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real meatshield

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Everything posted by real meatshield

  1. Randomizing spawns to be map-wide would instantly out people in a mood to travel to those other, inland towns. Back in the day when Novy and Stary were spawn points, there were people all over the damn place.That doesn't get them the focused testing they want and need, however, which is why spawns are localized. If they force spawns in the NE, then people are going to have no choice but to play in that area, if only for a brief time. Svetlo and the other new town just so happen to be in the NE... There are separate teams developing entirely separate systems and mechanics, that do not, CANNOT follow the same timeline. People keep bitching that there are new clothing items (one team) but nobody hardly bitches at all about new weapons (another team) , while almost everyone bitches about zombies (yet another whole team). There are so many interconnected facets to the development but they do not and cannot all bring updates simultaneously. It just doesn't work like that. I honestly can't wait for the new zombies. I can't wait for them to fix the pathing issues. I can't wait to see a new sniper rifle, vehicles, persistent storage, and private hives. But I also realize this is in alpha and that these things all won't magically appear next wednesday just because I spent 30 bucks and DAMMIT FIX THE FUCKING GAME!!!!!
  2. real meatshield

    First days impression from a game oldtimer

    Old guys representin' in style. Have beans.
  3. real meatshield

    Mosin + LRS cannot see impact

    Practice on zombies. You cant see point of impact but occasionally see blood- but not only that, the zombie goes down. Proof of impact right there :)
  4. recaptcha works well, but it isn't perfect. works good enough to catch about 95% of them on my forums. Its the clever ones that you gotta worry about.
  5. real meatshield

    thanks to you that ruined this game

    Thanks brother! Hopefully my post count can recover...lol
  6. real meatshield

    thanks to you that ruined this game

    Calling them? Teleporting hacker syndrome... ahh yes, I have seen it. once. clearly enough to know that it was indeed, some nefarious business. Which is why I insta-logged (as insta as a 30 second timer can be, anyhow), and lived to survive another session. Been a while, though. Shit happens?
  7. Call me lucky, but I have only run into two cases where I knew 100% someone was hacking. Questionable incidents? Many, but most likely desync issues, or 'bad player is bad' syndrome. If it were ever to get bad enough to warrant action, I would simply stop my server. Not briefly like a restart, but for 5 minutes at least- theyll get bored and find another server before mine comes back up. I have a decent stream of regulars and cant say I have ever had an issue beyond getting verbally assaulted by a squeaker. Call me a cynic but I think there are bigger issues to address before giving clients too much power. I can wait.
  8. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/189125-pistol-prone-bug/?p=1944723 Value added? Man I hope so, I spent almost 5 minutes to confirm this, screenshot it, upload to imgur, repost for confirmation, and post it on the bugtracker here http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=11133 And no, 3 posts that are all QQ makes you look even more like a butthurt sock puppet. Have you bothered to post on the bugtracker about your woes? Or are you leaving them all here in the forums among the sea of whiners? Nah, didn't think so. Still think you need to uninstall.
  9. real meatshield

    [Video] Raiding the Airfield goes wrong.

    I think you are over-interpreting my meaning and not catching the sarcasm, but all good. "Offensive" is a pretty broad brush on these forums, as is the interpretation of such by whichever mod happens to see it first.
  10. real meatshield

    [Video] Raiding the Airfield goes wrong.

    How is this any different than what I posted, kichiron?
  11. Oh, the LULZ! Butthurt much? Fucks sake dude, that was one of the nicer posts I have ever made, and you get all emo over THAT? Were I to reply in my usual fashion I dare say that you would have already bled out from the /wrists I would have induced, but being that your FIRST post WAS delivered in an intelligent fashion, I attempted to respond as such, despite the fact you were QQing over old news- which you would have known was old news, had you been a regular lurker and/or contributor here, or on reddit, or even on twitter. HOWEVER... you come and post what you think is new and groundbreaking, without ever even searching to see if it had been commented on yet. You make no effort other than to register and post the same drivel that has been cried about for a month- allegedly the same month you have been alive- and expect to be welcomed with open arms amidst the herald of trumpets for providing a "new" perspective? Now I say to you, good sir- now is the time to uninstall. Do not load the game again until this time next year. You will be doing yourself a great justice by going back to whatever it was you were playing before. And no, 2 posts only makes you a sock puppet, not LEGIT at all.
  12. real meatshield

    Pistol + Prone = Bug ?

    I'll confirm your bug. Just logged in to try it myself and indeed, if I equip a pistol while prone (tried with 1911 and FNX), you get nothing. Stand up while said nothing pistol is equipped, and I get this... It is unusable at this point. Also, posted on bugtracker. http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=11133
  13. real meatshield

    Character Wipe/Reset is Annoying and must be top priority to fix.

    /win thread /end thread
  14. As a server owner, I would just like to see a way to identify suspect players. No way to tell who the assclown is, even if I am among those who he kills. As it is now, I have no alternative other than to shut the server off and force them to migrate elsewhere with their shenaniganery.
  15. real meatshield

    black mosin magazine visible?

    Until I got my hands on an engraved 1911 I would have concurred... but no longer. Sexiest hardware award definitely goes to the engraved 1911.
  16. real meatshield

    Did anyone else notice this near the NEAF?

    Never click those youtube links. I know what that leads to.
  17. real meatshield

    Unbearable dysnc on stable

    You remember you are playing in an alpha...right? You *have* read the disclaimer that pops up every time you launch the game too, right? The one where you have to click the button that says "I Understand"? Sorry bout your luck, but aside from some strange, unplanned server restarts- on multiple servers, not just my own- myself nor any of my squad have experienced what you are. Your subscribed internet package, as claimed, is nice and speedy- but they only tell you what the network is capable of, not what kind of throughput youll actually be getting. You could have local congestion slowing you down and causing your lag. But remember- it's alpha. Shit breaks.
  18. real meatshield

    Did anyone else notice this near the NEAF?

    You ran up there, didn't you?
  19. real meatshield

    A little tip for when playing at night.

    I want to add a night cycle to my server but until I know how the time acceleration actually works, I'm reluctant to put it in for fear of losing too many people.
  20. real meatshield

    Dead on Server Restart

    Zombie. He aggroed on you as you began to spawn, and delivered a fatal case of whoopass before you could be free from the "Please Wait" demons.
  21. real meatshield

    Torchia's Improved M1911 Textures

    Mine's pretty badass.
  22. I snipe a lot, and don't always do well. I miss a lot of shots- but I put that down to the run-n-gunner soul that I have. I need more patience. That said, setting up and sitting tight are first and foremost. Get in a good position. Secondly, know your ranges from your position, to several other key positions in your line of sight. Thirdly, know an escape route. Best place I had found to long-distance snipe was the apartments above Balota, in Chapevsk. Many key areas at the airfield are in excess of 600m,(ATC is almost 600m, east jail just shy of 450m) and the barracks across the airfield are around 850. Other people will definitely have other selections, and thats good- you need to have someplace to bug out to once the heat is on. I expended a LOT of ammo over there, for minimal return. Those 850m shots were like pissing into the wind, using a pristine-kitted mosin, from prone, with bipod deployed, on the roof. 600m is a really nice shot, in my experience. Beyond that, I would base it on how much ammo you can afford to waste.
  23. real meatshield

    I finally have my precious, sweet Binoculars

    You win, I concede.
  24. real meatshield

    KoSer's Karma

    Fairly astute observation on your behalf to pick out EXACTLY what kind of player he was...all 4 types. Pro skills, indeed.
  25. real meatshield

    I finally have my precious, sweet Binoculars

    As noted on the sign...