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Everything posted by Sinphaltimus

  1. Sinphaltimus

    New DayZ video intro

    Took a break from playing to get this done. 3DS Max and Premiere.
  2. Sinphaltimus

    New DayZ video intro

    I sped it up a bit which brings the actual intro down to 15 seconds. The music plays on a bit with blackness but that's just to leave room for titles after the initial intro.. Thanks for the 3DS Max comment. i haven't touched it in so long i needed to scrap some of the rust off.
  3. Sinphaltimus

    New DayZ video intro

    LOL - That's the result of a strange character model sheet I drew up without knowing exactly how I should model it. I call it the Alien Zombie. And he's doing the Zombie Shuffle (timed with the music). The idea was influenced by the DayZ intro many use created by - http://youtu.be/6btkk4k82Fg - It's long mainly because I wanted to show off some video clips during the shuffle towards the title. I'll look in to shortening by at least 50%. I have some ideas I';ve been playing with and this was the first one I brought to final render. Thanks for the input.
  4. Sinphaltimus

    I'm Not DUPID!

    Remember folks, perception is everything, reality is not always what it seems. Last night I got killed for and accused of duping. I was so miffed by it that I didn't log off right away. Thinking the "dupe Police" might get my user name and go on a smear campaign, I decided to cut this clip as my defense to keep my name clear. I hate cheaters. I know folks who dupe and I will have nothing to do with it, they will tell you. if you dupe, i will leave the server and go play elsewhere. So being accused of duping hit me personally as a matter of principle. Don't be DUPID! (yeah, i think I'm the first to coin that phrase). I'm no duper!
  5. Sinphaltimus

    Strange DayZ Adventures Part 6

    This video concludes my 3 part mini-series from Berezino to Solnichny and back again. Most of the mentally insane players log off shortly after we chase down a guy who won't stop running from us. Myself and 3 others continue the Journey. 3 of us make it far enough to enter Berezino innards. Only two of us make it out unscathed as we come across some homicidal maniac who continues to re-spawn and revisit the area until we are haunted by the one lunatic through to the very end... Part 1 of this mini-series : Strange DayZ Adventures Part 4 Part 2 of this mini-series : Strange DayZ Adventures Part 5
  6. Just starting to play the Mod again, with so much experience in the SA I figured I had a better chance at surviving. Well, it's going to take some pretty hard lessons to learn. I don't want to read about them, I want to experience them. So in today's video, I learn 2 very important lessons when it comes to Zombies on AFTERNIGHT's DayZ:EPOCH server.
  7. Sinphaltimus

    Strange DayZ Adventures Part 4

    Changing it up a bit, I go on this adventure with TWD as we run the coast from Berezino to Solnichny and back again. This is currently a multi-part adventure where we go from Berezino to Solnichny with a focus on interacting with players. The next few parts will continue this adventure and lead us back to Berezino via several gun fights.
  8. Sinphaltimus

    Strange DayZ Adventures Part 4

    I agree with you. I can't help the actions of others. much of what we all did in these next few videos were is senseless actions and without any kind of meaning.
  9. Sinphaltimus

    Strange DayZ Adventures Part 5

    Our TWD adventure from Berezino to Solnichny and back again continues as we encounter more fresh spawns, deal with a homicidal team mate and well, generally continue to goof off....
  10. Sinphaltimus

