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Everything posted by Sinphaltimus

  1. Sinphaltimus

    You are Dead/Unconscious TOPIC.

    Set "DayZ GB" in your server name filters. Up your ping limit to 500 in the filters. Join anyone of the dayz gb servers. You will fresh spawn. If your ping is good you can play there for a bit or just wait a little while to ensure you are not dysyncing. Log off and join server of your choice, problem will be resolved. This is temporary, not sure why it works in these servers but it does.
  2. Sinphaltimus

    How I Fixed FPS

    I was just going to share the same link. I crashed twice this morning and once last night. I'll send my files when I get home today.
  3. Sinphaltimus

    Lightning strikes

    I haven't seen any lightning myself. If it exists, does it light up the sky? Like at night, a busy of light would be an amazing effect with lightning.
  4. Everyone who wants this fixed, you can post your system specs to REDDIT link below and state the poor performance you are having.. If you do not want this fixed, please read my signature then uninstall or re-read this post. http://www.reddit.co...lems_new_patch/ Then go here and "UPVOTE" this bug report. Might want to add a note there too. (Must be registered) http://feedback.dayz...iew.php?id=8262
  5. Sinphaltimus

    Is Spy Infiltration wrong ethics/cheating

    Most who don't like this will complain about voip apps outside of game. I applaud your game style and the engagement you bring but I hate your character (in game) for playing that way. But I'd never know it.
  6. Sinphaltimus

    So idk if anyone else noticed this...

    I had an bullet exchange yesterday with another guy. We were facing either with no cover at about 15 paces. He hit me first with a mosin shot, I hit him twice with my SKS. His second mosin shot and my third SKS shot seemed to have happened at the exact same time. I went unconscious, he went dead. I feel like if this was before the patch, his first mosin shot should have killed me.
  7. Sinphaltimus

    How to fix FPS drop issue caused today 2/7/2014

    I have fixed the issue for myself. But it will happen to me again if I am near someone else who had the same issue. After reading many posts about this, I can confirm it certainly does have something to do with inventory you had prior to the last patch/hotfix. I think a sudden wide character wipe will fix the issue for all. I fixed my issue by ditching a glitch butstock from my m4. I know someone who had to suicide in one server and respawn on a different one to eliminate the issue for him. We all die in this game. I seriously think a system wide character wipe will solve the problem for most if not all.
  8. Sinphaltimus

    If your PP's turned off you can't be much of a man

    PP can be turned to very low for an fps boost that works. I personally keep pp low for that reason. I also think turning it off is a bad choice because then you have boo sense of your actual health and that can be bad when you needed to decide wether or not to engage a person. Full health and blood can mean the difference between a one shoot h Kill our not. Knowing your vision is blurry is also knowing you should retreat and heal up if you can. Not doing so can kill you. Cheating our not, that's my take.
  9. Sinphaltimus

    A few questions for the "KoS playstyle" people out there....

    I don't always KoS but when I do.... When I choose to role play a fire hard survivalist, I will KoS anyone heard up when I myself am in need of something. I went about 20 hours of game time jUst looking for a can opener. I was willing to kill everyone for a Damn can opener because I hated wasted food from using a knife. I very rarely choose to KoS everyone I see but when I do it's usually when I am tired of my current character and am ready to respawn. The risk of hunting and killing everyone usually results in me getting killed faster than usual. When I get attached to a long lived character, I try to avoid human interaction and KoS anyone who sees me.
  10. Sinphaltimus

    Low Blood / Blurry Vision - how long?

    Although others who commented here are correct, I have found the blurry vision can be glitched at times. I've had it once while perfectly healthy for a very long time. The way I have"unglitched" it was too press escape, click configure video, blurry changes to clear immediately. Close out all Windows to continue playing. Note: you do not have to change any settings at all. Just click the button labeled "video" to get to the options seems to work then close out of all options.
  11. Sinphaltimus

    What comes around goes around? Lets play....

    Until the paper gets ruined.
  12. Sinphaltimus

    meet Alex - funniest dayz video i've seen yet..

