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Everything posted by Restnpeices

  1. Restnpeices

    Wheres the dead people?

    Love Dayz but lets make the world feel more lived in , when you enter a house where are the dead ? Like maybe add a dead guy in the bed , chair ext , blood on the floor maybe someone who was bitten or what ever and decided to end there life before turning or possibly a zombie who just lived to long and rotted away. Maybe have zombies in the houses as well , making you be ready when you open the door to raid that house. I feel these elements would be a great addition if possible.
  2. Restnpeices

    Wheres the dead people?

    Thanks for the feedback guys :) I'm glad I am not alone on this. I'm not saying this is a feature that should be started on right away but I believe it is needed to make Dayz as immersive as they want it to be. I recently watched Deans Vlog and there are some cool things coming our way soon.