    My DayZ videos

    I think you should make the kind of videos you want to make and watch. Ones that will be the most fun for you to produce and then see how the community responds to those, Adjust as needed/warranted.
  11. Sometimes, it's OK not to KoS. And sometimes you just do for no reason at all. Continuing my Lone Wolf adventuring on regular servers, seeking out strangers to play with, I find a guy. This video is the Prequel to a video (and ends with this video that has caused some controversy about me inadvertently cheating by looting a body that got duped right before getting killed for it. *shrugs* Whatever, I'm over it. Perhaps someday you and I can go on an adventure together then you can judge play style and skills and ignoramus moments for yourself, first hand. Anyway, here are the events that led up to that infamous moment.... Met a stranger, teamed up, KoS'ed others, got killed. ORIGINAL DAYZ Portion of OPENING ANIMATION: 00:48 - We meet and agree not to attack each other but instead to adventure together. 03:36 - We find a third person but he doesn't communicate so we attempt to kill him. 05:40 - First spotting of the illusive and deadly "Yellow Guy" a.k.a. "Yellow coat Guy" 09:14 - We spot a player at NEAF - fug'em 14:56 - KoS'ed. I acquire an SKS that glitches out in my hands and ends up being the death of me. Karma for KoS'ing I suppose. 16:46 - Glitch in SKS discovered. 17:33 - first attempt to fix glitched SKS and I lose it. 18:18 - found it! 19:44 - Yellow guy spotted again! 21:06 - I'm not DUPID! ( ) EDIT - Fixed some formatting issues.
  12. Sinphaltimus

    Did I just hit DayZ puberty?

    I'm easy when it comes to getting in the moment. With each life I get attached to it and my gear. I deliberately hang on to that because I'm afraid if getting bored. By the time I feel threatened by boredom, a new patch comes out or I change my play style to create a new adventure. But when it comes to combat, I always get super paranoid and nervous because I don't want to start over. Then "You're Dead" and I forget about it and start over (most of the time). Rinse and repeat, this is the best entertainment for me. Greatest bang for the buck.
  13. Sinphaltimus

    Did I just hit DayZ puberty?

    800+ hours and I'm not there yet.
  14. Sinphaltimus

    Did I just hit DayZ puberty?

    I find my best interactions with other players are typically those that occur off the beaten path. I've teamed up with complete strangers on more than one occasion and have had plenty of fun. I've also been betrayed and killed by a few after playing nicely together. It's a tough call but I tend to remain flexible. This allows me to get the most out of the game. I might spend an entire session KoS'ing then with a particular encounter be completely friendly just because of how it presents itself. I've been a douche too, all depends on my nerves at the time. Enjoy KoS'ing, nothing wrong with it, but keep your options open if you want to experience all that DayZ has to offer.
  15. I like the idea but it's simple to see that there will be two version of DayZ servers. Ones locked to 3pp and others locked to 1pp. I can't speak for mods. With that said, there are two other solutions to the wall glitching issue. Collisions must be fixed. Either collisions as they are now with the player OR once the navmesh is completed to fix zombies or both. Then the player's head must not be allowed to pass through solid object as well as the third eye camera. I have faith that will happen before retail. And for 3pp naysayers, wall glitching is rampant in hardcore also. Just not as bad because of the methods being used.
  16. Sinphaltimus

    I'm Not DUPID!

    It's like talking to a wall. YG did nothing wrong. He is justified in his actions, the video is so YG could see the other side of what really took place. Instead of an intelligent debate, I'm being told I don't even know that I am a cheater and I should accept the fact I am and stop being in denial. When in fact the only denial happening is that what I am presenting is false in your eyes. That the only truth to the story is the video minus any text I put in after the fact. There's nothing wrong with seeing it from Yellow Guys perspective. Watching the video I totally get that, why is it so hard to accept it from my perspective? Which leads to the minute frustration with trying to communicate with closed minded people. Believe what you want, at this point, I don't give a fuck. My reputation with people I do game with and my other videos speak for themselves. This video was an attempt to hopefully show YG my perspective. I would have probably have done the exact same thing he did if the tables were turned. Your supposed to know what's going through my mind because I'm telling you in plain text. Geeze. Why did I even bother to write this? I thought I was done. Perhaps I'm hopeful some good will come of it. EDIT: Fixed a lot more typos due to using cell phone and not proof reading before posting.
  17. Sinphaltimus

    I'm Not DUPID!

