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real meatshield

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Everything posted by real meatshield

  1. real meatshield

    thinking about getting a private server in the future but

    Yes there will be plenty of custom servers set up like you want... but ARMA3 Breaking Point mod is already set up like that. Almost. Spawning in with weapons and vehicles is fun, sure- but is agaist the spirit of what DayZ SA represents. Once it's moddable (say, this time next year, maybe), you'll be able to do what you wan, but til then you'll have to suffer with running everywhere and wishing you had a melee weapon.
  2. real meatshield

    Time acceleration- how does it work, server side?

    Bump. Because knowledge is needed.
  3. real meatshield

    Time acceleration- how does it work, server side?

    What the fuck...why would they even have the setting in there? Thanks though, tired of losing players due to restarting for config changes.
  4. real meatshield

    thinking about getting a private server in the future but

    ^^As much as this is overly dramatic, its true.
  5. real meatshield

    Time acceleration- how does it work, server side?

    Bump, because this is a pretty obscure thing right now. No one knows?
  6. real meatshield

    Time acceleration- how does it work, server side?

    Yeah, google-fu is failing on finding reference material besides announcements that its actually there to use. Would much appreciate it if you are able to dig it up.
  7. real meatshield

    Controller button assignment problems

    watch the vid posted in this thread. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/174186-dayz-with-an-xbox-controller/
  8. real meatshield

    DayZ with an Xbox controller

    I have an xbox controller for my pc but would never dream of using it in an FPS. However, one of my guys at work wants to use one for his dayz, so you get my beans because i am passing this on to him.
  9. real meatshield

    When there are only 2 players on the server...

    Up until a few days ago, I would have shot him down without a second thought. My mission, he was impeding my progress, BOOM. No question. Was playing Breaking Point mod the other day, though, and I was a total noob freshie. Think I had been in game all of about 30 minutes maybe, on Thirsk with no idea where I was or where I was going. Looting an abandoned car on a road, all of a sudden I hear a voice in direct, and just about shit myself. Another freshie, but he had an axe. (I had a loaded 700 but only had 5 rounds, but not equipped.) He put the axe down and made small talk, and I kept up the small talk. We went to a construction site, looted and went our separate ways. Dunno why I didn't kill him. He definitely got the drop on me, but didn't kill me...generally I think, too bad for you, because I am gonna kill you now, otherwise in that situation. Something made me hold back.
  10. Come check us out and add us to your favorites. Chicago server, chill admins, daytime server. We have TS but it is not public; register and introduce yourself in the forums and request a password for ts, and come join us. The only time the server will be forcibly rebooted is if I or another admin sees a duper, and we will shut the server down for a few if they come back- make them go elsewhere to wreck the server. Other than that we let the server roll and the savages go crazy :)
  11. real meatshield

    Staging Gear

    Cannot do it just yet. Anything on the deck at server restart is purged from the server on restart.
  12. real meatshield

    What is going on with Dayz right now?

    Im diggin the hell out of those pimp shoes you got on.
  13. Duping is a huge exploit. Hacked mags are as bad, if not worse. Keeping those hacked mags, and then duping them, is the same (in my eyes) as the hack that created the hacked mag in the first place.
  14. real meatshield

    Anyone else experience this, or have I lost my marbles?

    I do that shit all the time, without trackIR. have done it for many years.
  15. real meatshield

    Come get some! Kill on Sight expected and encouraged!

    Come on in and join the party! The Elektro Dance Party, that is! In Elektro, we love to dance the spears! (bonus points to who makes that reference...)
  16. I really don't get how the community seems to be so fractured over 1PP/3PP lately. I don't understand why there is such an overwhelming air of elitism with the 1PP players towards 3PP. Why does there need to be such anger and animosity towards a group of players who play the game differently? i dont know whats worse- the QQ about adding humanity to SA, or the 1PP elitists claiming 3PP players are hacks and no-skill scrubs. Honest to fucking god- if you hate 3PP so goddamn much, stay off the fucking 3PP servers. When I play on 1PP servers, I don't chronically whine that I cant use my 3rd person camera view. I just play like I'm on a huge BF4 map. When I play on regular servers, I don't run around in 1PP mode just for the "realism", I use the same shit everyone else is so we are on a level playing field. Guy on the roof has an advantage because he can see me in the street and I can't see him on the roof? Damn right he's got the advantage, he has the high ground. Good for him. it would appear that those who play 1PP are truly the minority. Server browser alone is ample proof of that, I changed my server from 1PP to 3PP almost immediately after getting it, because it got no traffic. most of the hc servers stay empty or low pop, whereas there are all kinds of full or mid-pop regular servers, all the time. If mod support comes that allows something like that arma3 mod, have fun with it. I wont play it, and none of my friends who i showed it to were interested. Seems like its just a way for 1PP fanatics to lure 3PP players into a broken server...but hey, im just a 3PP cheating scrub, what the fuck do i know.
  17. real meatshield

    Setting up a DayZ server?

    Rental only provided by speciic GSPs, and admin controls are decidedly lacking. You can restart/shutdown the server, change the time of day on the server, and kick people from the server while logged in as admin, in game. The ability to add time compression on the server has been added but not all GSPs have set up admin accounts to be able to take advantage of it.
  18. I got 1shotted by an invisible zombie last week, but I was desynced to hell and back at the time...other than that, I always manage to take hit after hit, then run off and bandage.
  19. real meatshield

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    So saying "fuck you, bro" is more insulting and abusive than calling someone a cheating retard because of the game mode they play? gotcha.
  20. real meatshield

    What is "Fully Geared" to you?

    If I have a primary and secondary, both with ammo, a compass and can opener, and an axe...I am comfortable. Fully geared means a half dozen protector cases, 2 ammo cans and at least 3 pistols. Aint got time for fully geared, man.
  21. I could rally the troops as long as you do this on Sundays. Likely 8-10 could be available, possibly more (got some active duty guys who may or may not be in the field over the weekend.)
  22. real meatshield

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    I'm not understanding why this is even an issue. 1PP players stick to 1PP servers, 3PP players stick to 3PP servers. Either you use it or you don't. This idea is as bad as bringing a humanity system- it unfairly penalizes all players who play 3PP just because 1PP players dont like it- while obviously, the 3PP players have no issue with it.
  23. real meatshield

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    its been said that rocket already said no to ghillie suits. (3rd party, cannot confirm.) as far as rangefinders go, i would rather see a LRS with mil dots over a rangefinder. Range your target the old fashioned way.
  24. real meatshield

    Benefit of the doubt for gear wipes?

    No. Your request is invalid. Rule#1 of DayZ- do not get attached to your gear. Rule #2: It's Alpha, Bitches.
  25. real meatshield

    Hunting blackpowder rifles.

    This was painful to read, but I understood the point he was trying to make. future crafting could make blackpowder-style firearms a possibility. .50 cal blackpowder would drop a man easily under 150m. making it quite viable, yet dangerous to use because of the lengthy reload time. cool idea., i havent lol'd so hard in a while, and it isnt the first time i have seen this. it just... fit. again,