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real meatshield

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Everything posted by real meatshield

  1. real meatshield

    What are the most popular VoIP programs for DayZ?

    I seriously doubt there will ever come a day when ANY game's in-game VOIP will be superior enough to a 3rd party VOIP that it would be worth not having 3rd party in the first place. Not to mention, it will be a cold day in hell before I rely exclusively on in-game VOIP over 3rd party, whether the game attempts to force it or not. The flexibility just isn't there with in-game VOIP, and never will be. Not until the TS devs get into game design, anyhow.
  2. real meatshield

    Anyone getting bored of Standalone?

    Im not totally burnt out. Having an ARMA 3 server helps, as well as plenty of friends who also play both DayZ and ARMA 3. Hell, I hardly knew my way around the map at 100 hours.
  3. real meatshield

    Am i a bandit or hero?

    Beans for truth.
  4. real meatshield

    What are the most popular VoIP programs for DayZ?

    what? is that a rule?
  5. real meatshield

    What are the most popular VoIP programs for DayZ?

    Inception, it was unnecessary to hide my post, as it was entirely relevant to the post I quoted. Despite the fact he was completely off topic, my reply made eminently too much sense. I curse your heavy-handedness. He who wields the banhammer must do so with fairness and justice.
  6. real meatshield

    Anyone getting bored of Standalone?

    Steam member for over 10 years and never knew you could skin it. LOL...
  7. real meatshield

    Anyone getting bored of Standalone?

    I work full time 2nd shift, and its been winter. At 450 hours, and still find time to play other games and do other shit away from the PC. I can see where someone could still have a job and double my time.
  8. real meatshield

    Steam Sharing

    Give him your account login information, and prepare to replace your account shortly thereafter once it gets banned. Never share your account, dude. He either coughs up the cash for his own copy, or doesn't play. There is no "sharing" beyond family, and if I recall THAT sharing has to be sourced from the same IP.
  9. real meatshield

    The LMG/GPMG Thread!

    What I "feel" and what you "feel" are likely two far different ends of the spectrum, and I am no psychologist- so it is beyond me to explain to you what I "feel". Whether they add them or not is irrelevant; I don't believe that, at this point (or anywhere up to vanilla release), LMGs have a relevant place in the game. My take, and my take only. As I have already said I would jump on it if they put them in- far be it for me to be such a purist that I completely ignore them in favor of lesser weapons. However, I think DayZ Gun Game should be a mod, and not a part of vanilla. YMMV.
  10. real meatshield

    The LMG/GPMG Thread!

    I think it would detract from the "feel" of the game, honestly. When I play Wasteland, I go out of my way to get the 7.62LMG and put an ARCO on it... it puts me in beast mode. But thats Wasteland, not DayZ. I think the scope of weaponry, as the game stands right now, is actually not bad. I just don't want to see this game, in vanilla, turn into Wasteland with zombies. I would be all for it in future mods, don't get me wrong. I just feel having LMGs would be out of place. Were they to be put in the game, does that mean I would avoid them? Hell no, I would grab one up ASAP, put on my engineer cap, and go hammer down with the rape train. I just don't feel they are integral to the "grity" feel of the game, at least as how I envision it.
  11. This is such a bullshit crybaby post that isn't even on topic. Keep your 3PP hate in the 3PP hater elitist thread- and while you are at it, grow the fuck up and play in 1PP servers and don't worry about what 90% of the rest of the playing population are doing on 3PP servers, if it bugs you so much. Theres a reason why hardcore servers are mostly empty.
  12. As a server admin I also have to deal with this, but granted it has been very occasional- in the 3 months I have had my server I can count on one hand how many times I have had to kick the real shit disturbers. The ones that I spent more time kicking were dupers. Twice, a couple of months ago, we had hackers invade and cause trouble. Kicking didn't help- I just shut down the server for a half hour, forced them to find somewhere else to pull their bullshit.
  13. real meatshield

    The LMG/GPMG Thread!

    I dunno man. Maybe somewhere down the road in a mod for it, but in vanilla I think it would be OP and out of place. As fun as it would be to shred freshies on the coast, I think it would be just too much.
  14. real meatshield

    Anyone getting bored of Standalone?

    Breaking Point mod, and Wasteland, have been seeing more gameplay lately. Still get in SA a couple times a week but not as obsessively.
  15. real meatshield

    Can we expect to find anything out from PAX?

    Nothing of substance. I want my half hour back.
  16. real meatshield

    If you use Xpadder

    Zeromi- PM me please. I think he can suffer with having to press number keys, and honestly I don't think he will care.
  17. real meatshield

    Wheaton's Law: Don't be a dick

    There are times when being a dick is entirely relevant and appropriate, but the squeaker gamer generation has yet to learn that and sadly might never manage to. He referenced playing coin op in arcades, and man is that ever the truth... and that one-on-one interaction with other players, in person, is what the kids are lacking. Even at LAN parties, the shit talk is never so vile and abusive as it is online. Nothing baffles me more than getting killed by someone, only to have them come to my body and start talking shit in direct, calling me a nigger and a faggot and how good my mom was last night. My mother is 72 years old ffs, if she was good that meant she probably didn't shit the bed in her sleep... Fucking kids nowadays. Can't totally blame them, though, because it's faulty parenting to begin wit that allows and even encourages this behavior.
  18. real meatshield

    If you use Xpadder

    Awesome, looking forward to this. Thanks.
  19. real meatshield

    Spontaneously breaking leg

    You are scheduling the transfer of goods that are already manufactured, packaged, and ready to ship. Game development is far more fluid, and contingent on more variables than a flight being delayed due to weather or a truck shipment lost in an accident. Apples and hamburgers here, man. Not even the same food group.
  20. real meatshield

    Wich vehicles do you want to see in the SA?

    i want the pickup with the mounted .50cal in the bed, like in wasteland. that thing is the shit.
  21. real meatshield

    Spontaneously breaking leg

    i hear they are looking for help in prague. why don't you go show them how its done, since you seem to have so much intimate knowledge of development cycles and team management?
  22. real meatshield

    Spontaneously breaking leg

    true fuckin story. i have over 1000 hours in that train wreck, and havent touched it since shortly after dayz came out. even in alpha, dayz is still far more fun than bf4. kicking myself in the nuts on a regular basis over buying premium too, havent even seen the last 2 expansions. and as far as cod goes... BO2 was the last time i gave craptivision any cash, and that was only because i had to in order to keep playing with the clan i was in. bobby kotick can choke on the bag of dicks hes eating, for all i care.
  23. real meatshield

    If you use Xpadder

    lol'd my ass off at this one haha. however, this xpadder nonsense has my interests piqued. i have a kid that works for me who is now rocking a beast of a gaming pc that i built for him, but he is a console kiddie at heart and mouse/kb just wrecks his day. when i told him about xpadder, he nearly wet himself. however, i have no idea how it works or how to set it up, so if you guys come up with something that incorporates all of the relevant controls on an xbox controller, a setup walkthrough and maybe a config file would be most welcome.
  24. real meatshield

    Spontaneously breaking leg

    No. If anything, the prioritizing should be on your behalf, to find something else to dabble in until this reaches beta at least, since you don't seem to grqasp the concept of alpha. Maybe some BF4? Or CoD? I hear those games don't have the broken leg issues.
  25. real meatshield

    thinking about getting a private server in the future but

    I spawn with my melee weapon- my fists :D