    Thanks for the laugh! Beans!
  13. Sinphaltimus

    How to fix FPS drop issue caused today 2/7/2014

    Thanks, I'll give this a shot tomorrow and report back..
  14. Sinphaltimus

    How to fix FPS drop issue caused today 2/7/2014

    Then this thread is useless to you.
  15. Sinphaltimus

    How to fix FPS drop issue caused today 2/7/2014

    Sorry if I wasn't clear - you should post those specs to reddit - http://www.reddit.co...lems_new_patch/ I just updated the post to be more specific.
  16. Sinphaltimus

    Base Building - What would you like to see?

    I would like to see anything that can keep my stuff safe from everything. An invincible hidden storage facility. I would be fine with having to gather things in order to craft such a hidden base. Like first start with tents that can be found, looted, destroyed, but if they are not found/looted/destroy, you can use your tent to store and gather stronger materials for say a wooded shed which is harder to be found, looted, destroyed, Then with the wooden shed you can build find and safely store materials for a concrete bunker that would more difficult to be found, looted, destroyed (painted, planted trees around it, etc...), Even if the bunker has to be underground. A tent should be a very rare find, the materials for a shed will fit in a tent and should be rare enough to make several play session a necessity, and so on and so forth. Anything like that would be awesome in my opinion. Not that any other ideas would be worse, but that's kind of how I would like to see it progress.
  17. Sinphaltimus

    can't prone/crouch when hands out?

    Please "UPVOTE" this issue in bug tracker. http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=8098
  18. You sir are an idiot or a troll (same thing) - idiot. Let me clarify, - your statement is trollish/idiotic. Everyone who wants this fixed, you can post your system specs here and state the poor performance you are having.. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1xaflr/fps_problems_new_patch/ Then go here and "UPVOTE" this bug report. http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=8262
  19. Sinphaltimus

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.34.115106

    Please upvote the hell out of this... http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=8262
  20. Yep, unplayable/testable (is testable even a word?) Folks, please go upvote the heck out of this... http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=8262
  21. Sinphaltimus

    The Lag is Real

    Yep, unplayable at the moment. I'm heading to bug tracker to "up-vote" all reports on this. Never had an fps issue like this prior to today.
  22. Sinphaltimus

    Game running alot worse?

    Is there a link to the info? I can't even ply this. I'm in an open field and cannot play the fps is so bad. Yes, since patch. Unplayable.
  23. Sinphaltimus

    Losers gonna lose....

    First, let me make some obvious points clear. 1. Yes, I use Teamspeak - get over it. You hear my voice at the start of the video but you do not hear my friends voice in Teamspeak so it's like I am talking to myself. 2. No, I don't use in game text so I forgot what button it was and I was nervous using is with the stranger so close hence the obvious typo. 3. I joined a server "NO BANDITS - Bad karma Punished!" in the server messages. Yeah - I know - no such thing as friendly servers. I just thought it would be a decent place to try and be friendly. 4. Go troll someplace else. Here's my story...... I meet up with a friend of mine in Kambiwobo. There is a stranger with him. The stranger gives my the high five and I return it. He says he can't hear me and he asks me to type to him. I offer to escort him to Elektro and protect him from zombies. The idiot doesn't realize he turned his in game VOIP on while he is talking to his friend about plans to kill me when we get to Elektro and taking my gear. Backstabber got it in the back. Fuck it, trust no one. -Sinphaltimus OH, and this - http://youtu.be/S0YrXjeRSoE NOTE: In Game Video recorded with Shadowplay.
  24. Was playing on my regular HC server when I got server reset countdown in the middle of the street (great). Tried rejoining and i can't find it online. Went to regular internet servers to find another HC server, tried to connect, hung on Waiting for Host... Refreshed my list and only 2 internet servers showing. One is experimental the other in Sweden. Refreshed, nothing but Experimental showing. There are no longer any servers in the browser except the experimental. and sweden. It's been several minutes now. just wanted to throw that out there. I'll be out most of the day today, was really only in to take some screenshots. so no biggy for me at the moment. Yep - refreshed - same thing. EDIT: And now....Sweden is gone.
  25. Sinphaltimus

    Did everything just go down and not come back up?

    Don't tell me what to do. I'll play this my way.;