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Everything posted by Tasaio_Khan

  1. Tasaio_Khan

    Communal Areas - Sanctuaries?

    Hey all, First post here. Will be the first to admit that I've only loosely thought through the gameplay implications of this idea, and also that I only searched briefly to see if anyone had suggested anything similar, but here goes. My girlfriend had the idea of some small communal areas in the Standalone, like protected bars, for example or small hamlets. These areas would be sanctuaries, no combat permitted, and could hold potential implications for limited trade, social interaction and perhaps even team options? At first blush, it sounds like a decent idea, but perhaps doesn't exactly fit the "decimation of society" feel I think the devs might be shooting for. But the more I think about it, the more I think that these kinds of areas would exist in a post-apocalyptic society. They'd be heavily protected and fortified, and a barter economy would be almost guaranteed amongst like-minded survivors. It'd be a complete bandit camp spot, no doubt, but perhaps the idea carries enough weight to prompt discussion? What do you think? Thanks for reading. -Tas
  2. Tasaio_Khan

    Communal Areas - Sanctuaries?

    Ah, that's fair enough. Cheers Scavenger for the link - it's a generic enough idea that I would have been suprised had someone not come across it. Still, it's a fair point that these things should be player-made. It would be quite something to have that kind of thing arise in a server. Hopefully the Standalone will have enough about it to have the components in place for such a thing, should players decide to co-operate enough to make it work.