    No man, regardless, I like to share my DayZ experiences with the community. I can't help the kinds of responses I get but it sure shows me a lot about the kind of people we have here. either way I'm with this thread. i shared, i commented, got criticized and attempted to clarify. i don't think there is any value left in continuing along these lines. Someday you'll expand your narrow thinking process and see the world in a new light where "I might be wrong about this" will enter the forefront of your thoughts before you thinking you know anything about anyone despite what you see right in front of your face. If the situation was the other way around, i would have done and probably said the same things YG did. I completely understand and am OK with what Yellow Guy did, I had an issue with it when it happened but being able to share and post my version of the story makes the entire situation OK. it would have bothered me to have this come back to me from "yellow Guys" point of view only since I am trying to be an active and supportive community member and I am not a duper or hacker or anything like that. That was my only purpose in even starting this. all other speculation and arguments are meaningless, including you and yours.
  18. Sinphaltimus

    I'm Not DUPID!

    Rather than repeat myself, i'll cut and past then edit down a response I posted on my channel to someone who thinks they know what I knew.. ...... you can't even accept the idea that you are wrong. I know what I thought and I know my intentions, I did not even fully realize that was a dupe until after I died and you wouldn't know that because you can't hear my thoughts in the video which is why I included text. Your mental immaturity shows you can't even think a little or accept the possibility that what you think you see is not what really happened. I am well aware of the controversy and criticism I would stir up when I posted this. But I underestimated the amount of idiocy it would bring to the surface.
  19. Sinphaltimus

    I'm Not DUPID!

    Lol. Worst trolls ever. I have never duped on purpose. That much is obvious in the video. I get this dupe by some glitch and that makes me a duper? Sorry but you guys are the idiots if you really believe that or just bad at being trolls. You really think I would post myself cheating as proof I wasn't. Come now, you're smarter than that right? Right?
  20. Sinphaltimus

    I'm Not DUPID!

    I can't explain everything going through my head at that time but it never really registered what he said. I actually thought he had yellow guy covered and I could go and investigate this other body. I have never duped myself before and looking at the inventory I didn't see all my items. In the heat of the moment things are very confusing hence my not talking too much (there was too much internal dialog going on in my head). It happened so quickly but having a video to review over and over again it's's easy to nit pick every frame. In real time with very little time to grasp what was actually happening, it's a very different feeling. I stand by my integrity. If that's not enough, oh Fucking well. I believe duping should be a ban-able offense. I think of it like I do hacking. If it is a ban-able offense, my video should at least show I don't deserve to be banned. That was my only concern really. Didn't want to get reported for something I didn't do. I presented the video with all the facts despite knowing what it shows. That is deliberate. I expected some criticism for it. But it didn't change my stance or my defense. You have a problem with me looting a duped body, I have a problem with being accused of duping. Two separate issues with or without further explanation. EDIT: fixed a lot of errors and typos due to using cell phone.
  21. Sinphaltimus

    I'm Not DUPID!

    Lol. I wasn't convinced it was my body. And we were in the middle of an encounter. Anyway, I rest my case. What I should have done was shot yellow guy in the face and sorted out the weirdness afterwards.
  22. Sinphaltimus

    I'm Not DUPID!

    Stupid maybe but not dupid. Edit: oh..and..."you're"
  23. Sinphaltimus

    I'm Not DUPID!

    I get it. I don't blame the guy NOW, I was pissed when it happened. I can't really explain what was going on beyond what I put in the video. Even when I went to loot the body, i didn't really believe it was a dupe, I wasn't sure what was going on. My partner knew I guess because he saw 2 of us but i wasn't really completely familiar with how I looked. And the inventory didn't match 100%, there was a lot of emptiness to it. I really was half thinking it could have been someone else logging out or something. I'm pretty sure if we KoS'ed "Yellow Guy" and I came to terms with the fact that yes, I did somehow end up with a dupe of myself, we would have looted it just as if it were another body. But, there's no way I would intentionally do that to circumvent looting. And I agree, i would probably have done the same and reacted the same as "Yellow Guy". I just wanted to get my video out before he traced me down to my YouTube channel and user accounts with a video that shows i'm some kind of cheater. That would have really bothered me to no end.
  24. Sinphaltimus

    Hun'ker Down

    http://youtu.be/StAoajE5pkk Log in to Berezino Factory High Pop Hardcore only to get stuck in there for 2 hours as my squad gets picked off outside. If you don't want to "Listen" to a bunch of action while I watch the stairs,you can skip to 6:39 where the action picks ups and continues to do so for the rest of the video.....