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conan the librarian

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Everything posted by conan the librarian

  1. conan the librarian

    Day - The Beautiful and the Ugly - Last Stop

    Link doesn't work bro
  2. conan the librarian

    Phil Collins Police Chronicles

    Watched the first 20 seconds of the first video, and saw you shoot a fresh spawn who was crouching and being non threatening. Shitty stuff. Shitty video, shitty tactics, shitty dayz player - all round shit. Plus, I hate these vidoes whereby some super-overweight homo internet nerd feels the need to superimpose their ugly bearded, fat ass faces in the corners of the screen. I cannot tell you how shit I feel this contribution is.
  3. conan the librarian

    Peter and the Wolf - Origins of the Wolf (Training Montage)

    It annoys me that well done video stories like this do not get as much attention and praise as a bunch of telepathy-teamspeak pvp psycopaths get on these fora. I'd much prefer to watch stories like this, and I hope posters continue to make them. Again, good work cosmical :beans:
  4. conan the librarian

    Peter and the Wolf - Origins of the Wolf (Training Montage)

    Nice story well done. :thumbsup:
  5. conan the librarian

    burned meat

    I like burned meat.
  6. conan the librarian

    Afraid to go on

    I think that if you play the lone-wolf, like I do, then the merit of your skills is heightened by the additional burden of only one pair of eyes. You can become a better player because of that fear - and this means you scout out areas, act more cautiously and avoid situations that could lead to harm. That is survival.
  7. conan the librarian

    The siege of the North East Airfield

    Shit video, shit gameplay, shit entertainment. All around, I would say that this is pretty shit.
  8. The plot thickens.... http://www.greenmountaincommunications.com/company/news/84-green-mountain-featured-in-tower-times
  9. conan the librarian

    Why i am still scared of green mountain

    The plot thickens.... http://www.greenmountaincommunications.com/company/news/84-green-mountain-featured-in-tower-times
  10. conan the librarian

    DayZ Standalone: Dark Days Ahead- Ep.3

    Good Video :thumbsup: :beans: It's good to have videos like this where you can learn a lot about the game, especially the new features which I haven't tried yet.
  11. conan the librarian

    Loving the Amphibia S

    amphibia lovers are sick, sick men.
  12. conan the librarian

    What kind of food recipes do you want in DayZ

    Corned beef hash - a tin of beans, a potatoe and a slab of fresh cow..
  13. conan the librarian

    Why are people complaining?

    hehe :)
  14. conan the librarian

    DayZ SA still much more laggy than anything else I play

    After they fix: The zombie issues The path finding AI issues the ability to have more than 5 people on a server before it becomes laggy The extreme lag vaulting over fences or using hotkeys the poor fps ability the loot spawn mechanics the zombie respawn mechanics This added to a load of things i have either blanked from my mind or forgotten. But I hear they will be introducing some new snazzy casual clothing spawns to keep us happy.
  15. conan the librarian

    Why are people complaining?

    Dayz cocked up, and now they are going to lose to h1z1, who already have a far reaching system engine to use. Dayz will be the first game to make millions of dollars on a never-released game.
  16. conan the librarian

    Why are people complaining?

    I bet you've seen a lot of changes during your year or so of dayz standalone development.. canvas pants being the biggest thing to turn all of our enquiring heads.
  17. conan the librarian

    My thoughts after 65 hours In game

    Survival in this game is easy to the point of being obsolete. I can play 6-8 hours on 35+ servers without seeing anyone around elektro, cherno and kamishovo. So if you like shooting glitchy zombies on your own in this huge, empty map, this is the game for you.
  18. conan the librarian

    WHY are the big buildings not big?

    In Soviet Chernarus, the buildings live in you!
  19. conan the librarian

    Оптимальный конфиг компа для DayZ

    Yep, 200 spawn locations minimum, with a 70% chance of getting full sized canvas pants.
  20. conan the librarian

    Оптимальный конфиг компа для DayZ

    I agree- there should be more canvas pants spawns.
  21. conan the librarian

    [TLa] Berezino - Balls of Steel Walk

    Crazy goddam Aussies!
  22. conan the librarian

    i like the bandits

    Machete man died first, because of hollywood physics rule number 3 - black people always die first.
  23. conan the librarian

    Top quality hacking - prepubescent boy

    A story from my experiences yesterday. I ran from Ballota to Berezino on a 35+ populated server, and came across nobody - absolutely no one, whilst stopping in each town along the way for at least 5 minutes. The first person who I meet was a hostile fresh spawn just south of Berezino - who was managing to land punches on me whilst sprinting, and seemingly glitching along the way, he was literally disappearing. I spoke to him on chat whilst running, and said 'that's some serious hacking going on' to which he replied 'Yes, I know!, give me your gun and I'll show you how to do it', which I refused. All of a sudden he disappeared, and reappeared with an axe, and landed a couple of blows on me. I managed to shoot him in the leg with my magnum, at which point he began crawling along the floor at sprint pace, and aiming blows at me. I killed him eventually, and during the time it took to bandage myself, he had found me again, super-ghosting his way to me. He boasted that he could be at NWAF in less than 2 minutes. I killed him again, and within 3 minutes he was back at me, where I shot him again, this time he told me to hang tight, because he needed to run to NEAF to get a magazine so that he would kill me. I ran for my life, frightened by this high-pitched shrill voiced hacker, I ran for the hills and begged for a server restart, and today the gods were listening and finally granted me salvation from my tormentor.
  24. conan the librarian

    COAST LIFE - DAY 6 - ☆ Hardcore DayZ Standalone ☆

    YamYam accents.. so articulate.
  25. conan the librarian

    Health and medical supplies

    .....but there are some really cool looking canvas pants in the game though!