side chat (if any) but you could have taken the time to reiterate your issue once you came to my attention. I play this game too, and sometimes I do not always pay attention to everything going on in side chat. Second, to contact me directly, there is a message in the MOTD about how to do so. I can modify your position in my database and move you out of debug. Thirdly, there is a rule in the MOTD that says not to transmit audio over side or global chat, you broke this rule 3 times. Fourthly, there is a rule in the MOTD to respect all players, (and no hate speech) especially targeted at a specific user. Which in this case was me. Lastly, with the rampant accusations against clan RGB I keep a close eye on their activities. Combined with my additional detection and Battleye, you would think with the level of cheating levied against them at least one of them would be banned by now by me or global banned by battleye no? The hard truth is that clan RGB is better than you. They are organized, coordinated, and experienced arma players and are also allied with the other large clan on the server (the only competition). In a matter of hours of getting a helicopter they can have all the others on the server operational and in the air searching for vehicles, heli crash sites and other players. This affords them the luxury of being able to acquire whatever gear they want and ultimately do what they want to.
  13. CA1Admin

    Battleye is not logging scripts

    Even with that scripts.txt and the //new at the top, the file is deleted and replaced with the default. Additionally, BE continues to not log to scripts.log